

I hate my life. Every bit of it. My mom died during my birth and my father killed himself a day later after hearing the news. I lived with my uncle on my dad's side who hated me. He didn't feed me or even look in my direction. My cousins were the same. When I asked for anything I was called a leech and ignored. They had found out I was allergic to cats so they bought four of them. They were cute, but I was dying. After a while, we were taking a plane to the Bahamas in the summer, and they ditched me in the airport. I was only 6 so I asked for someone to help me find them. I didn't know their phone number and realized I never knew their last names. They also weren't actually going to the Bahamas and I never bothered to learn our address and they couldn't take Pennsylvania. Not only that, but my speaking skills were horrible and the adults could barely understand me.

I was taken to an orphanage, and was bullied there as well. I didn't know first graders could be so cruel. It started out as just ignoring me and leaving me out of activities, to name calling, and by the time we turned 12, they started to beat me up. For any little thing, I'd get hit. They had even begun calling me a leech when I looked for protection from a bigger kid named Jake. He had learned boxing and muay thai and taught them to me, "so no one would step out of line" as he said. For 2 years, I was under his protection and guidance until he turned 18 and moved away to start his life.

The bullies, whose names I didn't care to remember to remember, tried to jump me the day after Jake left. I easily dealt with them and didn't stop until the adults had to drag me off. I beat them half to death of course and was whipped as punishment. I fucking hated that place. After that scandal no one decided to mess with me, they were even nice even after I told them to not talk to me. One of them even had the balls to ask to be my friend, so I beat his ass. Two-faced piece of shit. I completely secluded myself and only read books, worked out, or practiced new techniques.

10 years passed easily, and I had just finished college and began working as a waiter at a nearby Red Lobster. I was nice to everyone, and even got a girlfriend. Her name was Sam. She was the most beautiful person I had met in my ugly life, and was nice to anyone and everyone. Sometimes I couldn't understand how she could be so sympathetic to everyone but I liked it.

One night, Sam finally got accepted to this architecture firm she had really wanted to go to and we celebrated with a drink and some love. I had fallen asleep with her on top of me and I was content. I awoke the next morning covered in blood and her dead body on top of me. I panicked and ran downstairs for my phone when I saw some dick asleep on the floor. Based on the smell of beer and shit, he must've been drunk and passed out. I could see the happy look on his face and when I looked up I could see the window broken and glass on the carpet. I'd dealt with this asshole before, he was Sam's ex and my only friend at the orphanage. Jake.

He hated my guts and even attacked me before while I served his table. He had grown weaker over the years, while I had decided to learn some krav maga. I had beat him up when he pulled a knife on me. He had sexually and physically abused Sam while they were together so with her friend, Bella. When Sam got with me, Jake blamed me for her leaving and after the party we held at the restaurant for her new job, that must've been the last straw for the now broke bastard.

I reached down and flipped him onto his back. There was a knife buried in his chest. He must have fallen over and stabbed himself, or he just killed himself. I fell to my knees and began to cry. I finally had found happiness, and someone had to take it away. I couldn't even exact my revenge because he was already dead. I stood and went to the phone to call the cops. I didn't know what else to do. I shouldn't have touched the douchebag, but I didn't touch the knife, so anyone with two brain cells to rub together would know it wasn't me.

The police came and investigated. Sam had her throat slit and she was stabbed multiple times in the back and head. Jake had actually fallen on his knife, as the investigator deducted, but they would still take me in for questioning. I was in the car when we hit a bump. It was just the speed bump but, BOOM! We exploded and died.

I was being pulled through space slowly. What the hell was that? I thought. "Well to put it in simple terms, you're being reincarnated." The voice came from every direction. It was slightly femimine but definitely robotic. "Who are you." I said aloud. "None of your business." Okay. "What world am I being reincarnated to. One Piece, Naruto?" There was a laugh and a sigh. "You're going back to Earth. As a sea turtle." I could feel myself being pulled faster through the void, like I was in a vacuum. "What! A sea turtle. That's bullshit." I stopped moving. "It's not bullshit. Just because no one liked you doesn't mean you get some special treatment. Look on the bright side, you'll live longer. Just don't eat any plastic and you're gonna be fine." I started being pulled again. "Try to get to the water!" There was a jolt and I bumped into something. "The hell was that?" I asked, my arm now in pain. "Just a malfunction, you're going to be a cat now. It's fine." I hit a wall and pushed off to the side. I began to get pulled that way. "What are you doing!" The voice shrieked. There was a spark and a blast of light in the distance. "Fine, take your fantasy, world. But don't think it will be easy. This is punishment for breaking things. I smiled. Even if it was a fantasy world, as long as I got some kind of power I would be fine.


I was not fine. I was born and my mom died again. At least my dad kept his life and cared for me. We were cat people, but we only had the ears and tail and nothing else. No cool powers or anything. I had black hair but a white and red tail and ears. I grew up happy. Of course that's when things began to go to shit. In this world, nighttime was the worst time. The city, called Skyhaven, had no natural resources for itself and they all had to be retrieved from the forest or the monsters that lived there. Every night, these monsters would get a buff depending on how many moons were out, and they would attack. Every. Single. Night. Once a year, there was a holiday called Night-Day and the Day-Nights. On Night-Day, it was night time all day long. No sun ever rose. But After that were the Day-Nights, where for a random amount of days, there would be no nighttime. There was one Night-Day, all three moons rose into the sky, giving even the weakest goblins, monstrous strength. I was 5, and Father died fighting a dragon. This world had a cruel system. Based on how powerful you were, was your place in society. If you could beat up everyone else and were smart, you'd have a good position in society. Father was weak, anyone that could fight decently would beat him. So what about his son? Due to my age and the fact that I couldn't have developed powers yet, they could still hope, so I was sent to an orphanage. The rest of the children were nice, until their powers began to show. I had a power of my own too. I could steal someone's strength overtime, and if I held it long enough, I could begin to take their powers too. I could hold on to their skills for 10 minutes before I had to give it back and I couldn't siphon from them for another 5 hours. It was strong, but there was a catch.

They had to be willing to give me their strength.

This is a violent world, and immature kids that have a system where, "if I can beat him up, they have to do as I say." Not only that, adults would rarely step in because the doctor and his sisters could literally heal dismembered limbs. Because I was weak, I was bullied. Even working out and using my martial arts skills wasn't enough to overpower their abilities. When their eyes began to glow, it signified they were using their power. They would gain a passive boost in physical strength, speed, and durability. Those were my only assets, but even then I was sent to the nurse every day. Beating me up served no purpose other than to relieve stress, not for any status or anything.

On one particular day, I had just gotten my ass beat by three kids. One of them could push things with a little more force, another could turn into gas, and the third could jump higher. I held my own against the three low tiers, but the gas guy was a mid tier and beat my ass for fighting back. They left me against the wall and walked away laughing. Pricks. I thought. "Here, let me help you." A blue haired elf girl reached down to help me up. She was slender and had bright blue eyes. She looked as if she had just been beaten too. I reached up and took her hand.

I sat up in bed and shook my head. I looked at my clock. I woke up at 5:53, only seven minutes before I had to. I sat up and pulled on a black t-shirt and combed my hair. I threw on my sweatpants and boots. I decide to eat breakfast at a nearby Pacdonald's. This world was weird. They had no advanced technology like the internet or anything. We used a stylus pen like for touch screens on paper and it wrote without ink or lead. Then we had things like Pacdonald's. I definitely messed something up while I was being reincarnated. I walked in and ordered an egg and bacon croissant and a strawberry milkshake. I ate quickly and ran to Skyhaven Academy. I had applied and was accepted so I was going to the entrance exam. You learned normal stuff like a normal high school. Things like math, reading, and history. But this school was specially designed for people who wanted to become an Adventurer or Protecter. Adventurers went into the Moon Forest to find resources for the city and find Diana's Arm. That belonged to the goddess Diana. The was the goddess of the moon and she lost her staff in a fight with Death. It was the symbol of her power so now she, Discordia, goddess of chaos, and Litch, god of evil, send waves of monsters at night to kill the Four Cities unless they find the staff.

Protectors stayed and protected the cities when the moons were up. I couldn't help but think of Attack on Titan, but the Protectors weren't useless. I had decided to become an Adventurer so I could finally see outside the walls. I arrived at the academy and waited 30 minutes for the new students to gather and for the test to start. The goddess of wisdom, Camila, floated down to greet us. She landed on a stage and looked down at everyone.

"Welcome young ones to Skyhaven Academy. The test will be simple. You'll be placed on a tall pillar and will be attacked by monsters for 30 minutes. If you fall off the platform or get overwhelmed, you fail." Sounds easy enough. Everything went dark and I appeared on a large gray circular platform about 50 meters in diameter. I was dead in the center of it. "Begin!" I heard Camila yell.

Immediately, a group of about 50 goblins appeared 20 meters away and began to charge at me. Let's just say, my abilities developed over the years. Once they got to 10 meters I activated my power and began sapping their strength. They were slowing down and I was getting stronger. More goblins started spawning and even some big cats. I siphoned them all and easily killed them. By 25 minutes, I lost the goblins strength but the minotaur's strength and speed were sufficient. The best part was while I got stronger, they got weaker! I easily dispatched some of the stronger monsters and even the wyvern wasn't too much trouble. I had barely moved from my spot and even when the dragon spawned at 29 minutes, even though it flew out of my range, I ran and jumped up 25 meters and grabbed it's tail and began siphoning. I threw it to the floor and smashed into its head, crushing the skull. I began to feel really dizzy. A side effect from taking too much power. I threw up on the floor. If I failed this test, it was rigged from the start.