

Skilerboy is a sarcastic mercenary skeleton who makes fun of everything is for everyone, Skilerboy is a bounty hunter who does everything to earn money to party and drink beer

senhordogamerplay · Horreur
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Skilerboy was on top of a building aiming for his reward

a guy named James who was being searched for several bank robberies

Felina: Hey Skilerboy can you hear me

Skilerboy: I'm not deaf, Of course I can hear you, and even if I were deaf I could hear your annoying voice from far away, what do you want?

Felina: Nothing just wanted to give you this, I don't know why I gave it to you

Skilerboy: Thanks...Felina, You can go now

Felina: Alright, have fun hunting

skilerboy: Sure...you too....I'm sorry about before, It's just, it's been a long time since someone gave me such a good thing, or at least, one that was something besides the cold hard cash in my pocket

Felina: Whatever

Felina went offline

James: Who are they?

Skilerboy: Just some people who I met a few days ago

James:so are your friends

Skiĺerboy: I wouldn't call friends only people who put up with my meaningless jokes, but yeah, those are some friends

James: Well what are you waiting for then, let them join us in our hunt

Skilerboy: I don't think so, They're mercenaries and I'm nothing more than a bounty hunter

James: So? We all make money off others' misery!

Skilerboy: as a saying goes i read hell is full of hypocritical people oh wait those hypocritical people are you james who says how horrible the bounty hunter job is but you keep working anyway how ironic huh...

James: Fuck you skilmerboy

James left

Skilerboy: Well I should probably find them...they aren't that interesting after all

skilmerboy found them

James: hey, we were just talking about you, how did you meet him??

skilmerboy: well when i joined this gang, my name was called out by one of them, He said that i would be their new member

James: well what's your story

skilmerboy: the story is to stop talking and focus on the work that is the man we have to kill to earn money

James: you're a funny kid aren't you. well i hope you do better than this other dude

André left

Skilerboy: I hope that face André left isn't cattle and I'm just apologizing for being born a man

James: well at least you'll get paid

James went offline

Skilerboy spotted his target who was James X who is the biggest mugger in the country

(James X is his gang)

James X: listen folks our plan will be to break into the mint

Skilerboy: Spain I know I've heard this story before

James X is your gang look back is see Skilerboy

James X: what

Skilerboy: looks like you guys copied this robbery from the series there house of paper

(the first two characters)

James X: I'm sorry, What?

James X: You can read my mind?

Skilerboy: No, I just saw the first part

James X: well what are you still doing here?

Skilerboy: well that may sound like peddling but I come to get my bounty but for that to happen I need to kill you first which is why I came here instead of killing you myself

James X: and you think i'll be easy enough to get killed just because you stole some shit from my gang

Skilerboy: maybe not easy to get kill but definitely not hard

James X: fine then, I'm willing to negotiate

Skilerboy: seriously ok give me a billion dollars and we'll talk

James X: no way

Skilerboy: I expected it, I just wanted to make sure, now that I'm sure, you need a light punishment

Skilerboy shoot James X in the balls

James X falls down screaming holding his eggs that are bleeding a lot

Skilerboy: the good news is you can become a woman the bad news is you'll never have kids and you'll never be able to stick your dick in some hot woman's pussy ever again

Skilerboy: sorry I suck at metaphors

James X: damn it

The rest of the gang was watching and laughing while James cried

James X: you little asshole

(in the client's room)

Skiĺerboy throw James X to the ground

Skilerboy: here being the guy who doesn't have eggs ain't even dick to make kids or fuck more, you wanted him alive here he is where's my reward

Customer takes 1 million dollars and gives it to Skilerboy

Skilerboy take your money and then look at James X who will have a fate worse than death

Skilerboy: I'm glad I'm not you, how lucky for me kkkkk

Skilerboy then leaves the house letting his Client do sick things against James X.

The next day James X was walking home

James X: what did the boss do to deserve a beating like that, he didn't say anything

James X went inside his home to change his bandage, his wife asked him if he got hurt. James X told her that he did.

James X: he hit me really hard

His Wife: well, how did you manage to survive that? I thought that you were gonna die

James X: i'm just an idiot.