
Skilled World

After two years of constant wars, and several races decimated, the time has come for the realms to unite to put an end to the Tarsost. Let us follow the trajectory of several characters, each with their ideals along this common goal, to restore peace.

Gustavo_Luiz_Art · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

The Queens of the Arena

The day was hot, it was 10 am, but the sun burned the skin of those who were walking. The street was plunged into the depths of that sea of ​​people, and all this excitement on this festive Saturday denounced that the duels that were going to take place in the Coliseum were about to begin.

Children pulling their parents by the arm and asking for the most diverse sweets or fried foods that the vendors advertised there, but in all this euphoria, a clean corridor was created, where no one walked, they looked like they were in the presence of the King himself, but the people were screaming steric for the arrival of the champions of the last 5 duels, the Valkyries. There were three jovial girls, one redhead, another blonde and the third with black hair, the three fought together, as there was such a modality that only gave the title of Legends, in this case of group work, to the team that won 12 duels in a row. Unlike the Individual Duel, which would have to be won 8 duels for such a title. And in this way, when losing a duel 2 times in a row, the acquired title is lost, resetting the win count. However, this individual modality did not cross their minds, as they were used to combining their skills since they were teenagers. Apparently the fact that they were longtime friends made all the difference in this group, making them the most fearsome group in the Northern kingdoms. Everyone shouted their individual names, but the most audible was the name of their group, "Valkirias", everyone knew that this was the last challenge for them to get the title of Legends, (in the statistics it was like this: 6 wins - 1 defeat - 5 victories), even so, among the crowd of fans, it was still noticeable looks of envy, people cheering against, possibly betting on rivals to profit from their defeat.

-Hmm... let's see.....

After a long pause while looking at a large leather-bound book, the Duelist Receptionist replied:

-Haa.... here it is..... Adryna, Sarskeroh and Liduan, the three Valkyries..... could you please follow me, yes?... Ohow....

Emitting that sound like a dog barking, the Treant Receptionist, a Tree Man, leads them into the waiting room for preparations before the duel.

He opens a door taller than his eight feet, and then straightening his purple suit over his rough-clad body, he lowers his head and leads the maidens into the next room with his hand outstretched:

-Here it is....feel free, when it's time for the Duel I'll call them, needless to mention that it's strictly forbidden Poisons of all kinds, And attacking Male Lowlands...Ohow....

-Yes...yes... we already know the rules, leave us alone now, we need to change.

Answered the golden haired girl, appearing to be bored with such conversation.

A tall Orc who was there for a duel, calmly arrives behind the girl saying:

-Wow... how skinny you are.... Rowc.... (Sound characteristic of the Orcs) How about getting out of here huh brat?.....

Other Orcs in the background laugh at the situation. The girl slightly lifts the left side of her nostril indicating disgust and then applies a quick flick with her sword.

She in a fraction of a microsecond stops with the sword pointed right and high. After 2 seconds in this pose, the Ogre to which he was speaking, spurts green blood everywhere, while the upper half of his body that was cut off, the piece falls diagonally to the ground.

Everyone silences their laughter, and changes their features to terrified, she sheaths her sword and continues walking to the waiting room with her colleagues, while the others watch them with cold sweat pouring down their faces.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------

40 minutes had passed, the room was hot, and the last scream from the stands was heard 10 minutes ago, with exhausted patience, the girl with blue eyes and yellow hair gets up with all her strength heading towards the door:

-Enough of this bullshit... I can't wait any longer....

-Adryna.... wait..... it's not our turn yet....

She warned her blood-haired companion.

-Don't you dare try to stop me Liduan.... I'm going to have a few words with that damn Treant...

Before she could touch the door, it was opened by the wooden-bodied man on the other side, to which he was astonished to see her and said:

-Ohow... the ladies can go to the arena now, the other group is ready for the duel..., forgive us for the delay, it's just that they were late to arrive.... Ohow....

With a look on her face that didn't let Adryna hide her fury, she continued walking towards the hallway to duel soon. Her colleagues looking at each other seeing the scene, didn't think about anything else, just followed their leader.

In the large hallway towards the gate to the Arena, other fighters waited their turn, while some groups discussed battle strategies, but they all began to whisper under their breath as the Valkyries crossed this white stone course.

A man stood in front of Adryna, who, being tall, made her have to look up.

-Well well well..... who did I find around here.... don't tell me that today the impeccable lady will leave this arena like a Legend? and... to think... that you didn't even invite me to see this moment.... I'm glad I was so lucky to be here today....

-Get out of my way Ferdnand, I have 3 heads to cut off, you don't want to be the fourth, do you?

-Ui.... calm down girl.... I'm here to support you.... let's have a beer after my duel, how about that?

Narrowing her eyes as if trying to read the expressions of the man in front of her she says:

-Are you also going to duel today?.... so I'll wait to see your defeat, it will make my day much better....

-Hahaha.... you are hilarious... but I truly believe that I will see those little arms of yours celebrating my victory...

The blonde braided haired girl grips her sword scabbard tightly while her frightened friends in the background don't know what to do.

-Come on girls, it's our duel now.... don't waste time with this weakling....

Pushing Ferdnand aside with the shoulder of the arm that held the scabbard, she continued to parade past the gate through which she let the radiant light of the sun penetrate the darkened room.

The tall man who had just been ignored looks at the three of them heading towards the arena without hiding his proud smile on his face.

-Ferdnand you're really going to go out with this... thing... what a woman without manners... I believe an Ogre would be more sensitive...

He looks at his friend and says:

-Hahaha in fact Patlon, I've already faced more than 10 Ogres, but I wouldn't have the courage to face a rude girl like that hahaha

The two laughed as all the other duelists in the hallway looked at them with serious faces. Everyone knew that Ferdnand was one of the strongest Legends in the entire North, and they didn't know how a girl who wasn't even Legend would dare to treat him that way. Or much less....how could he let that happen? that's what everyone was asking.

Patlon was an aspiring mage, from a young age he tried to do the performance tests in every fighting art, failing all, his dream was to be like Tarthió one of the last 2 Supremes that are still alive, he knew that this hero was one without abilities too when younger, and that Tarthió had walked away from the realm to try to evolve or die in the process, and 5 years later he returns with an unimaginable magical moder. He was the only one of the former Ultimates who won the title in 5 days, dueled for three days in a row, earning the title of Legend, and accepted the suicide mission contracts for the next two days, completing each one in one day. In the eyes of the other Ultimates he appeared to have used some trickery or financial power to buy his status, which made one of the greats of the day, Merfiotor, challenge him to a duel to prove if he was worthy of that status. It was the first and only duel between Ultimates since then, and Tarthió won his opponent overwhelmingly, leaving no further doubts.

Patlon saw himself in this hero, and began seeking out schools of magic to be an aspiring mage, but so far he is not demonstrating great control over magic, proving to be yet another area he has no affinity for.

-Ferdnand, I will duel by your side next season, I swear to you my friend..

-Patlon.... let's face it..... you don't even have enough magic skills to attack, see more for a duel....

Your friend bites his lip as if he knew this but didn't want to admit it.

-Do you remember when we met? we were still children, and you were the best of all with your sword skills. I knew it was impossible for me to do those things you did, but you reached out to me while everyone turned their backs on me, and told me to be your battle partner. I never forgot that Ferdnand...

-Did I say that? man... it's been a long time huh.... we were pretty naughty kids....

-I'm serious.... I want to be useful to you on the battlefield, I don't want to be this dead weight that I am right now. I spent more than 7 years of my life studying magic, and I only know how to do defense spells, I can't master the attack ones... I don't know what area I can be good in anymore... if I've already failed in all of them.. ..

Visibly downcast, the man in the yellow robe looks down as if the weight of shame has fallen on his head.

-I believe in you Patlon.... we'll find something you're good at.... and you'll be the best at it, I assure you....

With these encouraging words, Ferdnand shakes hands with his friend, and they go together to the stands to watch the duel that was about to begin.