
Skill:UNLIMITED Reincarnated as a Peasant

By trying to save a girl he was acquainted with, Fritz Desmond unfortunately died when the girl tried saving him from getting stabbed, thus reincarnating in another world wherein he was given the Unique Skill: Skill Generator.

JuliusAlfred · Fantaisie
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463 Chs

155. Lesson of the Evil

The once invigorated Emperor had looked so debilitated now that his twins were dead. He had lost all the energy he possessed back in the days and is now gloomy and devastated. Though he might have lost all that, the terrifying aura he once possessed was still there, giving chills to everyone. Had they been mere strangers to the Emperor, none of them would have tried to talk to him. Now that he was in a state of utter breakdown.

Tonight's party had ended the way everyone wanted it to end. The Emperor showed little interest in what his nephews and nieces offered and said to him. Still, he was hospitable towards his relatives. He had his servants and maid show the Marsupians the way to their respective prepared rooms.