
Skill Overlord System (DROPPED)

A billion people, including Quinn, was suddenly summoned to another world by an A.I. like existence claiming to be that world's consciousness. The A.I. explained how that world is similar to a game world and then spoke of it's troubles. He asked the humans, who posses endless creativity and boundless intelligence, to help it's inhabitants. In return, they could obtain infinite strength and build their own kingdoms and civilizations. Each person was then given a talent that would be awakened upon levelling up. Upon awakening, Quinn soon learned that he obtained his own cheat that could let him rise to the top without barely doing anything

Phantomato_101 · Fantaisie
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39 Chs

Chapter 26: Livestreaming

After being briefed once more, the adventurers were finally able to enter the new dungeons. All of them rushed in excitedly.

Among the adventurers, there was someone who was slightly slower than everyone else. It looked like he was scrutinizing every corner and was talking to himself. The players would of course find this scene familiar.

Someone was livestreaming!

This adventurer's name was Mark. He actually had some fame among the players. He wasn't that strong but he wasn't weak either. He wasn't that strong because he mainly focused on studying the wilderness, ranging from all kinds of plants to different species of animals. He even attended a few of Quinn's classes before. He wasn't that weak either because he possessed a diverse amount of knowledge that let him cope in the wild.

Mark also used that knowledge to earn a living through livestreaming. He made various guides on how to survive in the wild and achieved a small fame from it.

Of course, Mark wanted to use this opportunity to livestream his dungeon diving experience into the dragon dungeons and maybe try the phoenix dungeons later on.

Because he rode on the dungeon's popularity, his views already shot up and were way more times the amount he normally got. Through the bullet screen, Mark could see that everyone was urging him to enter.

"Alright everyone, before we enter, I'll give a simple introduction to this place first. Right now, we're in the dragon dungeon area and there are five dragon dungeons here. The other five on this floor are the phoenix dungeons."

"I heard that the dungeons were called this way because the monsters residing inside were all dragon descendants. However, since the Tier was too low, they degraded back to looking like reptiles except that their strength is way above normal monsters."

"This dungeons are also special wherein we can take monsters out as long as we tame them. Hah, this will be like taming a potential dragon mount in the future."

"So without further ado, let's dive in!"

The livestream suddenly went static as soon as Mark passed through the portal. It then reverted back to normal when he reached the dungeon on the other side.

The first he did was of course to look around. He wanted to look for possible things that would help him and also to show the scenery to the audience.

Because of the dense mana inside, plant life had thrived greatly and the ground was littered with a diversity of weeds, flowers and herbs. It directly created an image of paradise and audience was awed by the sight that they forgot that this was a dangerous place.

Mark, after admiring the view for a while, picked up some of the herbs along the way. He was also explaining why they were helpful to their journey. Some could numb pain, stop bleeding, hide the scent, heal small wounds and other various effects.

After only a few minutes, Mark was actually already able to meet his first dungeon monster. From the appearance, it looked like a dark green Komodo Dragon.

"Everyone should be careful when encountering this monster. I don't know what

it's called in this world but it does look like a Komodo Dragon. Just those animals are venomous so we should keep close watch especially since this is not earth and the animals are bound to have some differences."

Just as Mark finished talking, the lizard suddenly dashed towards him in a straight line at a rapid speed. Thankfully, it wasn't that agile enough to make turns quickly and could only charge at a straight line. Mark easily dodged it and the lizard struck a tree with its claws instead

There was something that Mark noticed at that point. He saw that the spot marked with the lizard's claws looked like it was being corroded.

"Sssss, this lizard can enchant its claws with poison. Thank god I dodged."

However, before Mark could thank his lucky stars, the lizard suddenly spat at him. The saliva flew towards him at fast speed and caught him off guard. He managed to move but his arm was still grazed.

Instantly, a burning sensation spread across Mark's arm. He tried to ignore the pain and instead focused on the lizard to prevent it from sneaking in another attack.

Mark took out a staff from his inventory. Judging from his main weapon, he should be a magic type player.

Mark stepped backwards a few more times to creat more distance before shooting out a ball of fire towards the lizard. It didn't injure the lizard greatly but it caused it a lot of pain. Seeing that there's hope, he just rained fireballs on the poor lizard until it was burnt to a crisp.

After everything was done, he first grabbed a bunch of herbs and applied them on his arm. He then reassured the worried audience that he was alright.

After that, he decided to check his loot. After the corpse dissolved into light, what was left was a few scales that could be forged into strong armor dropped. There was also a poison sac that could be used as a trump card later on.

After keeping everything inside his inventory, Mark finally felt a wave of exhaustion. He slumped under a tree but still didn't let his guard down.

Before Mark could even get decent rest, there was a sudden explosion that startled him. Following that was something flying over towards his direction and landed directly beside him.

Mark looked over ands saw that it was a bloodied body. The blood was still freshly flowing, indicating that he had just been killed.

Two figures then suddenly rushed over. The scene of them running over was quite a strange scene because their movements were exactly similar. Moreover, they shifted their cold eyes towards Mark in sync.

Mark knew that they wanted to finish him to wipe out all evidence and prevent witnesses from popping up. However, although he knew their intentions, he currently couldn't do anything since he had just undergone a tough fight and was injured.

The two stepped forward at the same time and were about to slash their swords when a tall average looking guy appeared. At first, he looked at the scene with indifference but as if realizing something, he shouted furiously.


Hearing the shout, the two people immediately froze at the same time as if time had stopped. They didn't dare to move.

The man walked over quickly and shouted again, "What do you think you both are doing?!" He glared at them and demanded an answer.

The two suddenly looked like they could move again and then answered through gritted teeth, "We were just taking revenge since this guy stole our treasures from under our noses."

"So you resorted to murder?! It would've been fine even if you broke a leg and robbed him back but obviously you've toyed him before killing him mercilessly. But now, you even wanted to implicate an innocent!"

The duo then fell silent as if they were afraid of this man. The man then looked at Mark and asked, "Are you livestreaming?" Seeing Mark nod, that man asked again, "Were you livestreaming even before the incident happened?"

Mark nodded again then the man said, "That's good. That means that we have plenty of witnesses this time. We can capture this people and have them locked up."

After that, he rushed over towards the duo and captured them as them easily. He then tied them up before looking towards Mark again and said, "You're Mark right? Name's Michael by the way. I've seen some of your livestreams and I've gotta say, some of them really did end up helping me a lot."

Mark was proud for a moment before suddenly revealing a shocked expression. "You're Michael?! The Michael that's constantly fighting for the second spot with Sumi?!" No wonder he was so strong. After the realization, Mark was even prouder since Michael actually knew him and admitted to having watched his livestreams.

A trace of displeasure flashed across his eyes at the mention of the the war for the second spot before quickly disappearing. He nodded calmly as if he didn't really care about it.

Michael then waited for Mark to recover for a bit before asking him if he wanted to go back together and turn over the two murderers. Moreover, according to Michael, Mark was very knowledgeable about the wildlife and it'll be a great help having him around.

After a few hours, they finally exited the dungeon. They carried the two criminals and went to the reception desk to report the situation. The receptionist in charge was startled before quicky passing on the information to the higher-ups which was actually only Avelin and Jarvis for now.

Of course, Quinn was also informed since this was actually the first time such a serious case as murder appeared inside the town. At most, there had been a few brawls between adventurers over loot.