
Skarvenian journey

a young boy goes by the name Wreck Veganson, travels around the universe and meets people on his journey, whether they have troubles living on this world or have the desire to change it to the better, let's go on an adventure to see what utter shenanigans might come on his way

mancoler8 · Romance
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75 Chs

episode 5

"wreck" kept running from "klai" and "kira" as they chased after him to bring "tika" back home.

Tika:-there's a house nearby , a certain child lives there.

Wreck:-what kind of child? (I know some "skarvenians" that can live their own lives alone in one shelter , I hope it's not someone familiar).

A "skarvenian" boy who's 2 years older than "wreck" by the name "stark veganson" sees "wreck" from the window then comes out , "wreck" got surprised while meeting "stark".

Stark:-you…why do I see you?

Wreck:-[surprised] "stark"? you were here?

Tika:-[surprised] you know?

Stark:-"wreck veganson" , I know you…and most of all , I know "wicker"…is he with you?

Tika:-can you please help him , "stark"…my brother and sister are going to kill him.

Stark:-…I haven't heard an answer yet from him , where is "wicker"?

Wreck:-… "wicker" is gone…I have failed to save him.

"klai" and "kira" have just arrived.

Stark:-now I see how you have been proposing…as a kid who does not know how to find his own angles.

"stark" unleashes his powers , tentacles appearing from his back and went to grab a spear from his house.

Stark:-you promised little brother , but once the promise was thrown judgement rains over its keeper , "wreck veganson"…you must face punish , by death.

"stark" stabs "wreck" by the spear on the middle of his chest , "tika" got frightened , she cried and hugged "wreck" as her brother and sister seeing her.

Tika:-I'm sorry.

Wreck:-no…he was right , if I can't be the man of my words then what am I? but still…I always had something that helped me see my true path , just look.

"wreck" removes his scarf and shows it to "stark".

Wreck:-"wicker" is right here standing beside me , he always will.

"stark" was surprised , he removed the spear and took the scarf , "wreck" heals himself and "tika's" brothers are on their guard.

Stark:-spare you little brother , I will let you live for now , the next time we meet I want you to prove me that you're the man of your words.

Wreck:-I will , I promise.

Kira:-huh? We came all the way here just to see this? And I thought that scarf was from a girl.

Klai:-"tika" , give me one reason why do you still want this brat?

Stark:-"klai" , how have you been? It's a long story if you want to know who is this boy that she love , we can have a talk at my house , just drop the worries.

"stark" invites all of them in to his house and have a little bit of green tea.

Klai:-this tea sure does calm my mood.

Kira:-I thought "komi" came from heaven.

Stark:-no , he wouldn't lie if he says that he came from the world of knowledge , our world we call it "skarven".

Wreck:-like I said , in my world it's like a future.

Stark:-let me tell you a story of how is "wreck veganson" or "komi" as he says is my brother…it began 4 years ago in "skarven" at a small town called "baskerhill" , I use to work at a small church , helping any orphan who had no hope on living without their parents , even though "wicker" was there he is also my brother in catch , for a member of the "veganson" family to be united was the greatest hope for another to appear , later that day "wreck" appeared having a hard breakdown , shivering with fear and had one blue demonic eye on his left eye , found behind the church.

Wreck:-for someone to have such blue eyes "skarvenian's" eyes are pitch black , but once we're dead our eyes turn white.

Stark:-"wreck veganson" identified himself to me and said that he was adopted for the rest of his life , "wicker" "wreck" and I asked ourselves do we have a mother or a father , but we never asked we had these strange powers , the next day "wicker' and I were praying for hope but "wreck" always gets into trouble and giving such non-sense speeches , not a believer of gods? Yeah right.

Wreck:-I do not believe in them "stark" , I never will.

Stark:-then one day he said that our mother is alive , with such words he grabbed my attention , I told "wicker" to watch over him so I can leave the church and go searching for her , but "wreck" had other plans in mind so he told me not to scatter by foot and showed me the "egress gate".

Wreck:-you still know how to use it , do you? the "egress gate" allows anyone to quick travel from world between worlds , for what purpose you came here?

Stark:-waiting…I waited for much more than a reason , if mother is alive like you were saying brother I will go around place to place till I got interest into listening to know where are you now…I asked a fortune teller and that lead me here.

Wreck:-since now you've heard from me , are you going to travel again?

Stark:-…I still want to hear from you , I want to know how "wicker" died.

Wreck:-…heart cancer…working at the church was giving "wicker" illness , we both ran away , "wicker" did not speak of his illness and fell , I tried to save him but he said he needed this.

Stark:-[surprised]…what the hell!

Wreck:-he told me if I see my mother I will let him know "wicker" said hi…after that he gave me his scarf before he died , I don't know where do people take such scary decisions and yet it felt like I'm having sins , after "wicker's" death I went back to where I'm adapted , in my town I acquired…some special titles , like "expert number three".

Klai:-[shocked]…you were a member of the three experts from last two years ago?

Kira:-him? No way this , is not possible.

Wreck:-if I tell you there was a crystal that can cancel your powers will you believe me?

Kira:-okay now I'm starting to believe , but for what reason you came here with your partners?

Wreck:-…it was a mission…to return "sheiva hailberg" to "skarevn".

Stark:-[shocked] "sheiva"? as in princess "sheiva"? I heard rumors that her father was a savior of "baskerhill".

Wreck:-you mean the famous guy "Alfred Hailberg"? I know him as the man who hired me for gadget crafting , although I did not want to work for him but he forced me ,[whisper] by making me date his daughter.

Stark:-hmm , when it comes to dating you have no resistance! So much for a gadget crafter.

Wreck:-[laugh] and still…I made a bigger promise , I will only be able to return to "skarven" when I'm 18 years old , and that means from now 7 years to explore , search for more friends and even search for larger quests.

Stark:-so you want "skarven" and "earth" knowledge to be equal! I can understand it when you are here.

Wreck:-aren't you gonna help too?

Stark:-not interested on helping this world , I'll leave it to you , alright…I'm leaving now , I will see you somehow.

Wreck:-wait…before you go will you do me a solid please? Want you to deliver a code to my friends , do you know a person who can make one?

Stark:-…I know an iron smith who's particularly a "skarvenian" , he lives in the nearest town here.

Klai:-not that man again!

Kira:-man I like that person.

Everyone went to the smith house to meet a "skarvenian" named "dwarb" , before getting in they stopped "wreck" and "tika" from going.

Wreck:-what are you doing?

Kira:-sorry , but this man has a bad language.

Wreck:-huh! I know many languages , even swearing one.

Stark:-just…come in "wreck" , let "klai" watch over his little sister.

"stark" "kira" and "wreck" went in to see "dwarb"

Kira:-hey "dwarb" , didn't know that you're from "skarven".

Dwarb:-[surprised]***t! who told you that?

Wreck:-"dwarb"? as in "dwarven "dwarb"? the ***k?

"kira" was shocked when she heard "wreck" swearing , "dwarb" was surprised to see "wreck" and bowed.

Dwarb:-if it isn't "alfred's" gadget ***ch , how are you here?

Wreck:-I actually promised not to go back to "skarven" till I'm 18.

Dwarb:-***k ***t! expert number three exploring without his ***king partners?

Stark:-we don't have time for this ***ch.

Kira:-[shocked]what the , who is teaching you those ****ty words?

Wreck:-it's how we usually talk around "dwarb" , he said respected language is much ****tier than swearing , so talk to him by swearing.

Kira:-this doesn't make any sense at all

Wreck:-swearing f***.

Stark:-will you stop ***ching around and write the ***king code will you?

Dwarb:-I think I ***t my pants , what did you says?

Wreck:-it's more like chisel on an iron plate.

Dwarb:-alright I got that ready , what do you want me to draw ***k head?

Wreck:-just write "M.M.R to P4".

"klai" and "tika" are sitting outside and waiting.

Klai:-so it's "wreck veganson"…a kid who use to be one of the three experts , I can't believe he would arrive once more because of you , did he tell you anything?

Tika:-…he wants to conquer north west nation.

Klai:-[surprised]that's stupid! Conquer north west for what reason? There are good people there , even though their king "ghufran" was their greatest savior , is he being so greedy about this?

Tika:-please don't hurt him…he has reasons to do things.

Klai:-whatever he is plotting I still can't trust him.

"dwarb" has finished chiseling on a metal plate and "stark" is ready to leave with his spear starting to draw the "egress gate".

Wreck:-with this code I want you to give it to "roufey" , the expert number one at a house "2949" in "harbenland" , he will know exactly what to do with it.

Stark:-"wreck"…right after you conquer north west nation make sure you leave , hasta la vista , you don't like thrones , do you?

Wreck:-…of course I'm not going to sit on a throne , it disgust me.

Stark:-good , now see you somehow , little brother.

Wreck:-we shall meet again one day , "stark veganson"

"stark" leave the planet through the "egress gate" and heads to "skarven"

Stark:-I know you were there , "wicker"…you were beside "wreck" this whole time…you soul summoned him to "tika" didn't you?