
Skarvenian journey

a young boy goes by the name Wreck Veganson, travels around the universe and meets people on his journey, whether they have troubles living on this world or have the desire to change it to the better, let's go on an adventure to see what utter shenanigans might come on his way

mancoler8 · Romance
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75 Chs

episode 44 It wasn't you

Back at the mid-nation "Landy" suddenly wakes up knowing that his owner is dead, he went on howling and crying, alerting everyone that something went wrong.

Kira:-something went wrong…we need to look for "Wreck" this instant.

Meanwhile "Gaplock" delivers the "Masmur" rods to "Ghufran" face to face.

Ghufran:-how long has it been? You spent too long getting me those rods, explain yourself this instant.

Gaplock:-I've been running through troublesome children, they have been attempting to take the rods just to use it for their own selfish reasons, catching them was undeniably harder than I thought, so I made a perfect plan to lure them somewhere they can not escape and caught them.

Ghufran:-and who are those children?

Gaplock:-never asked their names, but suddenly they lost all hopes and died.

Ghufran:-…fine then, give me the rods, everyone…it is time that we strike after we're done with those rods.

"Ghufran" attached all the rods together then raised it in the sky.

Ghufran:-rods…give me strength, [yell] that I desire.

He breaks the rods, then suddenly a beam appeared above him, giving him power that he always dreamed of.

Ghufran:-I can feel it…with this I can rewrite this world with my own hands no one is going to get in my way.

Gaplock:-…(that's right…believe…let this power fuels you even more).

Ghufran:-[yell] advance, advance to mid-nation, that is our first target.

All the troops grabbed their weapons even the guns that are made in "Skarvenian" style and the crystal shooters, they head out to the direction of the mid-nation on their horses and cephadromes, wasting no time at all, meanwhile "Wreck" is dead and left alone in the desert, no one to find him nor pick his body, "Wreck" wakes up in the afterlife.

Wreck:-not fair…I just…suddenly died out of the blue…so where am I now?

Azrael:-you are dead.

"Wreck" turns around and sees "Azriel" the angel of death.

Wreck:-who are?

Azrael:-it's not time yet, you still have something to do.

Wreck:-wait, I know you, you're the angel who takes the spirits of the dead to the afterlife, you must be the angel of death…you're "Azrael".

Azrael:-you have quite the knowledge about angels, although there's no time for me to chat right now, so follow me, you have a guest.

He followed him to a place where there is a table, chairs, a roof and some tea, and there he sees his very first friend "Benjamin" with "Avdon", so calm and harmless, he stood in front of him doubting of his appearance.

Ben:-hi first friend, it's been a while…you can't be serious about doubting my appearance, that's a bad habit of you.

Wreck:-[cry, laugh] you were waiting for me this whole time!? [kneel] I am so sorry that we couldn't fulfill that promise we made, that we could protect our everything, and yet I took your life and ruined it, please forgive me.

Ben:-woah, slow down, it's not like I'm going to punish you or anything.

Wreck:-how can you say that? without me you could have lived, you were not meant to die so early.

Ben:-"Wreck", look at me…I'm going to tell you this in some way you can understand…I planned to die.

Wreck:-[confused] but you, then who…what?

Ben:-I planned to die, even if I lived…I'd still die, it's the fate I can't run away from, even the word "If" can't do a thing.

Wreck:-what do you mean? You still have that future vision; couldn't you prevent it?

Ben:-I tried, I tried and I tried, over and over again my fate is sealed, even when I found one, you're the one who dies and I'm the one who breaks the promise, fate is not something you can shift, it's literally impossible, even with future visions, so that's why I gave up, I'm the one who gave up on the promise, I used it as a pawn to lure you forward.

Wreck:-what do you mean lure me forward? You didn't even do anything bad to be taken away from life.

Ben:-you're wrong, it has nothing to do with doing something bad that the gods would take you away, it has nothing to do with my ambitions…the real reason I die is because I'm the source.

Wreck:-the source? You mean like, if you lived "Skarven" would havoc chaos around the city?

Ben:-that's right, I'm the source that can start the eternal war, let me ask you something, what is your gift, how does it work?

Wreck:-oh um…I bare the magic eye?

Ben:-no…your true gift, the magic eye is just something passed down from a legend.

Wreck:-…my true gift, whenever someone looks at me I can feel the gaze, I can even tell if it's smiling, terrified, sorry or angry, I can even point out the direction of the gaze.

Ben:-yeah and that's the point here, doesn't having this gift makes you dangerous? You can tell where people are only if they looked at you, just imagine how much you can escape from those eyes before they could even get to you, or hunting a bounty that dies after one look, you will be unstoppable, but unlike me who can meet people in my dreams I am even more dangerous than you are, with just one sleep I can predict the movements of my enemies.

Wreck:-[surprised]…I see…so that is why you should die…but what was all that being my friend in the first place?

Ben:-to save you of course, your life is still not a waste, I will explain this to you, but first…grab yourself a tea and stay calm.

"Wreck" sat on a chair and made a tea for himself, he felt calm after drinking it.

Ben:-look, "Wreck"…saving myself is just a short story nothing good comes from that…however, saving you means to save many people as we can, you see…the moment I died, that was me on purpose, gaining friends and the love of your life is all you, you deciding to not go home is elsewhere.

Wreck:-what does that mean?

Ben:-exploring the world is your will, it is what keeps you wondering where to go and where to stay, and with those magic eyes that is hiding in your path is the trigger of your destruction.

Wreck:-are you saying the magic eye was evil?

Ben:-no, not evil, but it does slowly rewrites your will, keeping it around at your age, I did imagine that…you definitely killed those you met in "Urgatha".

Wreck:-[shocked]…I…killed them? [terrified] I killed my friends because of those eyes?

Ben:-cheer up, I found a way to seal them away where it will no longer exist, the risk is another terrorist that hunts would appear, I did went with it, knowing that you're the capable shifter and all, I had to find a way to trigger you and frighten you, so I sent a friend before the day I died.

Wreck:-a friend but I was your very first friend, so who could be the second who listens?


Wreck:-…[shocked, confused] huh? you know "Largon"? but he doesn't.

Ben:-he has the gift called "Can Not Forget", A.K.A "Hyperthymesia".

Wreck:-[shocked] no…this is unreal…if he had such gift, he would be tortured by every event that happens in his life.

Ben:-that's what I thought too, as much as I see it, it did not matter to him, "Largon" is tough even if there is something that could stick in his mind for eternity he can still handle it, so this is what I actually wanted him to do, all he needs to do is meet you once, just once then leave "Skarven" to "Urgatha" as my spy, I told him to work for the "North West" even if it means to work for an evil king, then wanted him to kill the heroes, hunt them down, so that one day when you appear you would definitely make the rods, it was all going as planned, even challenge you to fight "Xephor" or to meet your creations, even to fight those group of laughing thugs, it was all as planned, a plan to fight the magic eyes and saving you from using it.

Wreck:-…so if all this was you, then who planned the revival of the people of "Ever Frost"?

Ben:-yeah, that's not me, it's elsewhere, the ones that are elsewhere were having your creations destroyed, learning about eternal power, destroying "Eblees", and wedding.

Wreck:-[laugh]…that girl's family really is something, I'm too young to even marry someone, my intentions were to stop the "North West" then leave, it's what I came to do.

Ben:-yeah…so any ways, no matter how mean "Largon" was to you…know that he is still part "Skarven", we don't have selfish reasons when leaving, however…heroes can also be hidden in the masks of a villain, they can be the same person, I trust you not because I'm toying with you left and right…I'm turning you into a hero, the one thing that even you are capable of doing, make it simple, I made you a hero, now it's your turn to take that burden with you, make as many heroes as you like, like those who followed you to become stronger than their dad, are you ready?

Wreck:-…yes…of course I'm ready…so how do I go back?

Ben:-you just heard the angel of death, he said it's not time yet, that means something will jump you back to life, you got to wait for it.

Meanwhile the "North West" army are on their way to mid-nation, suddenly "Gaplock" sees "Landy" and "Kira" heading to the "Red Sand" to save "Wreck", the curiosity made even "Ghufran" look at them.

Ghufran:-that dragon…it's not part of this world…why is it here?

Gaplock:-it seems that dragon does not please you, shall I hunt it down?

Ghufran:-…you can do as you please, it doesn't matter anymore on how low my army is, the victory is still ours.

Gaplock:-as you wish, my liege.

"Gaplock" takes some of the troops to hunt down "Kira" and "Landy"

Kira:-this might take a while since he went all the way to the red sand, and by that time we can't get back to mid-nation to help out, the "Red Sand" is so far that it would take hours, but with your help, "Landy", this might be easy, since you can transform into the fastest ride.

Suddenly a fire ball almost hit "Kira", as she turns around there are some troops with fire "Ki" riding cephadromes, they are meant to kill the 2 of them, however "Kira" will not just sit and depend on "Landy" to dodge all the attacks, she used her wind "Ki" to blast the troops off their ride and mess with the cephadrome's movements in the air, suddenly they are surrounded all around, nowhere to leave.

Kira:-this is just playing nasty, what did we do to be attacked like this? If it's money you want well sorry, I don't have it… (they don't look like they have a reason to do this, who would have that that "North West" troops are just some blood lusted bastards)! "Landy", we need to get out of here, it's best if you start going through that guy on the front.

"Landy" hesitated to attack, he just kept flying constantly.

Kira:-[sweat] "Landy", what's wrong? We need to knock that guy in order to escape.

Eventually all 6 of them shot at the same time trying to make it un escapable, "Kira" used her wind "Ki" to change all 6 shot's directions and hit the front troop, as the front troop moves away it made an opening for them to escape.

Kira:-[yell] now "Landy", go full speed, don't stop.

He turns into the fastest flying creature and blasts off in full speed, the troops still won't rest and tried to chase them down, with "Kira's" help she brought the clouds together so they can not see her, she then kicks them off their ride one by one, as fey of them gets out off the cloud, "Kira" appeared to be hiding in a cave with "Landy" till the troops decide to return, meanwhile in the "Red Sand" where "Wreck" died the whole area seems to be getting very hot that his corpse might dry out, suddenly one piece of rock that is nearby his corpse started to shake, then it began to vibrate like there is some kind of a heavy earthquake, eventually it changed form into a scorpion, its scales paled showing a rainbowlike color, all that it did was pinch "Wreck's" nose and stinged his cheek, "Wreck" gets dragged all the way to the living world.

Ben:-here is your ticket way out, [yell] good luck back there, make sure you keep your words and do me this final favor, we have faith in you.

"Wreck" wakes up and gets out by the scorpion, it was stinging for him so tried to remove it.

Wreck:-why is there a scorpion here? This is not even a place for living creatures… huh? A scorpion just stung me and I'm back! That's literally impossible for a living organic life form to pass down its life force to another…what kind of scorpion is this?

In the mean time the walls of mid-nation began to guard the city when suddenly the "North West" troops began to try taring it down, the troops used the crystal shooters to stop the ranged "Ki" users from firing, however the archers began to shoot, they even brought catapults to be lunch when suddenly "Ghufran" grabbed the boulder, it was flaming and deadly but he caught it as it was nothing and thew it on the wall to tare it down, lancers and warriors guarded with all their might however, they were no match on what's coming them.

Meanwhile "Kira" and "Landy" just happened to find "Wreck" drawing the "Egress" gate, they stopped by and confused.

Wreck:-…am I…that late?

Kira:-no, not really…but your pet seems to be worried about you, he thought that you died.

Wreck:-silly "Landy", come here.

"Landy" came to him running and turned into a hound, he jumped on him expecting a hug.

Wreck:-hey now, don't go thinking that I could die easily, who's capable of killing me, [Adour, smile] no one, no one can replace me with you.

Kira:-so what happened to that reanimator? I thought you killed her.

Wreck:-you expect me to kill her? Actually, a complicated elsewhere just happened to ruin the whole thing, but I can't quite explain it.

though time is ticking while "Ghufran" is conquering mid-nation, will they be able to get there in time? Or will they lose everyone that got included in this war?