
Skarvenian journey

a young boy goes by the name Wreck Veganson, travels around the universe and meets people on his journey, whether they have troubles living on this world or have the desire to change it to the better, let's go on an adventure to see what utter shenanigans might come on his way

mancoler8 · Romance
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75 Chs

episode 2

A man wearing leathered military suit with a hood , his face is masked and wearing goggles , his name is "gaplock" , chased after a wide doctor who has intelligence , his name is "Phillips" , doctor "Phillips" is now being captured.

Phillips:-are you going to have my head?...if your'e looking for the list well I don't have it …I don't care if I died right here and now , there is always someone superior than any of you…down falls the "north west" , all hail the "eternal man".

At the hospital "wreck" is confused.

Wreck:-what's a "ki" user?

Shimarai:-don't you realize what you did? You used your "ki" to heal someone.

Stella:-not even a doctor could accomplish that.

Wreck:-what do you mean? I only let my energy flow through him then shifted the failures.

Kudorai:-that is "ki" control , it was told for some people the flames that flows through their veins allows them to manipulate their power and awaken the nature within , from what you did is similar to healing "ki".

Wreck:-so it was not my energy I've been using? At my place we call it the "energy within" , they said in some souls they hold the potential gate , a half opened gate half the strength.

Kudorai:-[surprised] these words! "idna" use to say them…are you somehow her apprentice.


Stella:-or maybe he's her son , they do look alike.

Wreck:-what are you guys talking about? I'm no one's son…now can we please focus on what we talked about before?

A few moments later "wreck" , "kudorai" and his children are now travelling back to their home with an old wagon , "yaguto" wakes up.

Kudorai:-you're awake? Had a good sleep?...say hello to your teacher… "komi".



Kudorai:-"komi" is good at training anyone for defense , you will listen to every instructions that he's about to give you.

Yaguto:-what do you mean? And how did I get here?

Shimarai:-he saved you from those thugs.

Wreck:-once I'm done here I'm going for a search on something…there are already many thing that are not particularly right in this world.

Stella:-hey if you know "idna" this is her son.

Wreck:-would you stop with the "idna" part , who is she anyway?

In the north west nation a king with hatred in his eyes by the name "ghufran" sitting on his throne , doctor "Phillips" has been delivered to him.

Ghufran:-"Phillips"…you have been wondering why I needed you alive?

Phillips:-go to hell.

Ghufran:-the world is hell , you were once my comrade , till you turned your back against us…you will not leave the prison for the rest of your life.

Phillips:-do your worst , you think I'm afraid of you , "ghufran"?

"wreck" meets "kudorai's" wife "amari".

Amari:-Hi honey…who is the little boy?

Kudorai:-"komi" , this is "amari".

Wreck:-hi miss "amari" , I'm "komi".

Kudrorai:-"komi" here is going to teach "yaguto" how to defend himself.

Shimarai:-maybe someday he will teach me.

Wreck:-is there something called school days?

Amari:-uh , yes , why?

Wreck:-to learn defense on my words I say a student shall quit school by any means.

Everyone were shocked.

Wreck:-like I said , school will be so much distracting , but he might have to take tons of lessons from me.

Amari:-"yaguto" isn't just going to quit school , he can always come after noon.

Yaguto:-I'll do it , I'm quitting school.

The rest were shocked.

Wreck:-this is how we learn student when it comes to defense , we start at the very morning ready to do everything and not missing a single hour.

Yaguto:-I'm gonna go to my room and get ready.

Once "yaguto" is ready he followed "wreck" to the back of the house.

Wreck:-first things first , this could get pretty harsh and hard at the beginning , you need to get weighted…by tying your limbs with stones.

Yaguto:-[surprised]what? How will I be able to move.

Wreck:-your muscles might feel hard to move , you'll get used to it eventually.


"yaguto" did what "wreck" told him to.

Yaguto:-there , what's next?

Wreck:-how does it feel?

Yaguto:-I can't move.

Wreck:-good , now keep that feeling in mind , you need it in case you have something precious you want to protect , you will do plenty of pushups , a plenty of squats and a lot of climbing.

Yaguto:-why does it sound so hard?

Wreck:-either way there is nothing called a shortcut when it comes to achieving a goal , all can only be done in hard work , let's begin then.

"yaguto" did 10 pushups , 10 squats then climbed a mountain , then got exhausted after reaching the top.

Wreck:-next…you will go read 10 books , you can release those stones off your limbs.

"yaguto" releases the stones off his limbs then went straight to the library and began reading , after reading books it's night time , "yaguto" came back home , finished his dinner then went to sleep.

Stella:-that was quick!

Wreck:-that's the beginning of the day , he does feel tired though.

Shimarai:-it's like your forcing him too much.

Wreck:-I wouldn't say forcing , but showing him the path.

The next day "yaguto" gets ready and assembled at the same spot from where he started.

Yaguto:-what's today's lesson "komi"?

Wreck:-…the same.

Yaguto:-the same? I thought were moving to something new.

Wreck:-we will come to that once you work out your muscles , today you will do 20 pushups , as well as the squats.


Till the next day "yaguto" felt like it's very hard to move.

Wreck:-you need to take a break for now , your muscles should cool down.

Yaguto:-what? But we went so far , we can't just.

Wreck:-"yaguto" , you sometimes need to think before you act , by the end of the day a mind reader uses its opponent's thoughts as an advantage.

Yaguto:-what do you mean?

Wreck:-you ask too much , just look at yourself , your body is struggling , it can't focus any more unless you give it a rest.

Yaguto:-you know a lot , but why does all this includes reading?

Wreck:-don't you get it? As a student you have to be smart and quick , no one had ever went this far as my student , you proved that you wanted to be a warrior.

Yaguto:-…I'm off to sleep now.

"yaguto" went to sleep then "kudorai" appeared.

Kudorai:-I didn't know you could see through him!

Wreck:-he might be a warrior…hope he controls his emotions.

In "yaguto's" dreams he finds himself standing in front of the potential gates.