
Skarvenian journey

a young boy goes by the name Wreck Veganson, travels around the universe and meets people on his journey, whether they have troubles living on this world or have the desire to change it to the better, let's go on an adventure to see what utter shenanigans might come on his way

mancoler8 · Romance
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75 Chs

episode 14

Previously , "xephor" came from the woods to attack "wreck" , the others had hard time defending the rods then "shimarai" tried using them but failed that there was a third step that is the one who speaks should break the rods for a certain wish to activate , "xephor's" and "wreck's" fight took places near "shimarai" and the rods.

Xephor:-I have fought many "ki" users and "kaigenes" , but you? I never have expected from you…I'm going against someone so familiar and hard to kill.

"wreck" unleashes lightning "ki" and fused it with his aura then burst it , he pushed his power to its maximum.

Wreck:-now…shall we begin?

"xephor" fights "wreck" to the death , "wreck" uses lightning bolt and "xephor" uses grass "ki" , "xephor" summons some grass golems , "wreck" destroys them.

Xephor:-(this boy is not bluffing! He is someone familiar , but who)?

"wreck" was going to go for the kill but eventually "xephor" makes an endless wall of tree trunks , "shimarai" takes the "masmur rods" away from the fight , suddenly "gaplock" came and attacked "shimarai" to take the "masmur rods".

Shimarai:-[surprised]what the?

Gaplock:-say goodbye to all your efforts boy…you can always wait a month for your mommy , I wish for.

"tika" came and threw a rock on "gaplock" to interrupt his wish.

Gaplock:-now that was foolish.

"Shimarai" used tornado "ki" to blast the rods out of "gaplock's" hands so "tika" can grab it , "gaplock" goes after "tika" to kill her , eventually "honzo" took the blow and saves "tika" , "wreck" got distracted by "honzo's" death and got his right arm ripped off by "xephor" , "xephor" knocks "wreck" onto the ground and stopped him by tree trunks.


"tika" felt terrified seeing her father dying right before her eyes , "gaplock" was going to take the rods from her hands but "shimarai" surrounded "gaplock" by tornado "ki".

Shimarai:-(thanks me , don't fail me now) , run "tika" , I will hold him off.

"tika" runs"

Gaplock:-this "ki" of yours…you haven't mastered it yet , like it's the first time you've ever used it , you just awakened it today.

Shimarai:-I know…but I no longer hesitate to sacrifice for the greater good.

"shimarai" felt exhausted and couldn't keep him busy then the tornado disappeared.

Gaplock:-and that is what will happen…no one can stop us from our victory.

"xephor" stops "tika".

Xephor:-where do you think you're going? I still want that wishing tool.

Wreck:-(no…am I dying?...is this where I fall?...I don't have the power and I can't shift my wounds any more , I guess this is it , this is where my life ends…I'm pathetic).

Wicker:-are you starting to judge yourself from what you are not?

"wreck" remembers "tika" slapping him , he wakes up in a world that is empty and pitch black then he sees "wicker" and got surprised.

Wreck:-you are here?

Wicker:-wake up little bro , or am I not talking to "wreck veganson"…you have promises , what are you to not finish them? Only a chum bucket would be like that…are you a chum bucket?

Wreck:-…I'm more than just a mere chum bucket.

Wicker:-then wake up and end your objective , young fellow.

"wreck" wakes up then his iris shatters and fades , his eye pupils started to glow in blue , "xephor" was going to kill "tika" but eventually "wreck" stopped the attacks with only one hand.

Xephor:-what?...why? why won't you dye?

"wreck" regenerates his right arm and heals his wounds faster , he appears to have activated the incomplete eternal power.

Wreck:-cause I'm as strong as myself , I will not fall , not till I achieve my own dreams.

Xephor:-wait , those eye! Those glowing eyes! Now I see who am I facing.

Wreck:-"tika"…everything is going to be okay , as long as I live.

"xephor" attacks "wreck" but got defeated by "wreck's" "multi hit in one" attack.

Xephor:-it…it's you , "alverice…kalibur"[dies].

Gaplock:-looks like I've lost…we shall meet again someday "veganson" , it will be hard this time , I give you my words , "veganson" will lose.

"gaplock" escapes , "wreck" deactivates his eternal power , the legendary eternal man saw the blue spark in his "omni globe".

Legendary eternal man:-finally…it happened…the man I've been waiting for…the next eternal man.

"wreck" gives "shimarai" some of his energy.

Shimarai:-we made it , I thought we were done for.

Wreck:-no…I thought I was done for , till I met him…I almost died…but I don't give up that easily…now , "tika"…I want you to use the rods to revive all that were killed by "gaplock".

Tika:-[nod]I wish for all who were killed by "gaplock" to be revived.

"tika" breaks the rods then the wish has gone activated , after the wish the "masmur rods" turned into a message saying ,"wish granted , however the intelligents cannot be revived" , "wreck" was shocked after reading the message.

Shimarai:-does that mean it worked.

Wreck:-not all of them…the eight who made the Intel could not be revived.

Shimarai:-[shocked]does that mean father…can't come back? [cry]we've gone through everything , on every angle , and we can only see our mother? It was your plan isn't it? Just why can't we see our father?

Wreck:-…he may have refused…when souls have been granted life some of them can refuse to come back , it could be his decision.

Shimarai:-why did he?...I had so many things I wanna ask him , he shouldn't just leave!

Wreck:-…everyone has his own reasons why they choose some paths you don't want him to , and sometimes they tell us to live on , telling us to go through the right paths…I've been like this before till someone wants me to live on , and I say you can make happiness once you find your way.

Shimarai:-"komi"…I think it's time for us to go home now , our mother awaits us.

The "masmur rods" disappeared , a few hours later it is evening and everyone is having a lunch but "shimarai" "yaguto" and "stella" took off with "landy".

Wreck:-(looks like the first objective is complete , next will be making a powerful crew to finish the last one , although if those two decided to quit school maybe their mother will pass out hearing it).

Kira:-[drunk]so , how were you doing handsome child? Would you like a sip of this?

Wreck:-[sweat](is that alcoholic)? Well I'm too young for that you know!

Klai:-you are gonna teach all three of them , right?

Wreck:-I'm not sure…let's hear it from their mother tomorrow , shall we?

"amari" waited at her neighbor's house , then her children arrived.


Amari:-my children.

They all hugged her.

Stella:-I miss you so much.

Amari:-I miss you too…where is your father?

Yaguto:-father isn't going to be around…but we still remember him like he's here.

Amari:-[cry]he didn't deserve this…I wish to see him just one last time , and where is "komi"? shouldn't he be here?

Shimarai:-… "komi" is now living somewhere else , he told us to come to you.

Amari:-that boy knew it was something! He warned me not to do something , if only I listened.

Meanwhile "gaplock" assembles to "ghufran".

Ghufran:-I see you have failed , and you have come empty handed…fair well…come back with some good news , and never come like that ever again…dismissed.

After school "shimarai" and "stella" are having a hard time keeping their "ki" under control while "yaguto" trains a lot at the back yard , "shimarai" and "yaguto are now having a conversation behind the school.

Shimarai:-we're "kaigenes" now , controlling our "ki" is hard.

Stella:-I know , we can't stay here for long.

Shimarai:-I think it's best to be under "komi's" hands.

Stella:-I agree , but still.

Shimarai:-if we stayed here we might end up hurting an someone.

"wreck" sits outside the dojo on the corners looking at the sky.

Wreck:-(there are many things I can't see from what I had back at "skarven" for 2 years now , no electronics , no machines , no mobile phones…just an old age like the day of knights with fiber clothing , it feels nice here , having friends to know , and going to an adventure and lots of experience…but they lacked on knowledge thanks to north west nation , I'm gonna conquer it then remove the library license).

"tika" brings food to "wreck" , as he tastes it he finds it horrible.

Wreck:-"tika"…I should have done this along time ago…I'll show you how to cook.

"tika" blushes.

Wreck:-wow , you're embarrassed to that?

Tika:-no no , it's not like that , I'll just go.

Wreck:-[smile]such a beauty.

"shimarai" and "stella" went home after school standing in front of their mother.

Amari:-oh hi , you both came early today.

Shimarai , stella:-[bow]we are quitting school.

Amari:-what for?

Shimarai:-from the day you were gone we went through hard times , and we awakened our "ki".

Stella:-we decided to join "yaguto" , as "ki" users , going under "komi's" path.

Amari:-and what about your lessons? have whatever knowledge.

Shimarai:-during our journey "komi" was giving us greater lessons , his knowledge is far superior than ever.

Amari;-you still trust him?...[sigh]fair well then , I'm giving you a permission to go , but in one condition…come back smarter.

Stella:-[happy]thank you mother.

"wreck" comes by and knocks the door , "shimarai" answers the door.

Wreck:-hi "shimarai" , thought it would be better if I paid you a visit.

Shimarai:-[happy]It's "komi".

Amari:-oh hi , it's you , guess what? I'm giving you my children for some help.

Wreck:-[surprised]oh wow , the unhappening is happening.

Stella:-hi "komi" , can you teach us "ki" control?

Wreck:-okay , I'll teach your children , I'll make sure they're smart.

Stella:-great , I'm going to pack our stuffs , be here in a minutes.

Shimarai:-by the way , I was gonna ask you this , after the "masmur rods" disappear where do they go?

Wreck:-to some unknown world , charging up , it takes them a month to completely charge up.

Shimarai:-then they come back? Why didn't you say anything?

Wreck:-you never ask , they will be summoned back but in a random locations around this world.

Shimarai:-alright , then we can wait a month till we try wishing our father back again.

Wreck:-[laugh]you have much to learn "shimarai" , now get ready , were gonna take off after one minute.

In the land of clouds and winter there are mountains , in one of them there is a cave with a hidden laboratory , in the laboratory there is a humanoid started activating.

To be continued

At season 2