
Skarvenian journey

a young boy goes by the name Wreck Veganson, travels around the universe and meets people on his journey, whether they have troubles living on this world or have the desire to change it to the better, let's go on an adventure to see what utter shenanigans might come on his way

mancoler8 · Romance
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75 Chs

episode 12

"shimarai" is in his mind world and meets the frightened part of him , like a boy meeting his clone.

Shimarai:-who are you?

terrified shimarai:-no , stay away.

The terrified "shimrai" runs with fear.

Shimarai:-wait , stop , I need your help.

"shimarai" wakes up and "wreck" watches him.

Wreck:-it seems you failed…what did you see?

Armel:-what are you doing "tika"? can't you see that he's a curse?

Tika:-what do you know about him? Just let go.

Armel:-no , I can't let go , I can't let that guy poison you.

Tika:-you don't understand , he is not what you think he is.

Armel:-why don't you just listen?

"tika" made up her mind and went to hold on "wreck's" arm.

Armel:-[shocked]but why…[angry]you will pay for this "wreck" , I'll make you regret on what you're doing with her.

"armel" leaves and "shimarai" is confused.

Wreck:-well…now I have an enemy , in his eyes he sees me as a monster now , you made him sick worried about you.

Tika:-sorry , I didn't mean to.

Wreck:-I understand…he was so protective about you , he would do anything to keep you safe.

Shimarai:-what was that?

Wreck:-never mind that "shimarai" , can you explain what you saw?

"shimarai" explains what he saw in his dream world.

Wreck:-not possible , the other part of you lost his cool? You must go back immediately.

Shimarai:-why are you so concerned about him?

Wreck:-cause he's the reason you hesitate , go to him and don't let him run away.

Shimarai:-he looked frightened when he saw me.

Wreck:-back to meditating "shimarai" , you will not leave till you stop him.

"shimarai" goes back to finding the terrified "shimarai" , he saw nothing but his own house in a middle of nowhere , as he enters the house and went to his room the terrified "shimarai" is there cowering next to the bed.

Shimarai:-"shimarai"…I need your help , please hold my hand.

Terrified shimarai:-leave me alone.

Shimarai:-…how could I stay away [yell]when someone needs my help?

terrified shimarai:-I said leave.

The terrified "shimarai" hits "shimarai" with wind "ki" then ran away again , "shimarai" wakes up in the real world again.

Shimarai:-not again!

Wreck:-is it that hard? Why do you think that he rejects your call?

Shimarai:-I will go ask him.

Wreck:-wait…I think you have a dark past , whatever was the past make sure you don't let it get to you.

Shimarai:-right , I will.

This is the third time he goes back to his dream world and he begins seeing his dark past , it is the time when he was younger at school in kids grade when there were bullies attacking his younger brother and he did nothing but stand and watch.

Shimarai:-is this…me? No , that's only the past , [face palm]why didn't I move back then? "yaguto" was there and I did nothing? [yell] "shimarai" , where are you?...stop hiding , our family needs you…even though "yaguto" needs you , don't let him suffer "shimarai".

"shimarai" catches the terrified "shimarai" in front of the potential gate.

Shimarai:-you're coming with me , rather you like it or not I want you to stop making me look useless.

Terrified shimarai:-what's the point? There will be more suffering.

Shimarai:-[angry]and what's the point staying here? It was a suffering since the beginning of my life , give me your hand…no , give "yaguto" a hand , or maybe you enjoyed watching him suffer.

Terrified shimarai:-[shocked]no , I didn't mean to…just leave.

The terrified "shimarai" attacks "shimarai" with a powerful wind "ki" attack.

Shimarai:-(how is he doing that)? So you're just gonna abandon him…you can't accept him as your brother , is that it?

Terrified shimarai:-no , he is my brother.

Shimarai:-like what "komi" said , brothers always look for each other , you didn't even gave him a hand…or maybe you don't care.

The terrified "shimarai" is shocked and stopped attacking then started crying , "shimarai" went to check on him.

Shimarai:-all I wanted is to be useful and protective.

Terrified shimarai:-[crying]why didn't you just leave?

Shimarai:-I can't leave…cause you're missing , it has been years since I tried to stop hesitating.

Terrified shimarai:-this is fate…we both hesitate anytime our friends are in danger.

Shimarai:-not true…we know nothing yet , but we can figure it out together , no more cowering around , no more staying still , we are going to save everyone , together.

The terrified "shimarai" opens his eyes then the potential gate opens and knocks both of them out of the gates world , "shimarai" wakes up shocked.

Wreck:-woah , you're finally back…so how did your journey go?

Shimarai:-[laugh]I grabbed the hell to his senses.

Wreck:-[thumbs up]alright , now let's test it out.


"wreck" tests "shimarai" by playing dodge.

Wreck:-good , you did not hesitate to dodge , now we move on to the next step.

Shimarai:-sure , I'm ready for anything.

Wreck:-if I asked you which weapon would you pick for defense , what would you say?

Shimarai:-[thinking]well I'm not really good at close combats if you ask me.

Wreck:-then bow and arrow it is…right after taking a little break , I'm starving right now.

"shimarai" went to have lunch with his brother and sister , "wreck" went to have a me time eating cod with "landy" , "tika" did not appear due family lunch.

Kira:-where is little sister? We can't start lunch without her.

Honzo:-… "klai" , go look for her.

Klai:-yes father.

"klai" went to see "wreck".

Wreck:-she's not having lunch? This is bad.

Klai:-what the hell just happened.

Wreck:-[thinking]come to think of it , I think it's "armel" who have happened.

Klai:-what do you mean? He couldn't have just kidnapped her.

Wreck:-who knows? He was so protective for her back then , could be hiding her in his room.

"tika" is tied up with ropes by "armel" at his room.

Armel:-sorry "tika" , but I can't let that guy come near you…he's dangerous , you shouldn't go near a monster like him.

"wreck" knocks the door then "armel" tried to be silent in his room so he can't let anyone know that he is in his room , "wreck" stopped for a moment then breaks the door.

Wreck:-whoops , I went too far on the door.

Klai:-[angry]what are you doing to my sister?

Armel:-[frightened]no , stay away from her , you monster.

Wreck:-[angry]monster?! What sort of excuse is that?

Armel:-just stay away , you curse people who comes near you.

Wreck:-[angry]do I? or you were just making things up? I don't even know how to poison someone.

Armel:-liar , have you ever look at yourself? No wonder if you are the cause of your friend's death.

"wreck" got shocked and triggered by his dark memories.

Wreck:-[infuriated]you shut your damn mouth , what the hell do you know about me? Why do you judge what you don't know you little.

Klai:-[hold shoulder]that's enough…stay…calm.

Wreck:-[sigh]let me hear what "tika" would say , [angry]if you think you're human enough to protect with such no sensible reasons.

Once "tika" is free she slapped "armel"

tika:-you always over do things? You should have let go when I told you to , ending up making hatred is not the "armel" I want to see.

Areml:-[surprised] "tika"?

tika:-I know you're trying to protect me , but I'm not a glass who's about to fall , so please just let go…I hated when you're not yourself.

Armel:-[surprised]…I get it now…what I was doing is not who I am…I always over think thing and sometimes I say what I shouldn't have.

Klai:-"wreck" , are you mad?

Wreck:-mad? No , why would I be mad?

Klai:-you were gonna kill him back then , frightening him to the corner , like you were infuriated.

Wreck:-[infuriated]like hell I am , [grab shirt]I don't know you and you don't know me , but if you kidnap your childhood friend like that I'll make you suffer bigger pain , never do this to anyone like that ever again , cause it's not protection , got it.

"armel" nods then "wreck" leaves the room.

Klai:-that boy's an expert who's superior in knowledge , you will understand what he is once you get along with his path.

Tika:-like what he said , this is a warning for you , you must be better than this.

Klai:-let's go "tika" , the lunch is about to get colder.

Armel:-wait…tell me one thing , what is he to you?

Tika:-…only a boy who wants my guidance.

Once "tika" and "klai" leaves the room "armel" starts to have a nervous breakdown , after lunch "shimarai" went back to where they were about to start for the archery training , "wreck" is holding a bow and a quiver full of arrows.

Wreck:-ready for the training? I will show you the tutorials on how to shoot.

Shimarai:-of course I'm ready , just needed a good lunch to start.

"armel" enters.

Wreck:-not this again.

Armel:-I'll be watching you , "wreck" or whatever you may be , I will be quiet for now.

Wreck:-[sigh]good thing I see people slowly acknowledging me!

Shimarai:-let's get this training started already.

Wreck:-okay…the first thing you have to do is learn physics , then you can move on to holding a bow.

"armel" went to sit by a wall then a random 10 year old girl called "musuki" joined him.

Musuki:-what are they doing?

Armel:-playing with a bow.

Musuki:-that's funny , aren't bows dangerous?

Armel:-only for children…I got to say , they are both no ordinary children.

Musuki:-[laugh]you always say the most funniest things ever , "armel" , I like how you talk.

Armel:-[surprised]…you do?

Musuki:-woah , they look like they're doing it right , look it's a bull's-eye.

Armel:-[laugh]now I'm being jealous…watching him smile proudly to his friend! I wish I can make others proud.

Musuki:-don't be silly…[smile]you always make me happy.

Armel:-[surprised]…I guess I do , [face palm]augh , how could I not see that?

Musuki:-…I wish we could see something great and wonderful together one day , do you promise.

Armel:-[happy tears]…yes , if it makes you happy.

Wreck:-I can't believe they are together now.

Shimarai:-feeling jealous?

Wreck:-if I haven't made that promise I wouldn't be here right now.

Shimarai:-what promise.

Wreck:-augh , just forget about it , it's not important.

It's night , "gaplock" and "xephor" are still on their way to mid-nation.

Xephor:-looks like I'll be attacking at the morning…what do you think my wish will be?

Gaplock:-…isn't it about immortality that you wanted the most.

Xephor:-yes , and no…I also want my crew back.