
SJBA (Shizuka Joestar’s Bizarre Adventures)

Do you remember the baby from JoJo's Bizarre Adventures Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable? Yes the invisible baby better known as Shizuka Joestar, who was adopted by Joseph Joestar. This book is based on her very own bizarre adventure. Stick around to see what's up in the strange world of SJBA. (P.S~Artwork is not by me, I wish I could make something so cool. I just edited the color scheme. Originally artist is "omichishumura" on Deviant Art.)

Xzavior_Williams · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: Supernatural Bond

Shizuka was staring at Sabrina in utter shock, as she watched the stand hover over the boy's unconscious bodies. N-No way, that has to be her stand. But what are the odds of her being a stand user? Shit, this is bad. Gwen always told me that stand users usually attracted each other but this is ridiculous.

Sabrina huffed completely out of shock as she lowered her canvas and paintbrush, while Dip N' Splash slowly disappeared into thin air. Shizuka was tryna to formulate words that wouldn't ruin everything but she was speechless. Sabrina huffed.

"Dammit, I didn't want to do that. Are you okay Shizu?"

Shizuka faltered.

"I-I'm fine. What happened just now?"

Sabrina looked sad when she admitted right off the bat.

"You'll probably not want to be friends with me anymore after I tell you but, my Dad taught me that there's nothing worse than a liar. So I know you won't believe me because you can't see it but I'-."

Shizuka interrupted.

"A stand user."

Sabrina looked surprised to another level when she gasped.

"Wait, so you can see it? And if you can see it then that means, you're also."

Shizuka slowly nodded her head with a sort of scared expression on her face, realizing what Gwendolyn had told her before. If I encounter one stand user, my school days are over. Dammit, why do I always have shit luck?

Shizuka's fear turned to anger as she fell on her knees to where she punched the floor over and over again while shouting.

"Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!"

Tears were swelling within Shizuka's eyes as she sobbed the last 'dammit' with her voice breaking. Sabrina kneeled to Shizuka while asking.

"Is . . . Is it me? The reason you're sad?"

Shizuka clenched her fist tightly when she answered.

"Of course not, well kinda. It's complicated. You're making me sad because I actually liked you as a friend but now, we might never see each other again."

Sabrina exclaimed.

"Wait no, I'm not a bad stand user! I would never use my stand to hurt someone else, especially my only friend."

Shizuka sighed while sitting down against a wall where Sabrina joined right beside her out of instinct.

"I know you wouldn't, that's why it hurts so much more. Because I know you're a good person, but to her. To Gwen, she's going to see you as a possible stem of danger. And that's it, our relationship is toast."

Sabrina mentioned.

"Oh, you did say that she was very protective of you. Well, that's okay. At least we can enjoy what we have left of the day."

Shizuka looked at Sabrina who was smiling with tears in her eyes, trying to hold back the intense emotions. She's never had a friend because she has a stand, just like me. And now she has to let go just like that. But even then, she's still smiling.

Shizuka wiped her eyes free of tears as apologized.

"That was all my fault, I'm sorry. I'm such an idiot, I let my temper get the better of me like always. The right thing to do was just walk away as you suggested."

Shizuka clenched her fist at the sight of the sleeping boys as she continued more angrily.

"But they were saying mean things to you and I didn't like that one bit. I can't walk away from people who are jerks, and that's my freaking problem."

Sabrina chuckled.

"I know what you mean, but my Dad always told me that some bad people won't get what they deserve until later. So it's up to me to make a judgment call whether or not it should be now or later."

"Those boys probably won't graduate high school and will end up retaking another year and by that logic. Their punishment will be when they become the laughing stocks of their class. A punishment which happens later."

Shizuka acknowledged.

"Your dad sounds like a pretty wise guy if we're being honest."

Sabrina beamed.

"He's awesome! He's my number one role model, whenever I'm feeling down he gets me right back up in spirits. My Dad is like a real-life superhero."

Shizuka smiled when she asked.

"Does he know you're a stand user?"

Sabrina shook her head before responding.

"No, I kinda like it that way though. I wouldn't want to freak him out. Does Gwen know?"

Shizuka nodded her head as she explained.

"Yeah she knows, like I said before it's just really complicated. Sorry, but I can't exactly go into detail."

Sabrina consoled.

"Oh don't sweat it, I understand. My situation is sort of complicated as well. So what do we do next?"

Shizuka sighed.

"After school, I'll just introduce you to Gwen and I might be forced to move again. Well probably anyway."

Sabrina hesitated before suddenly hugging Shizuka whose eyes widened in shock, no one but Gwendolyn had ever truly hugged her before. Shizuka couldn't hold back her tears as she gave in and tightly hugged Sabrina back, embracing the meaningful silence.

Goddammit, nothing ever goes good forever. I get that but why do all my good things last so short? It's not fair.

The bus slowly came to a stop while the driver instructed.

"Well, this is your guy's stop. I'll see you two tomorrow."

Shadows were covering both Shizuka and Sabrina's faces as they silently walked off the bus, deeply depressed. The girls didn't say a word as they approached Shizuka's large house. Maybe, this is for the best.

Shizuka knocked on the front door which almost instantly opened up, revealing Gwendolyn who greeted.

"Welcome back-."

Gwendolyn looked surprised when she looked at Sabrina who was holding her arm while looking at the porch. She turned her focus to Shizuka who flat-out confessed.

"Gwen, this is Sabrina I met her at school. She's a stand user, but more importantly, she's my friend."

Sabrina looked up shocked while Shizuka dropped down to her hands and knees where she began begging.

"I know about the rules you explained to me the other night but, I'm begging you. Please allow me to keep going to school with her! She's the first friend around my age and she doesn't think I'm weird because of my tomboy traits."

"She's sweet, kind, and would never hurt anyone unless she had to. And even then she'd probably hesitate, she hugged me without my consent. You know I hate when people touch me but I didn't beat her to a bloody pulp!"

Sabrina started smiling as she watched Shizuka continue to pour out a convincing rant until Gwendolyn interrupted.

"Calm down, calm down. So you're Shizuka's friend, correct?"

Sabrina cleared her throat when she answered.

"Yes ma'am, even if she has to move away. I will wait until things get less complicated."

Gwendolyn looked at Shizuka whose heart was pounding awaiting the final decision which would be the guillotine to this conversation.

"I will decide what will happen after I have a conversation with Sabrina, Shizuka go to your room until I call you."

Shizuka nodded her head repeatedly as she complied.

"Y-Yes ma'am."

Shizuka quickly hurried into the house and upstairs while Sabrina followed Gwendolyn building more suspense. S-She's gonna to consider this all depending on Sabrina's first impression. I hope you can see what I do Gwen.

To Be Continued . . .

Author's Note

Hey guy's, still going strong with this series. I'm hoping for 100 reads soon, I'm really liking Sabrina so far but she'll get better. Well until next time.