


With a heavy heart, I spun around and went back to my room. My mind was going all over the place.

It was Blake who told my brother about it? Why would he do that? Well, he always seemed to feed on my misery but this time he went far too ahead. And this baby? Was I that sure that I wanted to keep this baby? I mean I knew that I had come to a decision and even told Shirley about it but still. And my brother ... he was still visiting my school grounds in search of me. Hoping that I would return from my hideout so that he will catch me. His random visits to my dormitory and school means that I could not return to my school. What was I going to do now? What should I do?

/"Who was she?/" I was startled by the sudden voice that pulled me back from my haze. Looking over my shoulder I saw Nelson standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. His hands were in his pockets and he was staring me down with one of his most serious looks.

I sighed.