
Six Paths of Reincarnation

As vermin are drawn to rotting corpses, so are power-hungry men drawn to weak rulers; moreover, its restless people. The greedy/corrupt humans clung desperately to the quickly dissolving corpse of the Empire. Can Pain stop the cycle of strife in a world where humanity's corruption is abundant?

Swiffith · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs


Tatsumi and Pain had arrived at the capital. Tatsumi was impressed at how big the capital was but Pain could feel that although the atmosphere looked calm and peaceful, there was great malice hidden within a lot of people he had passed through so he decided to send all the other paths to investigate different parts of the capital while he and Tatsumi investigated on their own. Almost every person in the capital showed looks of surprise at Pain's appearance most of them kept the distance from him.

"The capital is even bigger than I thought. If I get successful here, I could even buy the whole village!" Tatsumi stated while looking around.

"And how do you plan to make money here?"

"You will see, follow me to the barracks!" Tatsumi replied with a lot of enthusiasm.

In front of the barracks

"Get out of here!" the man who was responsible to enlist the candidates for the army shouted, kicking Tatsumi out of the barrack.

"Hey c'mon, can I at least take the test!?"

"Stop messing around, you have to win a raffle even for becoming a soldier! With the recession going on I already have more applicants than I can handle now scram, fucking brat!" the man shouted angrily and slammed the door.

"Pain, lend me a hand here maybe if we cause a ruckus around, we can make a name for ourselves!" Tatsumi stated, but Pain shook his head.

"I don't think it's a good idea".

"Hmmm... yeah... we could get caught..." Tatsumi stated, agreeing with Pain.

"Hey there". a blond woman, which was Leone, called them. The two turned to her. "You two seem to be having trouble, should this onee-san here lend you a hand?" The woman suggested but Tatsumi could only stare surprised at the woman's attributes.

'So this is the capital ...' Tatsumi thought, looking at the woman's boobs with an expression of shock.

"...? what's wrong?" Leone asked, confused at the boy's stare. "Lad, you must be one of those coming to the capital from the country seeking adventure, right?"

"How do you know!?" Tatsumi asked, shocked at Leone's guess.

"If you live in the capital long enough, you could tell outsiders apart in a heartbeat. So, I know a quick way to get commissioned" Leone stated, making Tatsumi's eyes widen.

"Seriously!?" Tatsumi asked impressed, but Pain was not buying it; yet decided to see where this would go.

"You wanna know? then, treat onee-san to a meal"

At some Bar in the capital

Leone had dragged Tatsumi and Pain at an expensive bar just to drink like there was no tomorrow. Tatsumi was with a worried face seeing her drink so much, not knowing how much all that would cost him and Pain was just sitting there with his arms crossed and eyes closed, waiting for them to finish.

"Yeah, alcohol in the daytime hits the spot!" Leone stated, hitting a huge glass of beer on the table.

"You're drinking without too much regard for me".

"Just drink lad" let's have fun!" Leone replied, with a blush on her face from drinking too much.

"Just tell me how can I get commissioned"

"Ohh, that's basically... connections and cash" the moment Pain heard this, he already knew what this woman was trying to do.

"Cash...?" Tatsumi asked confused.

"I've got a contact in the army. If you give me some money..." Leone couldn't finish because she was interrupted by Pain.

"Sorry, we're not interested" Pain stated simply while getting up, surprising Tatsumi and Leone.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help, pal!" Leon stated but the moment she said that Pain looked at her with a very serious expression.

"I know exactly what kind of help people from this capital want to give. Now let's go, Tatsumi" Pain stated and started to leave the bar but Leone stopped him by holding by the cloak of his arm.

"Hey wait a minute...!" Leone was gonna insist but Pain turned to her, eyeing her with his rinnegan, making her back away out of instinctual fear.

'This guy, now that I'm taking a better look at him... and these eyes... is it some sort of teigu?' Leone thought while she started to sweat by the tension that Pain caused while staring at her intently with the rinnegan.

"Let's go, we have wasted enough time here" Pain stated and left the bar and although Tatsumi was still puzzled by the situation, he decided to agree with Pain and followed him.

Capital streets

It was still daylight. After leaving Leone at the bar, Pain and Tatsumi started wandering around the capital, looking for an Inn for them to stay.

"Hey, what was that back there? why did you stop her from helping us? we could have gotten a free pass to the army". Tatsumi stated, still a bit frustrated with Pain's decision.

"There's no such thing as a free pass. That woman was just trying to steal the gold from you. Don't you remember what those two men told us on the road to the capital? People here are corrupt monsters, you shouldn't just trust someone from here". Pain stated, frowning at Tatsumi.

"She didn't look like a monster to me".

"Appearances can be deceiving, you're still too naive, Tatsumi.".

"What do you suggest then?" Tatsumi asked, feeling out of options.

"Let's find a place to stay, an Inn. Then we can think of something". Pain replied and started walking towards a street full of peasants.

"Alright, guess we got nothing to lose..." Tatsumi stated, following Pain.

After searching for a while, they found a nice and cheap Inn for them to pass the night. It was already evening.

Inside the Inn's bedroom

Tatsumi was lying on his bed while Pain was sitting on the other bed, he had his legs crossed and eyes closed, meditating.

"Tatsumi, you said you wanted to make a name for yourself in the capital. Why is that?" Pain asked, eyes still closed.

"I want to earn money to help my village. We have been suffering from high taxes lately. My friends and I were heading towards the capital but we got attacked by bandits and we lost each other"

"How do your friends look like, Tatsumi?" Pain asked, thinking about the possibility of the people of the capital could have done something bad to his friends. Tatsumi then told everything about his friends. He described his friends' appearance and told him their names.

"I see... I think one of my companions saw your friend Ieyasu, helping a blond girl carry her purchases to her mansion earlier today".

"What, really!?" then let's go meet up with them!" Tatsumi said, quickly getting up from his bed.

"We can't afford to waste any more time, come over here".

"Huh? why?" Tatsumi asked confusedly while approaching Pain.

Pain had one of his chakra receivers in his hand.

"Show me your hand" Pain ordered.

"Ooook..." Tatsumi did as asked and Pain perforated his hand with the receiver, earning a scream of pain from the boy.

"Aaaaaaaaarh! why did you do that for? what is this thing?" Tatsumi asked while holding his injured hand.

"You'll see" Pain stated, waiting for the other path to do his job.

At a forest outside Aria's mansion

The animal path was staring at the mansion and suddenly he received a command from Pain. He put his hand on the ground using a summing jutsu, making all the other paths along with Tatsumi appear at the same location.

"W-what!? what the hell happened? how are we here!?" Tatsumi asked shocked.

"I summoned us to your friend's location". Pain stated bluntly.

"You can do that? wow!" Tatsumi replied, impressed by Pain's abilities.

Pain's Rinnegan' pupil had widened, he was checking the whole area around the mansion and he found two weak chakra signals near the warehouse.

 He already had an idea what that meant but decided to not tell Tatsumi. He preferred to let him see it with his own eyes.

"Tatsumi, I think that your friends are in that warehouse over there but I don't think you're gonna like what you'll see so, you better be prepared for the worst". Pain stated, worrying Tatsumi.

"What do you mean? has something bad happened to them?"

"We have to take out the guards first then we can break down that door and find out the truth".

"Alright". Tatsumi replied, running towards the guards.

"Who are you!? what are you doing her-". the guard couldn't finish because he was cut down by Tatsumi.

The ruckus caused by Tatsumi alerted the other guards from the mansion. They tried to attack the Pains but each of them got screwed in a different way. Asura P. was using his monstrous taijutsu and some missiles to either break their bones or turn them into ashes, Preta P. was using his ability to suck away the guards' vital energy, Animal P. was using a chakra rod to pierce the guards' skulls and hearts, Naraka P. used the king of hell to pull their tongues out and cut them off, Human P. was just pulling their soul's out while Deva P. was just punching or using a chakra rod to kill the guards. Tatsumi was astonished by what he was seeing.

"Woool... how can you do all that?"

"I'll explain later, your friends are a priority" Pain replied and Tatsumi nodded.

In front of the warehouse

"They're inside". Pain stated and Tatsumi used his sword to cut the door open.

Once inside, Tatsumi could not believe what he was seeing. There was various torture equipment, dead people hanging in wires atop of tables or inside a jail some of them missing their limbs, there was a head a centipede, and even a dead baby inside a pot on a shelf at the side of the warehouse. A real dreadful scenario.

"Wha... what is this!?" Tatsumi shouted horrified at the scenery. Pain just stayed silent but inside he was boiling with anger. Tatsumi then turned his head a caught the silhouette of a person he knew very well. It was Ieyasu who was behind some bars of a cell.

"Ta...tsu...mi... is it you?" Ieyasu asked weakly.

"Ieyasu!?" Tatsumi asked with the eyes widened.

"Th... that girl... she tortured Sayo to death...! she invited Sayo and me... and after we ate, we lost consciousness and we were here when we wake up". Ieyasu replied while holding the bars of the cell, gritting his teeth in anger, he was going to say something else but he started vomiting some substance.

"What's wrong Ieyasu!?" Tatsumi asked, rushing to his friend's aid but he wasn't answering anymore.

"This seems to be some sort of disease, he has just a little more time left, give him to me I can heal him". Pain ordered and Tatsumi decided to trust him. One of the Pains held Tatsumi in place.

"W-wha...! what is the meaning of this!?" Tatsumi asked surprised.

"It's just a guarantee that you will stay there. You may misunderstand what I'll do next". Pain stated and the Naraka Path summoned the king of hell, throwing Ieyasy inside of his mouth then started chewing him; leaving Tatsumi horrified.

"What did you do! you killed Ieyasu! let go of me!" Tatsumi shouted angrily, trying to break free from Asura's grip.

But then, the king of hell opened his mouth, revealing an Ieyasu totally healed. No injuries, hematomas, or cuts.

"Whaa..." Asura released Tatsumi and the latter rushed to hug his friend. "Ieyasu, you're ok! thank goodness! I don't know how this is possible but thank you, Pain!" Tatsumi thanked, looking at Pain.

"How am I healed? what did you do? wait... what about Sayo!?" Ieyasu rushed towards Sayo's dead body side and fell to his knees, Tatsumi following soon after.

"No... Sayo..." both boys lamented.

"Get back, she'll be a little more tricky". Pain stated and carried Sayo's body to the king of hell's mouth, which chewed a bit leaving Sayo's body healed but she was still dead.

"She's still dead..." Tatsumi stated sadly.

"I told you, she will be a little more tricky". Pain said while making the hand signs of ram and snake, performing the Rinne Tensei no jutsu. The king of hell opened his mouth again and a soul came out of it, entering Sayo's body.

"Uhh..." Sayo was opening her eyes slowly but felt that something wet had fallen on her face. It was her friends' tears. "What... what's going on...?" Sayo asked while looking at the three. Her body was still a bit numb.

"Sayo, you're alive!" Tatsumi and Ieyasu said, hugging the girl, confusing her.

"What's going on guys? why are you emotive all of a sudden?"

"Allow me to explain". Pain said, approaching the trio. "My name is Pain. I was the one who saved you an Ieyasu After the people from this mansion tortured and killed you". Pain stated and Sayo widened her eyes in realization.

"That's right... that girl... she tortured us..." Sayo said while holding her head, recalling the event; feeling a great rage surging within her.

"Wait a moment... I was dead right...? How you were able to save me then?" Sayo asked confused while looking at Pain.

"You're right, I'm sure that you weren't breathing anymore a minute ago how were you able to save her?" Ieyasu asked.

"I have powers that belong outside the world of living and dead. I have power over life and death itself". Pain stated, shocking the trio.

"So you're a God!?". Tatsumi asked surprised.

"In a manner of speaking, yes, I'm a God. A God that was sent to this world to punish the evil and the corrupt". Pain stated, giving a whole new image of him to the three.

"Wow, a God, I'm honored to meet you lord Pain". Ieyasu stated while bowing.

"Me too, I'll never be able to thank you enough for saving my life". Sayo stated, also bowing.

"I'm grateful too, Pain. Sorry for the outburst just now. I thought that you had killed Ieyasu". Tatsumi apologized in a tone of regret.

"Don't mention it, it's all in the past now. The culprits are probably inside the mansion, how about a payback?" Pain suggested and the trio nodded with a serious expression.

Inside the mansion

Pain, Tatsumi, Ieyasu, and Sayo had infiltrated the mansion. They were killing the guards along the way until Pain reached the main room. Pain took down the door, revealing one last guard protecting Aria and her family.

"Intruder! stop right there or..." The human path appeared in front of the guard and removed his soul, shocking the mansion owners.

"No! please, we have a daughter!". the father pleaded.

"Have you no mercy?". the mother asked.

"You think you can put off death? If you kill someone, someone else will kill you. You three, come here, I've found your murderers". Pain stated and the trio of friends entered the room, immediately shocking the family for seeing the two they've killed alive in front of them.

"Ho-how are you still alive!? the father asked horrified.

"So you remember us, I thought you've already forgotten!" Ieyasu shouted angrily.

"You... why did you do that to me?" Sayo asked Aria who had a shadow over her face but she revealed a face of anger and shouted at them.

"You're just worthless hick from the country, right!? the same as cattle! I should be free to treat them however I want! Besides you were so impertinent for having such straight hair for a farm animal! Even though I'm troubled with such unruly hair! That's why I agonized you so meticulously. In fact, you should be grateful I took such good care of you!" Aria stated, revealing her true self; angering the friend trio.

"Don't be so haughty". Pain stated, releasing a wave of air that left the family trio silenced. "Feel the pain, think about pain, accept pain, know pain...!". Deva path said while Sayo and Ieyasu went to attack them.

"This is for poisoning and drugging Ieyasu!" Sayo shouted, shooting an arrow to the mother's head, killing her instantly.

"This is for raping Sayo!". Ieyasu shouted while using a knife to cut the father's that and a sword to cut off his head.

"And this is for my friends!" Tatsumi shouted, cutting Aria in half.

"Good, now that that is dealt with I'll be looting this mansion, you three can wait for me outside. Part of the money can go to your village, it should be enough for everyone ". Pain stated, making the trio smile.

Outside the mansion

"Wow... look at this mess!" Leone stated looking at all the dead bodies outside the mansion.

"It seems someone else has done our job". Akame stated.

"There are traces of explosions...". Lubbock stated, analyzing the ground.

"A teigu user perhaps?" Mine deduced.

"Maybe". Bulat supposed.

"Look, there some people coming out of the mansion". Sheele stated pointing at Tatsumi, Sayo, and Ieyasu.

"Sorry, but we already cleaned this place, there's nothing here for you anymore". Tatsumi stated and Night Raid got on guard.

"Hey, don't you remember me? from the bar?". Leone asked and Tatsumi glared at her.

"You! you are the woman who tried to steal my gold!".

"You're our new target, don't take it personally". Akame stated, drawing her sword.

"Tatsumi, there's too many of them!" Sayo stated worriedly.

"Then allow me to even the odds!" Pain stated while jumping down with all the other paths from the sky, surprising everyone.

"You're that guy from earlier today..." Leone started sweating a bit.

"It doesn't matter how many of them come, we shall destroy them each time!". Mine stated, aiming her pumpkin at the Pains.

"Thoughtless animals, you all have fallen right into my trap. Brave you may be. But a brave fool is a fool nonetheless". Pain stated while rushing with all the other paths to attack.

"That line is mine, right back at you. Let's show those jerks their place!" Mine shouted, pulling one of the triggers to shoot one of the Pains but something she did not expect happened...

End of Chap