
Six Paths of Reincarnation

As vermin are drawn to rotting corpses, so are power-hungry men drawn to weak rulers; moreover, its restless people. The greedy/corrupt humans clung desperately to the quickly dissolving corpse of the Empire. Can Pain stop the cycle of strife in a world where humanity's corruption is abundant?

Swiffith · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs


In front of Aria's Mansion

All the Pains were ready for the fight, Deva path had sent Preta to attack first, he had a chakra rod in his hand. Mine had shot her pumpkin at Preta path but at the moment she did that, three things surprised her. First, it was the recoil that she received from shooting Pain that made her fall to her butt, second, it was the giant laser that came out from her best friend. The power used by her teigu was so strong that it overheated from a single shot. Everyone had to cover themselves with their arms and fix their foot on the ground to not be sent flying from the strong shockwave created from the blast. Mine knew that pumpkin could power up proportionally to the danger she was in but this was unexpected to her. Was she in that much danger by being attacked by this fat guy? and third, it was what Pain did next. Pain, surprised at the sudden shockwave and the giant beam coming towards him, widened his eyes and immediately had to put his hands in front of him to create a barrier that absorbed the blast. Night raid was astonished. What did this weirdo did just now?

"What!? Impossible! How could he defend himself from that powerful blast from pumpkin just like that!?" Mine shouted, her eyes widened and seemed to be almost jumping out from its orbit. 'And now I won't be able to use pumpkin again until I do maintenance again!'. She thought desperately.

"Any power used against God is meaningless". Deva stated, and Mine chuckled.

"A God? what this guy is babbling about?". Mine asked while Preta retreated to near the other paths.

"Mine don't waste your time trying to understand this guy. Leave the rest to us!". Bulat stated going for an attack at Asura who dodged his spear and countering with a strong punch that he defended with his spear and its handle cracked a bit. "Are you kidding me!? how strong is this guy?". Bulat asked panicked.

"Damn! We're left with no choice if I can at least take one of them down...". Akame said while attacking Human path who had to dodge her slashes but the Pain was alerted when he felt something holding his leg, it was one of Lubbock's wires. "Now Akame! It's your chance!". Akame went for the kill, she slashed Pain on the chest and black markings started to appear on the Human path's body.

"Yes! One down!". Akame and Lubbock celebrated.

'Akame of the demon sword Murasame... according to that guard's memories, her sword is coated in a deadly poison that can kill someone within seconds, her relieved expression after the first slash just confirms this. Sasori would be delighted to analyze every part of that sword... huhu. Too bad for her that she can't kill what's already dead...' Deva path thought while eyeing the situation from afar with Naraka path on his side.

"She defeated one of Pain sama friend, this is not good...". Sayo said worriedly.

"I don't think Pain will lose that easily, let us just observe and see what happens". Tatsumi said.

"Yeah, someone with such godly powers can't lose like that". Ieyasu said.

"I hope you guys are right...". Sayo said turning her face to the battle.

The human path was being consumed by the marks on his body and Night Raid was happy that one of their enemies was down or at least, that's what they thought. Akame was about to turn to face the next enemy but she heard something that terrified her.

"You're not the only one that has a one-hit killing move". Human path said, surprising everyone. He then grabbed Akame's arm, starting to pull her soul out. The soul from Akame's arm was visible, making night raid panic.

'What is that!? is that... Akame's soul!? what kind of teigu can do such a thing...!?' Leone thought, paralyzed by the fear upon seeing an astral projection of her friend being sucked out. She already had felt that something was not right with this guy since their encounter in that tavern not too long ago.

"Akameeeeeeee!". Lubbock shouted, desperate for her friend's safety. He tried to use one of his wires to help her but he was stopped by Animal path who sent a giant bird to attack him.

"Damn it! If only I could go there to help her!". Bulat said while struggling to dodge Asura's punches and missiles.

'What... is this? my body feels numb...' Akame thought, her body was getting weak and this could only mean one thing, she was dying!

The human path was about to pull more of Akame's soul but when he was about to do that, Sheele cut off the human path's arm with her giant scissors.

"Are you okay, Akame?". Sheele asked while positioning herself in front of her friend to protect her.

"Arrrgh...! What is this...!?". Akame asked, feeling a sharp pain in her arm that started to turn black. It was suffering from necrosis since the human path was interrupted when only her arm was out of her body. (Just like what happened to Orochimaru)

"Akame, your arm!" Sheele said worriedly.

"Yeah... I can't feel it anymore... and it hurts like hell...". Akame replied, gritting her teeth from the pain. Her arm had completely taken a black tone color and it hunged uselessly at her side. Murasame fell to the ground, its user was no longer capable of holding it.

'What do I think I'm doing...? my friend was almost killed by this bastard and all I can do is stand here in fear? no, I'll not let Akame down again!'. Leone thought and activated her teigu, going for an attack. 'Why are those two back there not fighting? are they the leaders? or they don't possess fighting capabilities? well, whatever I'll take down that one who thinks he's a God!'. Leon dodged Naraka's black rod attack, thanks to her enhanced speed and reflexes given by her teigu. She was about to punch Deva but right before she could touch him, she was repelled by an invisible force. It was the Deva path ability that had finally returned from the cooldown.

"Finally the strength returned". Deva path stated as a wave of energy dissipated around him.

"Wha- what happened!? Leone was just sent back by an invisible force!" Mine stated surprised by the man's powers.

"Damn!". Leon said while getting up.

Sheele went to help Leone and started fighting Naraka. The Pain attacked her using a black rod, piercing her arm. Sheele felt the Rinnegan's power affecting her but she cut the rod with her scissors, leaving him unarmed. Deva, seeing this, decided to put an end to the battle.

"Time to end this!". Deva path raised his palm and created a strong Shinra Tensei that sent Night Raid very far away, destroying a part of the forest.

Night Raid was completely obliterated after the Pain's attack. All of them got wounds and a few broken bones here and there.

"Darn it! We're stupid to attack blindly, we misjudged this foe!". Mine said while she and the other members of Night Raid were getting up, helping each other to get off under the rubble, badly injured.

"Should I use my trump card...?". Akame said while grabbing her sword with her healthy arm and putting it near her neck but was stopped by Leone.

"No, don't waste your time. You're not in a condition to fight anymore and remember that it didn't work against the long-haired guy, and we're not sure if it'll work against the others. Mine is right, we're foolish to attack blindly. We must pull back and treat our injuries immediately". Akame just nodded and ran away with the rest of Night Raid.

"That was incredible Pain sama! you scared away those assassins!". Sayo said congratulating Pain for his victory.

"Couldn't agree more, those guys will probably stay inactive for a long time to recover now". Tatsumi stated.

"It was just a setback, I could have finished them off immediately but there's no need to rush I was just testing the strength of these people, if they threaten us again, we'll take care of them". Deva stated and Preta path touched Human path and the black marks started to disappear. He had absorbed the poison.

'Interesting... it seems these Teigus powers are powered up by the user's energy, this was not just a poisoned blade alone. Then there must be limitations and risks to their usage...'. Deva thought, analyzing the poison he absorbed.

"What do we do now?". Ieyasu asked.

"We already took everything valuable from the mansion we'll have to find a good place to sell the objects though...". Pain said while looking at the bags full of precious antiques. ' If Kakuzu was here, I'll let this job in his hands...'. Pain thought. He then looked at the mansion, deciding to approach it.

"What is it? did you forgot something there?". Tatsumi asked.

"Shinra Tensei!". Pain shouted, releasing a massive shockwave, making the mansion fly into pieces, nothing remaining of it.

"Wow, this is the second time I see you doing this, but it's still impressive as if was the first...". Sayo said.

"This marks the beginning of a new age for this corrupt world. Not matter where evil hides, I'll pursue each one of these dogs until there's none left". Deva stated while leaving with the other paths.

"Where are we going now?". Tatsumi asked.

"You three can go back with Tatsumi to the Inn. I'll have to find a hideout to stay from now on. I'll contact you all later". Pain stated and started vaulting from tree to tree.

Night Raid's Base

"What's that!? you all lost to six individuals with unique types of Teigus!?". Najenda asked surprised. Her subordinates were in bed, recovering from the injuries in another room. Bulat was the less injured thanks to Incursio so he was explaining the situation to Najenda.

"Precisely, we encountered these people near the target's mansion. We thought that he could be another criminal and we did the stupidity of attacking him blindly... and this is the result". Bulat explained with his head down in shame and Najenda was lost in her thoughts.

'To think that all them lost and were left with such injuries... we're not dealing with just any random individual...'. Najenda thought worriedly.

"What should we do them? that guy was no joke". Bulat stated.

"Bulat, I want full details in tonight's encounter with these people, now!". Najenda ordered.

A long explanation later...

"I see... so that's what happened...". Najenda said after receiving the full details of the mission.

"We stood no chance against him, all we know besides the abilities was the name the three youngsters that accompanied him called him. They called him Pain". Bulat said confusing Najenda.


"Yes, he claimed himself as a God".

'A God... huh? well, that's all we needed, not only my subordinates will have to stay out of the working field against the capital for at least a month, now we'll have to worry about a monster with God complex. And from all my experience all these years as a general, I've never heard about teigus that could do what Bulat described. This is troublesome...'. Najenda said while she entered the room where the members were resting.

"Akame... that arm of yours... I'm sorry but, I think you will have to cut it off. I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure keeping a limb in that state can be prejudicial to the rest of your body". Najenda said frowning, alarming Akame.

"Wha-what!? how I'll fight with full power with just one arm?". Akame asked with widened eyes.

"I dunno what this Pain individual did to you, but your arm is starting to suffer from necrosis. It's like your arm lost its source of life. Look, it's even starting to bleed from the bandages". Najenda told, signing her arm. "If you don't do it now, the damage could extend to unknown levels. I'll ask the revolutionary army's doctors to do the proceedings safely for you, don't worry". Najenda stated, relieving Akame a bit. Najenda then left the room and went outside, lighting a cigar.

"What does the future hold for us now?". Najenda asked no one in particular, looking at the moon that was colored red like blood.

Capital's Inn

"Aaaaah! we finally got to get some rest!". Ieyasu said while throwing himself at the bed. Tatsumi had just finished paying a new room for the three of them.

"Yeah, today was a blast. It was the worst and the best day of my life at the same time!". Sayo stated and Ieyasu was confused by this.

"Why? I can understand why it was the worst but why the best?".

"C'mon Ieyasu! we just met God himself! he came from the heavens just to rescue us and punish evil! isn't that something that very few people can get the opportunity in their lives?". Sayo replied and Ieyasu decided to just nod in agreement.

"Don't get so cocky, Sayo. He said he will contact us later. I wonder what he wants with us?". Tatsumi asked while entering the room.

"Maybe he wants to reward us with part of that fortune he got from the mansion". Ieyasu stated, and Tatsumi chuckled.

"Keep dreaming Ieyasu". Sayo said and all three of them started laughing.

Meanwhile with Pain... Noon of the next day

Pain was heading towards the southwest of the capital. Once he reached his destination all he could see was dry land, it looked like it was mid-summer, a desert and the only water source was a big river that runs around the city and its water was being drained towards the giant castle that had a giant tower in the middle of the city. This was a reign under the thumb of the imperial capital, controlled behind the shadows by Prime minister Honest. This was the perfect place for the new Akatsuki to flourish. Pain upon seeing how these people were being treated and how the corrupt guards were enslaving its citizens decided it was time to act. He had set his eyes on this land and all the evil and corrupt that plagued this land would have to pay with blood. Its king was nothing more than a tyrant scum that feeds himself with the suffering of its people. Right now he was at the throne room being entertained by a jester and beautiful dancers while sitting on the throne with a woman sitting on his lap that had a smile on her face but inside she just wanted to use her nails to pierce this man's dick that was harassing her right now. The king had no idea that his people were already planning an uprising against him and Pain would only be the trigger for this rebellion...

Chapter End