
Sit Down My Love

Constance Williams is a former Kindle Scout participant who has gain numerous votes on Facebook and also support in the Kindle’s Scout Authors community which has encouraged her writing even greater. She is a prolific writer indeed – has written over 24 books, and is snooping around as we speak, gathering information for another amazing story, just to share with you; her loyal and wonderful audience. “Love Overdose” “Flesh” “Struggles of the Hear” Are, just a few of the books that she has written. Constance, has worked across the border of several industries such as operating a restaurant, working as a medical technician in a doctor’s office and hospital, to teaching Social Studies and English in a community college. She presently has a Youtube Channel where she teaches English at the CXC (Caribbean Examination Council) level. You may visit her website to read excerpts from her books and leave your comments as well. Here is the link for doing so: www.ladycbooks.simplesite.com Every night around seven o’clock she would past the same spot walking ever so briskly like she was always in a hurry! Whether to catch a bus or a train her feet would be moving speedily so as to reach her destination in time! Wherever that was! With strong feet, swift, firm and shiny; showing off their caramel complexion as lights from the passing vehicles would project onto her body displaying a glistening appearance of smoothness and shininess, as though, beady stars were imbedded into her honey glaze skin. Over her broad shoulders would be the accessories of fashionable bags which would hang at her elbow while colorful shawls dangle and dance from her neck each time the wind blew upon her skin; causing her to look even more attractive to the gazing eyes staring upon her each time they would see her passing by!

Constance C. Williams · Général
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

The evening sun was now fully in control, setting off rays of pink and yellow colors around its circumference as the brightness of the sun gradually disappeared from the surface of the earth; causing many to say it was only encouraging its own atmosphere for great romance!

A romantic mood which Corny and Eric were already feeling, ever since they left the kitchen table and began clearing away the dinner plates from the kitchen table together!

As they were there sitting on the front porch after tidying the kitchen, and taking in the evening sun, one of the ice cream trucks slowly came along on the avenue, kept on blowing its whistle and encouraging persons to come out of their houses and treat themselves with fudges, icicles or whatever other delights that were available them!

Which, Eric jumped to the occasion after hearing the driver listing out all the sweet treats he had on the truck; but after first asking Ms. Maxwell, if she cared to have him buying her an ice cream cone or a sundae, instead which would be making up for the dessert which she didn't get a chance to prepare for dinner time!

Excitingly, she accepted, and further stated that she would like a strawberry sundae with everything on the top of it!

Gladly, Corny and Eric walked to the street and waited for the truck to come and then stop by their gate; so Eric could place his orders. He ordered Ms. Maxwell sundae first, brought it to her, and then, returned to the truck to purchase whatever sweets, he and Corny wanted to indulge themselves in for the evening!

Soon after paying the driver for their desserts, Corny and Eric began feeding each other ice cream cones while making comparisons of whose treat tasted better than the other!

And in all their playfulness in front of the gate; with Ms. Maxwell still sitting on the front porch, Eric only wanted to place a passionate kiss on Corny lips to express how he was feeling about her, right then and there!

But, Ms. Maxwell's presence on the front porch prevented him from carrying out this act of passion since such would deem him being dishonorable to her, if he should ever romantically kiss Corny in front of her aunt presences, and he hadn't obtained his divorcement clearance, as yet!

Eagerly, wanting to express his feelings to her, Eric decided on carrying out a little childish prank on Corny, by giving her the bunch of keys he had in his pocket, and then asking her to take them and enter his car so as to put his wallet inside his glove compartment for him!

Completely naive about the tricks, he had up his sleeves - in mind; she gladly grabbed the keys from his hands, and brought them over to the car where she began fumbling for the right key to open the car door.

And while Corny stood there, fumbling, trying very hard to figure out the correct key used to enter his car, Eric swiftly walked towards her, talking loud enough for Ms. Maxwell to hear him saying; that she was have difficulties opening the car door.

But, once Eric had gotten out of Ms. Maxwell eyesight, and close up to his vehicle, he grabbed Corny by the shoulders and brought her closer into his arms, and then laid a long and lasting passionate kiss upon her lips which had her feeling pretty dizzy when he was done kissing her! And after he had released his grip from her shoulders and the locking of his lips from between her tender lips and his!

Unsure of what to do or say next, Corny stood just there gazing at Eric in amazement, but would soon come to realize that he actually didn't want her putting any wallet inside his glove compartment; but instead, he was only redirecting her away from Ms. Maxwell eye sight.

Now they were both giggling away at the foolish prank he had orchestrated, just so he could find a way to kiss her amorously without her aunt seeing them in action!

Still laughing about what Eric had done, Corny playfully leaped onto Eric's body, lapping both her legs around his waist and her hands around his neck, and now she was repeatedly kissing him like a feline in heat!

And for the next twenty minutes or so, Corny wrapped her limbs around Eric's entire body, and she began showing him her romantic skills... how much she could love on him while being in his arms, feeling his bulging body next to hers, and his warm breath breathing against her body which permitted her flesh to swell intensely!

And also, while expressing to him how much of a good kisser she could be, as she allowed her lips to dominate his while her hands slowly caressed the nape of his neck tenderly, bringing him to a place of convulsing ecstasy!

Shuddering and shaking, quivering and jerking, Eric desperately tried keeping his body and his manhood under submission, as Corny tickled his lips with her tongue repeatedly, and continued to pull at his lips, like she was pulling sweet juices from a lollypop!

This frenzy - this high; Eric had never felt before!

She had sent these sensations to his blood, had them creeping through his vein and then straight to the center of his heart, and have them sending him into a trance - a state of sexual excitement which had him blissfully sweating, and shivering uncontrollable; causing him to eventually cry out with pleasurable excitement right there on the side of the street while Ms. Maxwell, sat on the front porch of the house!

It was obvious, Eric's clothing were soaking wet, and wet especially in the area where the sexual engine operated from or where travelling eyes like glancing as they imagine what was stored under the clothing!

He was now in between elation and embarrassment while enfolding Corny tightly in his arms, and while still trembling and throbbing in more than one place in his body!

She could feel his heart pounding against her chest strongly and rapidly while enwrapping each other and waiting for that moment to come when they could freely release from each other's grip, and then gaze into each other's eyes freely without feeling any awkwardness or humiliation!

Even though, it was only Eric who seems to be bearing the burden of mortification - feeling shame or guilt, because of the sexual pleasure they had just experienced or had expressed between them.

Gently untangling her grip from around his body and gentle lowering herself back to the ground, Corny softly held Eric's face into her hands and repeatedly told him that she loved him, and was looking forward to spending the rest of her life together with him in which, she would relentlessly show him much more love than she had just shown him a few minute ago!

Eric was now shamefully looking down on his moist clothing, however, shyly smiling and blushing because of what Corny had just said to him about sexually pleasing him every night once she had become his wife.

He was now seeing another side to her and a side to her that he liked very much, and even though, she was still a virgin, he wondered if she would keep her end of the bargain by fulfilling him sexual desires once they had gotten married and were living together.

And with that thought, Eric announced that he was ready to leave her side now and head on home; because, he now needed to wash away all those sexual juices from his clothing which was only reminding him of how he could become very weak in her presence, especially when she had become suggestive or erotic with him.

"Are you coming to say good-bye to my aunt?"

Corny then asked.

"No, you can tell her good-bye for me!"

Eric replied.


Corny questioned.

"Corny, don't you realize what you have done to me... don't you see that my clothing is soaking wet and I'm still dripping like a spoil faucet!"

Eric expressed.

"But it's dark now and she won't be able to see anything on your clothing, even though your pant is not of a very dark or black in color!"

Corny suggested.

Agreeing that the time was now dark and there was no sign of a sunset anymore, but only dark skies, Eric decided, he would return to the front porch and bid Ms. Maxwell farewell before kissing his darling Corny one more time before entering his car and rushing off to his house.

Reluctantly, Eric walked back to front gate to tell Ms. Maxwell good-night who was still occupying her seat on one of the large chairs on the front porch.

Trying to sound assured like they were all one big family again, Eric confidently shouted...

"Aunt Annette, I'm leaving now and I hope to see you again; hopefully very soon!"

But Ms. Maxwell didn't respond straight away, and it took Corny's intervention before she awoke from her state of dosing off and replied to what Eric's courteousness, but only after she had commented on the wet spot, at the dead-center of his pant.

"Eric, why do you allow the ice cream and icicles you have been eating to drip on you and wet up the front of your clothing like that... like you are still a little baby?"

"You know, you will have to go straight home after leaving here and change out of those clothing because persons will probably think otherwise after seeing your entire pants front wet like that!"

Ms. Maxwell advised.

"I will do just that, Ms. Maxwell!"

Eric replied.

"I am leaving now, so you have a wonderful night, and I hope to see you soon!"

Eric repeated himself.

"Alright Eric, and I hope you have a safe ride home!"

Ms. Maxwell re-joined.

While removing her cushion from her seat and began making her way inside the house to prepare herself for her sleep.

Still burning up with lustrous desire for his woman, Eric practically dragged her by the hand all the way to his car, where the roles of aggression were now reverse, and forcefully he began kissing Corny again and again!

This time even reaching for her cup size breast and having his way with them... sucking on them with all the passion that his body possessed!

W ith excitement, Corny moaned, groan and convulsed with pleasure as Eric continued to bring out the sexual goddess which was living in her!

Her body now started to react and sending off signals that she didn't know she had inside of her!

Filled with excitement, Eric was now ready to go a step further, trying desperately to have her on the back seat of his car but, Corny didn't want him entering her and screaming for him to stop!

Letting him know that that was enough, and she didn't want to go any further with their erotic frolicking anymore!

Eric was now totally confused and began asking Corny repeated if she didn't want him again!

"Yes, Eric, I do want you, but not like this, and not before we have settled down and living as a married couple!" Corny expressed harshly.

"Please darling, let us enjoy this moment together! You know that I am madly in love with you, and we will marry and have a wonderful life down the road!"

Eric pleaded time and time again.

However, Corny was adamant in her stands, and flatly rejected them taking their relationship any further than what they had already express and experienced.

Seeing her strength and determination of them not going any further sexually right now, Eric wrapped his arms around her, kissed her on the forehead before jumping into his vehicle and racing down the avenue like he had just been injected with some crazy syrup!

Corny then made her way to the interior of the house, and then to her bedroom where she went straight for the shower to hose off all that sexual heat and urges she was feeling all over her body!

And from the shower, she went straight to bed, where she spent hours over exerting her mind with thoughts of the life she wanted to live with Eric Bent. And also hoping that she would never allow herself to get intoxicated, drunken or blinded with so passion for him ever like this again, unless, they were sanctified as husband and wife.

Near to the midnight hour sleep finally came, and Corny slept right through the rest of the night without any strange dreams or disturbance awaking her from her well needed rest.

By seven o'clock the following morning, Corny was wide awake, but decided to stay in bed until it was around mid-morning presuming that by that time, she would be somewhat fit and ready for the stage which was customary for her.

When mid-morning came along Corny was out of bed and headed straight for the kitchen where she met up with her aunt and fetch dome food to for her stomach before preparing herself for work.

Just like the many other evenings where she took the route for work, Eric was there at the gas station waiting to see her passing by heading to her work at the hotel.

He was still consumed with shyness but still happy to see her, especially since he had some very encouraging news he thought Corny would like to hear.

After softly embracing her, Eric went on to tell Corny about his adventurous day and the favorable news he had acquired from his attorney this morning when he went by his office to see him about drawing up his divorce papers.

"Well my darling, it seems like in the next six months I will be free and clear from my wife according to what I was told by my attorney this morning!"

Eric stated to Corny.

Covering her mouth Corny smiled with great excitement shining all over her face.

"So you finally went and file the papers this morning; well we can finally start sharing our lives together!"

Corny stated excitingly

Gently tugging at the button at his shirt, Corny giggling asked.

"You were that heated and horny last night so that you have to jump up out of bed this morning to go and see your lawyer, so he can start filing your divorce papers right away?"

Laughing back at her, Eric responded.

"You just remember to keep you side of the bargain by making love with me like you said you would do last night... if can get half of what you had given me last night then I will certainly be a very happy man!"

Caressingly rubbing around the bandage still wrapped around his head, Corny give him a big smile as she playfully mentioned to him...

"I hope you will be good and ready for it, whenever, you placed that ring on my finger and we settle down together! I am warning you from now, I don't want to hear you whining or complaining when I am enjoying myself with you!"

"Okay Babes, stop talking, because all you are doing right now, is only turning me on and making me want to make out with you right here and now!"

Eric commanded blushingly.

"By-the-way sweetheart, I also went to look at a gas station so I can operate my own business. It is not of the Shell brand, but the owner is ready to retire and willing to hand it over to me as soon as he is retired!"

Eric went on to inform her.

"So things are looking up for you, and in the direction you hope for them to be!"

Corny expressed.

"Things are looking up for the both of us; because whenever I succeed, you succeed also!"

Eric declared while holding onto Corny hands.

"And as soon as I open up the gas station business, I would like for you to register in whatever school you intended on achieving your hotel management degree, and I will help you to fund it, okay my love!"

Eric informed Corny.

Before Corny could give Eric a yes or no answer, she repositioned her bags over her shoulder while walking away from him and yelling out...

"I have to catch my bus now Eric, we will talked tomorrow evening!"

Luckily, Corny had left Eric's side when she did; because she was just in time to catch the bus which brought her to work in the evenings, right after she had just gotten at the bus stop!

Now she was very happy that Eric was making way with his divorce finalization, and was even much happier with anticipation to the fact that she would soon be the next Mrs. Eric Timothy Bent in the next couple of months!

She felt so much pride and joy that he wanted to marry her and that they both had this unquestionable and undoubtedly chemistry between them.

Corny took pride in the fact that she was marrying such an understanding, caring and loving man, who wasn't short in his affection for her!

Causing her to wonder why on earth his wife had not being faithful to him!

In her eyes, he was just the perfect man!

And after searching, checking and reanalyzing herself and their relationship together, there would be no reason for her to look anywhere else, once he had remain that same adoring and loving man she had met outside of the Shell Gas Station and had started dating soon after words!

With all confidence, she concluded that she just couldn't envision any unforeseen reasons, why she would have to end up looking for love from another!

Eric was enough... he had all that she could ever want in a man, and was now quite certain that Eric wasn't only the man for her, but he was the perfect man for her!

Her entire ride on the bus to work that Monday evening, Corny could only think about spending the rest of her life with the man of her dreams and the love of her life, Eric Bent.

And the only time she had erased him from her mind was when, she needed to pay her fare and then get off at her stop, but once in the dressing room at work, all her focus were on him and him making love to her daily!

Even though, a bit shaken up in her body from the attacked she had experienced Saturday night after going out on her date with Eric, Crony was still able to perform her dancing routine without any glitches or much aggravating pain; after returning to work Monday night.

And after every stage performance, she placed herself in a corner and let her thoughts submerge - sink into mental picture of how she would like their relationship to be as husband and wife, as parents and most importantly, as lovers!

It was only when she was called to appear on stage that such thoughts would disappear from her memory, it seems, and then be placed in the forgetful rooms of her mind, until she was done dancing and had returned to her break session again.

And so it has been with Corny for months... day dreaming!

Her dreams were coming through, and she was indeed quite a very happy woman now!

Bubbling with excitement about heading back to school to get her degree as a hotel manager, marrying a very support man who wanted to see her flourish and thrive, and also becoming financial secure!

The skies were the limit for her now and Corny felt like nothing at all could possible go wrong in her life ever again!

She had it made, she thought to herself!

And for weeks and for months, she went out on several dates with Eric, and still she couldn't find one single reason why she should not marry him! Because, he has always been loving, supportive and so patient with her; and also would catered to whatever made her happy.

Their relationship was a match made in heaven, and she was dancing on cloud nine, for sure!

Five months after going out every other weekend and spending precious time together, Eric told Corny about receiving access to the new building for his business... that he had gotten control of the new gas station now since the previous owner was now fully ready to retire from it, and sell the space where he had operated business for the past thirty-five years.

They were extremely excited that things were quickly progressing - moving along in their favor and just like how they had planned for it to happen.

However, the building needed some painting and quite a bit of repairs which Eric had planned on doing himself for the next couple of weeks when the retired owner had cleared out all that he didn't want to part ways with.

Eric knew that there were some things that he would need from the previous owner like some of the stock which he planned on meeting up with him and let his lawyers write him a check for the stock he would like to have turned over to him!

Once that was done he would be free and clear to start remodeling the premises to his liking and then call the head office in the Cayman Island to turn over all documentation needed to merge as a franchise to their company.

Within three weeks Eric was done cleaning, remodeling and stocking goods on shelves which he had bought from the previous owner.

And with the old gas station having a new facelift and a new owner, the executives within the Shell Companies were ready to hand over whatever paperwork Eric needed to have his new gas station up and running fully.

Just a week before opening the doors for his new gas station business operation, Eric took Corny on a tour of the premises before inviting her out for dinner and to celebrate the grate milestone he had accomplished with her by his side.

At dinner that evening seated at their favorite spot, Eric went over in details his intention of helping Corny back into school just like he had promised her in previous months as soon as he started saving up some money from the business. Therefore, she should start consider about resigning from her present job as soon as he had given her the first payment for her schooling.

It was a deal Corny had agreed to and had taken seriously because now, her dreams were coming through also.

With this suggestion made, Corny raised from her seat, leaned over the table and kissed Eric on the lips repeatedly while coveted onlookers stared with jealousy! As she went for his lips in the most seductive manner and kissed him over and over again!

As the end of her lips gentle caresses his, Corny once again told Eric how much she loved him and appreciated him for all that he was doing to make her dreams come through like she had done many, many times before!

Eric's intention now out of the way, there focus was on dinner now and so they sat and playfully enjoyed their meal until they were done eating, pay their bills and decided to go cozy up in a theater house and watch a movie before driving Corny back home first, and then himself.

In the theater house the entire show was spent with them curled up in each other's arms, intertwining like pretzel as they made out romantically, not caring or even hearing a word spoken from the movie screen.

Both hearts began pounding massively as they pleasured at each other in the theater, even with the ac on, both were sweating from the heat they were generating between them! Their crotches were soaking... soaking wet from the pleasurable excitement they were exchanging causing Eric to want her then and there for all eyes there to see!

Repeatedly, he squealed her name, begging and pleading with her to stop... to release her grip from his manhood and the sensational stroking of his lips with her mouth, but she wouldn't let him go!

Unable to control this sexual sensational any longer, Eric began screaming; screams that were convulsing which had gotten everyone in the theater's house attention!

Like a gorilla in heat he was ready to embarrass himself and take her there in the theater house with nosy eyes because that was what he thought she wanted him to do!

But, just as Eric was about to unbuckle his belt and positioned her to sit on him, Corny belted out words of rejection, denying him the right to ever entering her in that manner in the theater house, and before they were engaged to be married to each other!

"I need you right now sweets!"

Eric belted out while shivering with excitement.

"Haven't we already discussed that we will not have sex until we are married?"

Corny asked with blazing eyes.

"So what do you expect, if you continue to tease me like you are doing now and bringing me to this state of excitement that I'm unable to control myself and the urges I feel for you!"

Eric responded.

"I'm not quite sure of what to expect, but I would suggest that you control your urges for now and wait until we are properly married before pushing yourself inside of me!"

Corny replied.

"I must tolerate you teasing me... you kissing on me and making out with me every time that we are in a confine space - a close together?"

Eric asked with questioning eyes while staring down at her breast.

Trying to bring some resolution to their sexual problems, Corny held Eric's hand gently yet still, playfully as she softly proclaim to him that they will never kiss or make-out again until they were both married. Because, if doing so is going to bring conflict and hostility to their relationship.

"I just can't resist you any longer and I don't think I can wait any longer to have you; because every time, you are near me, my blood gets hot and I want to make love to you!"

Eric expressed sadly.

"So why don't we stay away from each other for a while, or until you acquired your divorcement since this situation is causing us to have a battle with each other, even though we are in love with each other!"

Corny stated sternly.

"Corny, do you know the saying; out of sight out of mind, and what it actually means?"

Eric asked firmly.

"Of course, I know what it means, Eric, but what do you want me to say or do right now?"

Corny lashed back at him!

"This is the only compromising decision that I can come up with at this point, and I need you and I to stick with it! Because, if we don't make an agreement right now, then how the hell, are we going to cooperate and negotiate over matters in our actual marriage?"

Corny asked, with an air of concern in her voice.

Taking a minute to reflect on what she was preaching to him, he eventually came to conclude that's what they should do for a while because in so doing, he could fully concentrate on his work at hand!

Now that they were in full collaboration with each other in being apart for a while or until they had tied the knot, Eric leaned over towards Corny, pulled her up against his body, and then began kissing her passionately! Soon after tenderly releasing her from his grip and stating that he was now ready for his probationary period of intimacy with her!

"How am I going to manage without you on weekends when I'm not working?"

Eric asked staring into her eyes, as if he could read the answer to his question from gazing into her eyes.

Snugging her head against his massive chest, Corny slightly passed her hand across his chest while fidgeting with the buttons on his shirt, as she softly said to him, "You will be alright my love... we only have few more months to go for you and I to permanently share our lives together!"

With those words spoken, Eric gentle squeeze her up against him even more as he stated to her that she had the innermost part of his heart and soul, and how he would never want to lose her. Looking up at him with her thumb softly caressing his lips, she declared to him the same words...

"Eric Bent, I don't ever want to lose you, either!"

Corny lovingly declared.