
Sit Down My Love

Constance Williams is a former Kindle Scout participant who has gain numerous votes on Facebook and also support in the Kindle’s Scout Authors community which has encouraged her writing even greater. She is a prolific writer indeed – has written over 24 books, and is snooping around as we speak, gathering information for another amazing story, just to share with you; her loyal and wonderful audience. “Love Overdose” “Flesh” “Struggles of the Hear” Are, just a few of the books that she has written. Constance, has worked across the border of several industries such as operating a restaurant, working as a medical technician in a doctor’s office and hospital, to teaching Social Studies and English in a community college. She presently has a Youtube Channel where she teaches English at the CXC (Caribbean Examination Council) level. You may visit her website to read excerpts from her books and leave your comments as well. Here is the link for doing so: www.ladycbooks.simplesite.com Every night around seven o’clock she would past the same spot walking ever so briskly like she was always in a hurry! Whether to catch a bus or a train her feet would be moving speedily so as to reach her destination in time! Wherever that was! With strong feet, swift, firm and shiny; showing off their caramel complexion as lights from the passing vehicles would project onto her body displaying a glistening appearance of smoothness and shininess, as though, beady stars were imbedded into her honey glaze skin. Over her broad shoulders would be the accessories of fashionable bags which would hang at her elbow while colorful shawls dangle and dance from her neck each time the wind blew upon her skin; causing her to look even more attractive to the gazing eyes staring upon her each time they would see her passing by!

Constance C. Williams · Général
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11 Chs

Chapter 11

Eric filled with moments of street-side romance, kissed his darling Corny good-bye one more time before hopping into his car and driving off from the spot that held so many exciting memories for him which he had shared with his charming fianc閑, Corny Thousands.

And as Eric sped away from Melbourne Drive, he began tooting his horn and waving farewell to her while she in turn zealously waved back at him smilingly and shouting...

"Eric, I love you!"

"I love you, Eric!"

As Eric's car disappeared into the distance tears began flooding Corny's eyes while her heart spoke to her of the love she holds dearly inside of it for only him!

Returning to the inside of the house to sit and chat with her aunt, as usual, Corny thought now would be a good time to prepare her for the future - time coming when she would no longer be coming home to her because she would be sharing a house with her husband instead.

Sitting at the kitchen table, Corny promised her aunt, Ms. Maxwell, that she would make every effort to come and visit her as often as she possible can after she and Eric had gotten married. Because, once they had tied the knot, she will be a very busy women; attending to her wifely duties and also at the same time acquiring her degree as a hotel manager.

Ms. Maxwell, tightly clasping hands with her niece's hands began crying because, she knew how much she was going to miss her dear niece who has been her companion and friend for the past twenty-three years or so!

Her tears were bitter sweet, because she was very happy that her niece had found true love and was going to be settling down with a man who was very vivacious, a true man of virtue, and a man of valor!

A man who would be supportive to her, and who was also very capable of providing for all her needs!

In her eyes, Eric Bent was the full package and she was very happy that he had chosen her niece to be his wife; to share his life with, no questions ask!

Releasing from her niece's embrace, Ms. Maxwell then lashed out with her intentions and those intentions were to show up at Corny's door-steps whenever she was feeling bored or lonely!

Therefore, she should make sure that she has a spear room always waiting at their house for her! With that being said, Corny responded.

"A room will always be in my house, ready and waiting for you; because you're my dearest aunt!"

"Where would I, ever be without you?"

Corny spoke, while reaching for Ms. Maxwell shoulders to wrap her arms around them again and snuggle!

Six months after being engaged, periodically going out on dates here and there, and sharing romantic moments and memories together, Eric was finally ready to tie the knot!

And out of the blue, he called Corny one day and told her to set a date for their wedding because he had now saved up enough money to orchestrate their wedding plans!

Furthermore, he was simply tired of sleeping without her next to him - in his arms!

Tossing and turning and waking up in the middle of the night just to find out that she wasn't there near to him!

He craved for that intimacy with her!

He desperately wanted to make love to her, and in the way they both had planned on doing it!

Now was the time for them to tie the knot, consummate that burning desire they lovingly wanted to share together as a union!

Nearing all the hype and the festivities of Christmas, Corny reveal to Eric that she would love to walk down the aisle with him on the twelve of December; and so he got busy, making sure that it would happened for her without her even lifting a finger!

Her only efforts were to have her wedding dress fitted the way she wanted it to fit, have her shoes comfortably fitted to her feet, and select the look she wanted to wear on her face with her make-up artist!

Everything else was in Eric's hands!

The entire cousins, uncles and aunts form the Maxwell breed of family were invited to witness the heart touching and special occasion of their young relative. Along with some of Corny co-workers whom she has been working with over the years and quite a few persons she had made friends with at her school were also invited to attend the nuptial ceremony of Corny and Eric!

Just like clockwork Eric Bent was on top of everything! Tremendously, he was trying to create a memory that his sweetheart, friend and soon to be wife and lover would appreciate and remember for the rest of her life!

An appointment was given for them to visit the hospital and have their blood taken and tested so as to rule out any communicable diseases, any ancestral relations that would further be problematic to them bearing children in the future in the marriage!

Eric felt there was no way they could be related and was quite assured that his health and everything in his body was up to par... probable some hypertension since he had gained some weight around his middle!

It was the last week of November and two weeks before walking down the aisle that Corny and Eric showed up at the laboratory department hand in hand!

They were there at the hospital to have their blood drawn and tested for any possible communicable diseases and incestuous links manifesting in their relationship.

It wasn't the first time for Eric, it was the second time for him doing this blood drawn procedure, and even though he was a little squeamish about having needles poking into his body by doctors, nurses or anyone else, like a lion, he put on a brave face, and had the procedure done without shedding a tear!

Because now, he was very ready to pleasure and please his wife!

He was now ready to share his heart, soul and body with the only apple of his eyes, and also take on this journey of being oneness with her!

And most certainly, he wanted everything to be absolutely perfect!

Soon after Eric's blood was drawn the lab technician called Corny, and had her seated in the lad chair, so her blood could be drawn next, and before the technician could even touch her, Eric utterances were...

"Please, be gentle with her for me!"

Looking up at him, the technician responded, "I certainly will do that; just like I was with you!" before having Corny comfortably seated on the chair and wrapping her arm with the large tourniquet - rubber band!

Without any anxiety or frustration, Corny allowed the lab technician to perform her skills and minutes later, she was out of the chair and in Eric's waiting arms which was quite ready to softly embrace her, and shower her with tender kisses before making their way back to his car!

They were given instructions to return to the laboratory department within the next five days to collect their test results and possible get some professional consultation, if such should ever be required of them.

Both had considered this task to be the hardest for them throughout the entire planning of their wedding; but, they also knew, it was one of the most important thing that needed to be done in order for them to move forward with their wedding preparations.

And after having a quick bite together at one of those small restaurants not too far from the hospital, Eric drove Corny to her school and dropped her off there where inquisitive eyes were watching them as they lovingly said their good-byes!

Before Eric hurryingly made his way off to his own gas station business to carrying out his daily duties and the operation of running that business!

Heading to her classroom Corny was stopped by one of the primary teachers at school who began warning her to refrain from expressing such flirtatious behavior in front of the school premises; because it wasn't a motel or her bedroom that she was being dropped off at!

Corny tried explaining to the teacher that Eric was indeed her husband-to-be... they were happily engaged and soon to be married!

But, the teacher didn't care to hear anything about her love life or the avenue it was now taking, but instead, sternly warned Corny about not making it happen again in front of the institution or else she could be permanently suspended from the school if seen performing such sexual and vulgar behavior in front of their institution again!

"It was only a kiss, madam!"

Corny try explaining.

But, the teacher didn't want to her it!

Slamming Corny with threatening words that she indeed would be suspended if seem sucking on her man tongue in front of the school!

Corny not wanting to fall from her ladylike status, and also knowing that she now has a husband-to-be whom she now represents, Corny swallowed her spit, bit her tongue and kindly apologize to the school instructor, for her making out with her Eric in front of the school premises!

However, Corny very well knew that there were many rumors flying around the school that she was getting married; and to a wealthy man at that!

And many on the staff at the institution were very jealous of her position oftentimes giving her that condescending and obnoxious look - that hateful and horrible stare, indirectly telling her; she was indeed despised by them!

Causing Corny to wonder!

"Why should having love hurt so damn much?"

"It hurts to find love and it also hurts to keep it!"

"Why can't everyone be happy that she and Eric are in love and doing the right thing by each other?"

Corny pondered to herself.

The thoughts of others being loathsome of her falling in love with a wonderful man, made her nervous, and she told herself she would leave that school and attend another if such behavioral treatment continued.

Because, for her, there was no way she could possible learn anything or feel comfortable in a community like this, if such demising treatment persisted!

However, the fifth day after taking their blood test was here and it was now time for her and Eric to return to the lab and collect their blood test results from the hospital laboratory!

And just like how they both had went together to have the blood test procedure done, hand in hand they both went together to collect their results!

Corny was the first to be called inside the office of the lab consultant, and was given a clean bill of health and also was advised that her and Eric didn't have any ancestral links, therefore, them having children wouldn't produce any deformities associated with incestuous bloodline!

Delighted to hear the good news, Corny shook the lad consultant hand after being counseled in being faithful to her husband; preventing any sexual diseases or unwanted pregnancy during their marriage or in the future!

Minutes later, Eric Bent was then invited to come inside the lad consultant office and ask to have seat on one of the chairs positioned in front of her!

And after taking his seat, the lad consultant pulled his envelope from the large plastic container which was also holding many other persons' blood test results, for one reason or another!

From the demeanor showing on the lab consultant's face, Eric knew that some very displeasing was in the air, but how disturbing was the news, he wasn't quite sure!

Presuming that it might only be, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol findings or excessive sodium or calcium in the blood, Eric silently concluded that such problems could be fixed with a change of diet and a little discipline; then he would be right back to normal or where the doctors were requesting for him to be!

However, concluding that it couldn't be anything very serious with his results and whatever the condition was, it would be curable after being treated, Eric released himself from all doubts and fear!

But, when the lab consultant gave Eric the diagnosis of his condition he was beside himself and became very frantic! The diagnosis of him having full blown Aids, hepatitis C, and also the other "Big C" cancer of the blood, Eric began screaming thunderously; and repeatedly called down the heavens to come and defend his case, because he knew that the lad consultant was certainly lying to him!

"No, this cannot be!"

"This cannot be happening to me!"

"How is this possible?"

"Please, take the test over again because I believe you have made a terrible mistake in your findings!"

"That is my wife-to-be outside there waiting for me and we are supposed to get married in a week from now; so what should I tell her!"

"I eat healthy and I do not live a promiscuous or philandering lifestyle; so how could this be?"

"Look at me, don't I look healthy to you?"

"This could never be happing to me!"

"I've been abstinent for over two years now!"

"I will not accept this blood test results, there is no way I will!"

Eric continuously vented and raved for what seems like an eternity!

Soon, sweat and tears began saturating his face, clothing and also began dripping onto the furniture in front of him!

Kindly, the lab consultant explained to him that they were very positive that his test results were correct... they had done the test accurately and also repeatedly to make sure that what they were seeing was absolutely doubtless!

She further went on to explain to him that they too were in dismay but, not surprise that he had such conditions since he appears to be a very healthy looking man!

However, other persons looking very healthy like he is has come for testing at their facility and were shock to find out they were carrying some form of communicable disease in their bodies!

"Mr. Bent, you are not alone in this and your option is to move forward now and seek for treatment!"

The lad consultant advised.

Hearing that the lad hadn't made a glitch of mistakes with his blood test, Eric began weeping even more!

And, in his state of hollering the lad technician began digging for more answers into Eric's ailing problems!

So, she began enquiring from him where he thought he might had contracted these infectious conditions since he didn't look like "The running around" type and admitted to her that he has been abstinent for a long time now!

Eric pausing for a brief second; reflecting on the question now thrown at him!

It has been the first time that he kept silent since he had gotten the terrible news about his ailing conditions!

He knew, he had been patiently waiting to be with Corny and the only other person he was sure of sleeping with was his ex-wife, before they had gotten their divorce!

Relating such to the lab consultant, she then ask him to have his ex-wife come into the lab and get tested for the Aids virus, and also for hepatitis C so they could start recommending treatment centers for her and the family to get the assistant they now desperately needed!

However, in his state of ranting and raving, Eric swore over his dead body that he wouldn't locate her and give her any such message and furthermore, they would have to go and look for her themselves!

Because, if he ever lays eyes on her before they do, he certainly was going to kill her, because she has completely stolen every ounce of happiness away from him!

All that he hoped for and desired to share with his darling friend and the love of his life, Corny, was now washed down into the drains!

Very sadden by the outcome of Eric's test results and sympathizing with all the hurt and pain he was severely enduring, the lab consultant gave him a number of clinics where he could go and start his antiviral treatments before his body started showing trues signs of deterioration.

Thankful but still sadly weeping, Eric took the pile of brochures with information for his treatment from the lab consultant's hands after she seriously warned him that he must now break the painful news about his condition to his fianc閑 so she could decide on what she wanted to do next; in the relationship.

Leaving the technician's office, Eric saw Corny leaning up against the iron rails close by the laboratory entrance way!

She was now beaming with smiles, pleasantness and beauty as always!

But, he was very fearful of her reaction... he knew the stigma that came along with conditions like his; but he knew, he needed to tell her the truth anyway!

He loved her too much to deceive her, and wanted her to know that he has been faithful to their love ever since he had met her!

There on the public bench, leaning against the walls of the laboratory building, Eric stared into the eyes of the woman he dreamt of spending the rest of his life with; and from across the hospital corridor, with much uneasiness in his soul, before revealing to her the terrible calamity that was about to hit her hearing, he began trembling!

Nervously, he called out to her...

"Come, sit down my love!"

Initially, unable to see what was really lurking behind those big beautiful eyes filled with tears, Corny swiftly walked over to her man, playfully placing her hands into his, and right after excitingly uttering these words to him...

"We are now free and clear to get married!"

Eric hit her with the frightening and deadly news!

"Honey, my test results were no good!"

"I'm a very sick man!"

Corny, now dumbfounded for minutes; just sat there, staring into Eric eyes, as if, she was looking at a ghost!

She certainly, wasn't expecting this kind of news from him or the lab; and shockingly felt the inner man within her dead!

She couldn't turn left or right, but, could only just sit there frozen, like a block of ice!

Her mind began rewinding like a record player and she now recall seeing Eric having a strange woman seated in the front seat of his car on the very day; she when about enquiring for a school!

With a very tangled voice box and teary eyes, Corny finally spoke!

"So you weren't smart enough to use some form of protection when sleeping with your other girlfriend?"

"What you think, I don't know about you and her?"

"I saw her seated in the front of your car that very day I went about enquiring for a school to accept me; for my hotel management program!"

"I wonder, how many other women you have been sleeping with behind my back, Eric, leading you into this shitty situation that I now have to deal with?"

It has been a very long time ago, but Eric still remembered clearly about giving one of his workers a ride to her house because she had an emergency situation at her home!

Eric, now began weeping even more, learning that Corny was holding in her heart some form of presumable infidelity action, over his head that were totally false!

Tearing away in his soul, Eric had streams of eye water trickling down his face as he declared and swore on his life that he had never slept with any other woman, ever since she had said the first hello to him!

Looking in her eyes Eric confessed...

"It was my wife who had infected me, Corny, not any other woman!"

"I've never touched any other woman in my life, only her!"

Trying to understand clearly what Eric was saying to her Corny lashed out at him with puzzling eyes!

"You are saying to me that she was the only person you have ever slept with... she was the one who has taken your virginity; that is what you are trying to say to me, Eric?"

"Yes, my sweetheart, that's what I'm saying to you; no other woman has never been in my life but her, and now you!"

Eric spoke with all sincerity.

Corny, now began reflecting on the whole calamity that had befallen her, and in her analytical mind, she realized that this ailing man sitting beside her has done more for her, probably than any healthy man might ever consider of doing for her!

He has loved her!

Funded her schooling!

Bought a house for her!

Started businesses for her!

Planed a better future for her!

And has also shared many special moments with her by his side!

With all those chronicles of his good nature and loving heart, Corny told herself that Eric was badly ailing, but, he would forever be her man!

Still seated on the hospital bench leaned up against the laboratory building where they had just received the worse news of their lives, Corny held Eric by his hands, looked him straight in the eyes and declared to him then and there...

"We are not calling off this wedding!"

"We will see each other at the church alter on the twelve of December, so please meet me there!"

Wholeheartedly, her vows, "For better or for worse until death do is part" had just being declared without her even stepping a foot inside the church or standing at any nuptial alter dressed in a white and having a ton of witnesses at her side!

And for many hours, Corny and Eric seated themselves on the hospital bench, wrapping themselves up in each other's arms, sorrowfully weeping away over their demise until they both had fully come to terms with their new dreadful realization and bid themselves to move on and live as long as they could!

The End