
Sinners Street

Future has come, technology is everywhere. The world became transparent. Smartphones with cameras, security cameras around all the city, the eyes of government are on you, the eyes of bosses are on you. The cops, your neighboors, you wife, your priest, everybody. Like in the song, from The Police - Every breath you take. (I'll be watching you. Can't you see? You belong to me! But, wonder about: if, you were observed during all the hours of your days, you would do the same things that you make alone? All humans sins, and need to. The human Crieativity is imposible to be describe, limmitless, is in fact, our best resource. So the "sin city". Las Vegas. Made a secret street. A place where the sun almos doen'st touch, only when the sun is in the center of the sky (12 o'clock, and only for fiften minutes). This spot is betwen two buildins. A hotel in West strea and a casino in east street. In the dark street, there is no rules, no judment, no law, no cameras. In this dark place, people go make, what they hide in the light. My name is Lucas. Instagram: @dunhyll0147 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEOlYek2zGjvB6y6JJFp7vA patreon.com/user?u=81253269 PIX - CODE 56056168-d897-4253-b141-4c8915c59c88

Dunhyll0147 · Urbain
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7 Chs

Chasing Cars; Blue and White

-Excuse me, lady, i was here with a blonde guy with a dark mustache, Paul, do you know?

-Oh, yes sir, sorry about that we try to make the sellers stay outside, but they always get in here, somehow...

-But i want to talk with him...

-He just leaved, he is with that blue and white car, Ford...

I leave the hotel. The drugs are kicking in. I ask a cab:

-Please, just follow that car, blue and white, ford

-Are you on drugs?

-Yes, and i need more, follow the car, blue and white

-Get out of my taxi, you maniac

I got out the cab. I see a valet with a Mercedes black. I take my wallet out and show him that, i'm a judge and i'm "solicitating" the car.

I start drive insane following the car, blue and white, and then: "I realize that there is a lady on my side".

-He is your dealer? She ask.

-I hope so. You catch thing fast. I answer. She's pretty.

-Only an addicted would do what you just did. She's smart.

I didn't realize that: "i was on streets, with cameras all over". So, i finally pull over next to the car, blue and white, and say:

-Hey Paul, my friend, we got business to do...

-Go back to the hotel, i meet you there, in the bar, with more...

-Sure, i'm only driving for this lady. She's having fun.

When i got back to the hotel, a sir came to my direction:

-What was you thinking?

-I'm sorry sir, i'm a judge and a commited a mistake, beg you pardon.

Waiting on the bar for Paul was awful. This moments of waiting for buy drugs seems that last longer than the usual. And after half hour, came Paul, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, with glasses inside the hotel, just like a drug dealer.

-What i said? ah? What I SAID? He said, sitting with me.

-Yeah, you're right. You know the shit you sell, the LSD is that good? You wanna know... forget... just ten grams.

-Expensive "papi", so show me money, one thousand dollars.

- I have a free pass with the hotel. I said, but i knew that he only accepted money on cash.

-Doesn't matter the free pass for me, take what they sell then, i want to see money, not digital, greens dollars on the table.

-Can you wait?