
Chapter 9: What standard is this

  200 push-ups are not a limit for ordinary soldiers, but this is not just a test of 200 push-ups. After the push-ups are over, it is a sit-up.

   Jiang Yanhai was the first to complete the push-up, and the soldier who had just brought them up and equipment immediately walked over to help Jiang Yanhai suppress his leg. Jiang Yanhai directly started the second sit-up project.

   200 sit-ups, Jiang Yanhai is still at the limit speed, in fact, this is not a burden to him at all. If anyone knows how abnormal Jiang Yanhai's physical training is this week, I am afraid it will be frightened.

   Have you ever seen 800 poppy jumps in one go?

   When completing that training project, Jiang Yanhai didn't even dare to be in front of his comrades in arms, because theoretically speaking, this result cannot be accomplished by humans, let alone the total amount completed in a day.

  Only with the help of the Red Star auxiliary engine, can Jiang Yanhai be able to do it, otherwise his muscles would be dead.

   Although it only takes a week, but with a physical fitness of 150, it is already very easy for Jiang Yanhai to complete this amount of training.

   After completing 200 sit-ups at the extreme speed, the fastest number of sit-ups among other soldiers only reached about 130.

   Jiang Yanhai directly started the leapfrog movement, 100 leapfrogs and 200 barbells, all of which he completed within the limit speed.

   After finishing this, Jiang Yanhai's breathing was slightly short, and overall his physical fitness was maintained very well.

   After doing this, Jiang Yanhai directly carried his bag and started the 35kg 10km armed cross-country.

   10 kilometers armed cross-country, they all have a fixed route, Jiang Yanhai also ran during the training, so the route will not be mistaken.

   After putting up the bag, Jiang Yanhai rushed out directly. Seeing Jiang Yanhai's speed, Gong Jian took a deep breath. This kid's excellence was a little bit beyond his imagination!

Not only his brain, but also his physical fitness is extremely abnormal. When he was doing those physical training projects just now, Gong Jian watched it regularly, even if it was placed in the entire fourth company or even the entire iron fist team, the speed of completion I'm afraid they are all among the top three.

   And now the running speed... it depends on whether he can stick to it. After all, the 35 kg armed cross-country is really different from hiking.

   The other soldiers who watched the battle were already silent. Everyone was trained in the same way. They all knew exactly what such achievements meant.

   After the recruit training is over, many recruits may not be able to complete this set of physical training programs.

   Especially those who came out with a group of recruits with Jiang Yanhai, it is more intuitive at this moment. When this guy is training the recruits, his performance is the last one!

What the **** is this? This is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

Exhale... Inhale... Jiang Yanhai's breathing movement was maintained within a stable rhythm range. This is the breathing rhythm adjusted by the Red Star engine system. After adapting, Jiang Yanhai discovered that this breathing rhythm has something to do, especially for physical fitness. The ability to control and adapt is definitely one-of-a-kind.

   35 kilograms of armed cross-country, Jiang Yanhai maintained a speed and rushed to the destination step by step.

   During the whole process, the mysterious power in his muscles did not appear, and he did not need that power. Now Jiang Yanhai's muscles in his whole body have become extremely powerful in the devastation of this week.

   This project, he can complete it himself!

   Naturally, other people would not follow Jiang Yanhai all the way, but soldiers were deployed in advance on the 10 kilometers of armed cross-country roads, so there is no need to think about shortcuts, and it is impossible to cheat.

   But when Jiang Yanhai appeared in Gong Jian's line of sight, he couldn't help his eyes widening. This... a bit too fast, right? !

   Not only Gong Jian, but the other soldiers were shocked, because although they had been waiting here for a long time, they were still a little bit counted.

   This time is definitely much faster than their daily time!

   When Jiang Yanhai crossed the finish line, Gong Jian over there immediately announced his results: "85 minutes 46.32 seconds!"

   This result silenced everyone onlookers. This result looks like a long time, but in fact, what does this result mean?

   means that they can almost be ranked first!

   And Gong Jian's heart is even more numb. As a fighter who has served in the Spikes Brigade, Gong Jian understands that this achievement is not for the Iron Fist regiment, or the sharpshooter four.

   is placed in the combat unit of the Spike Special Combat Brigade. The results of those training items just now can run within 90 minutes, and they are all considered qualified!

  In other words, Jiang Yanhai's physical performance has reached the standards of special forces!

This gave Gong Jian an unbelievable feeling. Jiang Yanhai's results were still in his hands when the recruits were training. After all, Lao Hei and him were responsible for the training at the beginning, so Gong Jian knew very well what level Jiang Yanhai was at that time. Moreover, Jiang Yanhai's results at that time could not be disguised.

   Human body responds instinctively, this can't be disguised.

   But now, more than a month has passed, UU reading www. Has Jiang Yanhai's physical fitness standards been raised to this level? No, what did you do in this month?

   It doesn't matter if your brain is smart. After all, this is a talent. How can physical fitness become a talent? This also prevents other people from living.

   What's even more frightening is that Jiang Yanhai's state across the finish line is not like other soldiers pursuing achievements. After crossing the finish line, they are almost always in a state of physical limits.

  Although Jiang Yanhai's state is also very expensive, it is obvious that his physical stamina still has the ability to fight!

   This kind of physical fitness distribution requirement is obviously already a requirement of the special forces. After the special forces have completed the armed cross-country, the team members must retain a certain amount of physical fitness.

   Because during the war, after carrying out such an armed attack, it is very likely that you will be faced with a war that erupts at any time!

   So it is just for the armed attack, and directly consumes all the physical energy, there is no use for eggs except for the training results.

   "Old black, check with all the sentries along the way." Gong Jian took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and directly spoke to the old gang beside him.

   He didn't even shy away from Jiang Yanhai, because he was responsible for Jiang Yanhai and for the performance of all other soldiers.

   "Yes!" Lao Hei went to the side to confirm the results without saying a word.

   It is very simple to confirm the results. The sentries along the way have individual communication systems, so in less than a minute, Lao Hei came back, "Report! Instructor, Jiang Yanhai's results have no problems!"

Although he had already confirmed it in his heart, Gong Jian was still silent for a while after getting the confirmation from the old black. Today, Jiang Yanhai is probably going to teach all the soldiers who are watching!

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