
Chapter 8: Listen, is this human?

   "It's very simple." Jiang Yanhai said with a smile on his face.

simple? ! Everyone has a dumb expression, no, do you have any misunderstanding of the two words simple?

   What the **** is called simple?

Of all the soldiers in the four companies here, one is counted as one, and the one who can do this, I am afraid that the old black is a little sure, and the others are estimated to be unable to do it. Even if they can do it, the speed is estimated to be absolutely not he. quick.

   Then you tell me simple?

   In other words, killing all four companies in a second, easy? You are afraid that there is no misunderstanding of the word simple.

   "Why is it simple?" Gong Jian was a little bit painful, and he suddenly realized that this guy might not be a thorn.

"You are proficient in remembering the size and shape of all the parts of dozens of major international general firearms, forming an inherent shape in your mind. The moment he just fell all the parts in the bag, he completed all the parts in your brain. Number the moment, and complete the three-dimensional position positioning in the space in front of you, remember its location, and then directly grab the parts according to your memory, it's not difficult." Jiang Yanhai said calmly.

   Gong Jian: "..."

   Old Black: "..."

   Several other company commanders: "..."

   Ten fighters participating in the assessment: "..."

   Other soldiers watching the battle: "..."

   Everyone has a dumbfounded look, what the **** do you call it simple? ! !

   Everyone is a question mark, no, do we have a different understanding of simplicity?

  Also, why can you say such a thing lightly, and then say it in a serious and simple way?

   If this is simple, what are we people called? Mentally retarded? !

  Also, why do we understand every word you say, but we feel a little when connected? ? ?

   Are we all learning Chinese?

Jiang Yanhai saw their expressions, of course, and he was very happy. Although he didn't care about the sound of discussion, he didn't care about hitting them in the face without conflict. That's right, he admitted that he did just say that on purpose!

   Of course, what Jiang Yanhai said is actually correct. He did it in his mind.

   "Are you sure what you said is true?" Gong Jian originally wanted to ask Jiang Yanhai if he had any special skills that could be promoted in the army.

   But who knows, this guy unexpectedly came up with such a thing, Gong Jian felt a little painful for a while, this can promote a **** thing.

"Of course! This part can also assemble a Type 95 squad machine gun, missing 6 parts. A Type 03 automatic rifle, missing 7 parts, and a Type 95 short assault rifle, missing 9 parts. The Type 95 is universal There are 3 duplicate parts and 2 Type 03 duplicate parts. If you don't assemble the Type 95 assault rifle I just had, you can choose to complete the Type 95 machine gun for the squad. The other three parts are damaged parts." Jiang Yanhai immediately said directly.

   As soon as Jiang Yanhai said what he said, everyone was a little silly to hear it. Is this the **** really possible?

   They all thought that what Jiang Yanhai said was bragging, but at the moment they understood it, they didn't brag at all.

   "You can assemble it for me to see." Gong Jian didn't believe it anymore. He didn't intervene when preparing these parts. He just asked other people to make a bunch of parts and mix them together, although everyone's was the same.

   "Yes!" Jiang Yanhai didn't talk nonsense. He stood in front of the table again and quickly began to assemble. Starting with the Type 95 machine gun, the assembly started directly. However, because the parts were incomplete, it was natural to assemble it into a semi-finished state.

   Type 95 squad machine gun, Type 95 short assault rifle, Type 03 automatic rifle, all the firearms, when Jiang Yanhai assembles, just like the beginning, without any hesitation, the speed is extremely fast.

   The semi-finished products are neatly arranged side by side, and then the remaining parts, the same are all neatly put together.

In an instant, the scattered piles of parts became pleasing to the eye.

   Everyone can see it at a glance, what Jiang Yanhai said just now... is really all right! This is awesome!

   "This is a master." In the company, He Chenguang couldn't help but speak.

   "Can you do it in Chenguang?" Li Erniu, who was not far from He Chenguang, couldn't help but ask.

   "It can't be done, his here... is different from ours." He Chenguang shook his head, then pointed to his head.

   At this moment, everyone's eyes on Jiang Yanhai are already different. This is no longer bragging B, this is really awesome B.

   Just now they sounded more like pretending to be B. At this moment, when the facts prove it, this is not pretending to be B.

   It's just that everyone is still a little dizzy, no, why, compared with Jiang Yanhai, they all feel like a fool?

   Is this still something human can do?

   The most important thing is that Jiang Yanhai has just finished recruiting training for more than a month!

   If this is to allow him to serve as a soldier for a few more years, would this be okay?

   "Okay! Now, do you have any objections to this result?!" Gong Jian directly asked out loud.

   "No!" Almost everyone said loudly this time. No way, they are convinced, but in the army, this assessment of assembling firearms is only the most basic.

"The physical fitness assessment will be carried out below! The assessment items are 200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, 100 leapfrogs, 200 barbells, UU reading www.uukanshu.com 35 kg and 10 kilometers cross-country. Is there a problem with calculating the results according to the completion time? Gong Jian asked loudly.

   "No!" Jiang Yanhai and the 11 of them all opened the mouth uniformly.

   But Jiang Yanhai has some regrets in his heart, because if shooting is assessed first, his special forces experience card is enough, and his own shooting performance is absolutely impossible to compare to that of special forces.

This assessment can be completed without the need for special forces to experience the card! He has absolute confidence!

   "Get your weapons and equipment!" Gong Jian said directly.

   Soldiers immediately sent their weapons and equipment. When Jiang Yanhai came over, the equipment he carried was definitely not enough 35 kg, so he prepared another set of standard 35 kg armed off-road equipment.

   The equipment was neatly placed in front of 11 of them. After everyone had finished wearing them, Gong Jian directly issued an order: "Start!"

   11 people immediately fell forward and started doing push-ups. Jiang Yanhai did the same, but his speed instantly attracted everyone's attention.

   Push-ups, especially standard push-ups, are really not that easy. Jiang Yanhai's movements are extremely standard. His speed is extremely fast, almost averaging two speeds per second.

   Gong Jian wanted to remind something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

  Because the other participants in the assessment are veterans, they all know that this kind of comprehensive performance test pays attention to the reasonable distribution of endurance and physical strength.

   If you are too cruel at first, your physical strength will not be able to keep up.

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