
Chapter 34: Give you a big gift (below)

About twenty minutes later, a team of special forces appeared in Jiang Yanhai's scope. Fan Tianlei was the leader. Unlike the TV series, this is a complete special team with twelve people in total. The opponent is advancing. When I was also very alert.

   Twelve people are in a scattered formation, and the center part is Fan Tianlei leading Chen Shanming and Miao Lang to check the sniper position. However, around them, there are soldiers from special detachments scouting around.

   Actually, they also prevent short-range raids and long-range sniping, which is impossible in this kind of almost primitive jungle.

   If it were not for the coffin board skills, Jiang Yanhai would not find this sniper position with only a very narrow field of view. In other places, trees and plants would block the field of view.

   When Fan Tianlei and the others stood in front of He Chenguang's sniper position and began to discuss and talk, Jiang Yanhai could probably see the look of remembrance on Fan Tianlei's face through the scope, but... I'm sorry Fan Tiankeng!

Jiang Yanhai took a deep breath. He had already aimed. After a few breaths, Jiang Yanhai pulled the trigger fiercely. The bullet was ejected at a speed of nearly 900 meters per second. By the time the sound reached the opponent's ear, the bullet was already Hit the target.

   After pulling the trigger, Jiang Yanhai didn't even see the result. He quickly disassembled the sniper rifle in his hand. However, it was not completely dismantled. It was only disassembled into two parts, directly loaded into the backpack, and started to quickly clear the sniper position.

In the distance, Fan Tianlei, who was talking to Chen Shanming, suddenly slapped the laser near his neck, and then a burst of blue smoke came out directly, followed by Miao Lang behind him. There was a puff of blue smoke, and the two of them were directly "dead"!

   Fan Tianlei was shocked! He was stunned for several seconds, but Chen Shanming reacted for the first time and threw himself directly behind a tree next to him and said loudly: "Nine o'clock direction! Sniper!"

The special forces in the branches of the forest in all directions instantly rushed in the direction of Jiang Yanhai. Although he only fired a shot, for these special forces, one shot was enough to determine his position, not to mention. Jiang Yanhai didn't install a silencer at all, and this thing can't be equipped with a silencer.

   Fan Tianlei, who had recovered, remained silent, then silently died of the armband on his arm, and then suddenly laughed: "Unexpectedly, I was beheaded."

   "No, he only fired one shot, why did I hang up." Standing behind Fan Tianlei, Miao Lang tore off the armband on his arm, and said depressedly.

   "Inquire about the headquarters." Fan Tianlei paused.

   The laser judgment equipment used in the exercise is very accurate and the latest technology. If they are not really killed in battle, they will not be judged directly in battle.

  Miao Lang is also welcome. Although he can no longer communicate with Chen Shanming and the others, it is okay to communicate directly with the headquarters after his death.

   About a few minutes later, Miao Lang looked at Fan Tianlei with a weird expression: "The Chief of Staff, uh, the headquarters news, you were hit by a large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle, so I am also dead standing behind you."

   Fan Tianlei was stunned for a moment, and then smiled again: "These guys are pretty ruthless, don't even leave me a whole body?"

   Miao Lang is a bit speechless, he is completely lying down, this is really lying down!

   If it were 88 sniper, he would obviously not be sentenced to death.

   But the 12.7mm large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle, even if it is more than a thousand meters away, hits the human body... it is not as simple as a hole.

   Like the thigh, it is estimated that the thigh can be interrupted directly. If it is the abdomen... then it is estimated that the spine can be directly interrupted. There is really nothing wrong with the big hole in the washbasin.

   Therefore, the human body can't play the role of blocking bullets at all. It is not incomprehensible that the Miao Wolf standing behind them died in battle.

   This is a firearm in reality. This is not as simple as a finger-sized hole when you see a movie.

   But after laughing, Fan Tianlei took a deep breath and said directly: "Miao Lang, give you a mission to figure out who the shot was."

   "Will it be the sniper position we are looking at now..." Miao Lang hesitated.

   "No." Fan Tianlei shook his head simply, this is not He Chenguang's character.

   And can have this kind of thinking, and can find such a sniper route in this woods, He Chenguang still can't reach this level, at least now He Chenguang can't.

   "Boom!" Just after the conversation between the two people, a huge explosion sounded from a distance, and the explosion sound was still a series, but only sound and light effects, no lethality.

   "It seems that our special forces brigade is going to be ashamed this time." Fan Tianlei's face became difficult to look.

   He was killed by a sniper. This can be an accident. After all, if it was someone else, Fan Tianlei would not come here to see the sniper position. It was his fault.

   But when they were chasing the enemy, the special forces were overshadowed by booby traps set by people. This is because their own business is not enough.

  Miao Lang, who was standing next to Fan Tianlei, didn't look good, but he didn't say anything. The exercise is like a battlefield. If you lose, you lose. Any excuse is false!

   If this is a real battlefield, they are already corpses at the moment! Where will they give them a chance to get angry?!

   "Boom!" There was another explosion, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Fan Tianlei's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot. The 12-person special forces team was killed two at once, and then touched two booby mines. How many are left?

   "Um... Chief of Staff, let's go back first." Miao Lang swallowed his mouth, usually laughing and joking, it doesn't matter, but Fan Tianlei at this time, Miao Lang is also a little bit frustrated.

   "What are you going back? Just wait here. I want to see how many people can come back in a while." Fan Tianlei said in a gloomy tone.

   Miao Lang sighed in his heart, this is over, it is estimated that this exercise is over, they and the group may be miserable, and there is a wave of horrible training waiting for them.

   Fan Tianlei really didn't move. He just waited in place. About ten minutes later, a group of dejected special soldiers walked out of the woods. Seeing Fan Tianlei was still here, they all walked over.

   "Very good, very good! This is the most elite special forces team of the famous Spike Special Forces!" Fan Tianlei spoke calmly, but the anger contained in that tone could be heard by anyone.

"My chief was killed by a sniper. I admit it. This is my own death. I want to come here to see the sniper position. But you told me that your special forces team was chasing and killing a sniper team, and you actually caught the enemy's booby mine? How about your training? Are all dogs eaten by dogs?!"

   "One, two, three, four, five, six, very good! The so-called elite who spent a lot of money and time training in six countries were reimbursed by a few small booby traps?!"

   Fan Tianlei stretched out his fingers, counted them one by one, and then drenched the heads of the scolding dogs, including Miao Lang, all seven people bowed their heads and dared not speak.

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