
Chapter 19: Is this still a human (below)

   When he started shooting, Jiang Yanhai put everything behind his head and focused his attention.

Sure enough, the coffin board skill is still effective, and the speed is much faster than Jiang Yanhai's first use. Unlike using a sniper scope, the bullet is at a distance of 100 meters, and external factors have minimal impact on it, but it does not mean it. It's useless.

It is still useful, because after more use, it is more like Jiang Yanhai's instinct, which can be combined with Jiang Yanhai's strong physical fitness. When his body can instinctively match this skill, then he might really be able to. Achieve the technique that you can do whatever you want without aiming.

   "Bang" "Bang" In the beginning, Jiang Yanhai was all single shots. The bullets did not directly hit the center part of the ring target, but started to draw circles directly on the edge.

   After all, he couldn't change the target, so he just used one target many times.

   The crisp gunfire sounded continuously, and the bullets continued to extend along the outermost circle of the ring target.

   With the help of skills, Jiang Yanhai's bullets left almost never leaving the line, and he started to draw a circle neatly.

   The corners of the mouth of the old black who looked at this scene with a telescope twitched a few times. Such shooting skills still need to be practiced?

   Of course, this is the excitement that Jiang Yanhai gave him too much. After all, the shooting skills Jiang Yanhai showed today are really a bit abnormal.

Lao Hei did not interrupt Jiang Yanhai's shooting, and Gong Jian in the distance was actually looking at this side with a binoculars. After seeing this scene, Gong Jian couldn't help sighing, this... is it really a genius and a mortal? The difference?

   This gap is a bit big. Especially Jiang Yanhai didn't seem to be in contact for a long time. After Jiang Yanhai is fed by the bullet, what will his shooting skills reach?

   But soon, Gong Jian saw that he didn't have to wait any longer. After shooting two magazines in a single shot, Jiang Yanhai began to play tricks.

   After spending a few rounds of the outer ring target with bullet holes, Jiang Yanhai began to continuously aim at the center part, and after changing the magazine again, he directly started the automatic shooting part.

The most important thing is that when he started shooting automatically, he was drawn directly into a straight line, extending from the top of the target. After crossing the target, his bullets started to hit the upright sticks under the target continuously. .

   Fortunately, the target is fixed and strong enough, but in the telescope, Gong Jian can still see that under the continuous bullet design, the wooden stick under the target has been directly interrupted, and then its height is constantly being cut by the bullet.

   This is... betting on the gun online in reality!

   Gong Jian was a little surprised, because this requires strong control of firearms, as well as strong physical fitness. The recoil of firearms is not a joke.

   "Jiang Yanhai."

   After Jiang Yanhai finished shooting a magazine, Gong Jian said loudly.

   "Here!" Jiang Yanhai immediately stood up and replied.

   "You come here to play and shoot directly at the target on the bulletproof wall." Gong Jian waved against Jiang Yanhai.

   Jiang Yanhai has no objection. He simply passed by. There will be a bulletproof wall behind the target in the shooting range. After all, such a target can fly a long distance after the bullet penetrates. Who knows if an accident will happen.

   The shooting range where they are located is for automatic rifle shooting training, with 50-meter, 100-meter and 200-meter targets. The farthest is 200 meters, and the bulletproof wall is about 300 meters away.

   Although it is said that the effective range of the Type 95 is 400 meters, daily training is rarely used to train the Type 95 to shoot 400 meters of targets. At the limit of the effective range, it is very difficult for many ordinary soldiers to target.

Especially when there are no optical sights and only mechanical sights, anyone with a bit of common sense knows that at a distance of 400 meters, it is not much larger than a thumb to see people. At this distance, it is considered a powerful shooting to shoot without an optical sight. .

At this moment, giving Jiang Yanhai a 300-meter shooting distance is enough, because no matter how far it is, it will not be within the shooting range of an automatic rifle. Of course, this thing is not absolute. As long as you have the ability, you can shoot 800 meters with an automatic rifle. The distance is also ok.

When he reached the position pointed by Gong Jian, Jiang Yanhai simply aimed directly at the target on the bulletproof wall in the distance. The crudely sprayed circular target on the bulletproof wall was relatively large, mainly because of the large number of turns, and the red dot in the center. Very small.

   At this distance, he didn't play other things. Instead, he aimed directly at the center and pulled the trigger. Gong Jian, who was not far from Jiang Yanhai, picked up his own telescope.

With the first "bang" shot, Gong Jian could see that the bullet directly hit the center of the distant target. Because it was a field shooting range, the bulletproof wall was relatively simple. It was simply made of sand and gravel and concrete. It can be shot directly into the soil.

   Then in Gong Jian's line of sight, he saw that the second bullet was also directly towards the center point.

Jiang Yanhai did not pay attention to the others at the moment, because he found that the skill of UU reading seems to have some ability to strengthen his line of sight. If the skill is not turned on, at a distance of 300 meters, his line of sight is the standard of a normal person. , But after it was turned on, at a distance of 300 meters, he could see more clearly than normal people!

   One by one bullets were shot directly into the target from the exact position of the red heart of the target. A bullet from a magazine, without any mistake. For this kind of fixed target, with the help of the coffin board skills, there is almost no challenge to him.

   After hesitating, Jiang Yanhai looked at the side. Next to them was the long-range shooting range for training snipers, with a 600-meter target inside.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yanhai wanted to try the 600-meter target. In theory, it is almost difficult for ordinary people to hit a 600-meter target with the naked eye. Especially the one used is not a high-precision sniper rifle, but an automatic rifle. when.

   But just now the coffin board skill gave Jiang Yanhai an illusion. It seems that there are still some functions of this skill that have not been developed by himself?

   "Report." Jiang Yanhai said.

   "Say." Gong Jian put down his binoculars and looked at Jiang Yanhai.

   "Instructor, can I shoot the 600-meter target?" Jiang Yanhai pointed to the sniper shooting range next to him and asked.

   Gong Jian: "..."

   Gong Jian wanted to say no, or he wanted to ask if you could not be so arrogant, and could you practice something more practical.

   But at the end of these words, he still didn't say it, mainly because Jiang Yanhai's ability was amazing.

   "Come on, what are you embarrassing about, come if you want." Anyway, there is no one there, Gong Jian just spoke up.

   "Yes, thank you instructor." Jiang Yanhai immediately laughed twice before turning his head and aiming at the 600-meter target over there.

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