
Chapter 18: Is this still a human? (Part 1)

   "Wait a minute, others will start practicing on their own." Old Hei hesitated for a moment, and then spoke.

   "Yes!" The others had already reached their target positions, and after hearing the command of the old black, they immediately began to practice.

   Although the Sharpshooter Silian is a sharp knife company of the Iron Fist, in fact, the training of bullets is not unlimited.

   And the old black over there has already ran directly to Gong Jian, and reported Jiang Yanhai's affairs to Gong Jian.

Although Lao Hei is a second-level sergeant major, it is already very impressive, and he enjoys the treatment of the whole regiment, and the treatment is much higher than that of Gong Jian, but because the second-level sergeant major is also a soldier, he still remains at some point. Obey the command of the officer.

But in comparison, Lao Hei is much stronger than Gong Jian. Regarding the second-level sergeant major and first-level sergeant major in the army, I don't want to brag about it. Maybe some generals in your military area, colonels, etc. are all these. The second sergeant major, the soldiers brought out by the first sergeant!

   "You said he wants to practice more bullets?" Gong Jian looked at Lao He in amazement, and then at Jiang Yanhaidao, who was communicating with He Chenguang in the distance.

   "Yes." Old Hei nodded immediately.

   Gong Jian didn't know what to say for a while. Don't think that the target training seems very enjoyable, but for some mixed soldiers in the field troops, the target training is often concealed.

  Because there are too many bullets, the shoulder will be hurt by the recoil. This is an inevitable experience. Some old gunmen, the position of the shoulder is definitely calluses!

   And how did the calluses come from? That was made alive!

  Jiang Yanhai's shooting talent needless to say, he is still working so hard now...Gong Jian gave a wry smile, he is still ready to find a way to rub Jiang Yanhai's spirit, but now...people are so diligent, he is a bit speechless.

   "Give it to him!" Gong Jian said directly, "As long as he wants to play, how many bullets do he need for him, I still don't believe it, and there is an army afraid of wasting bullets for sharpshooters?"

   "Yes!" Old Hei nodded immediately.

   Here, Jiang Yanhai is communicating with He Chenguang, "How did you remember Lao Jiang?" He Chenguang asked helplessly.

   "Just remember it." Jiang Yanhai was a little helpless. There is really no way to learn about the memory problem.

   The reason why Chenguang has such a powerful sniper talent is that it has something to do with heredity, and it has a lot to do with his family environment. It goes without saying who his grandfather is.

"But in general, these data are not a lot. You don't need to memorize some of the off-the-shelf data. You only need to memorize the key ones. Although most snipers are assisted, if you remember, sometimes It's still useful." Jiang Yanhai smiled.

   "I see, what other skills Lao Jiang has to tell me in the future." He Chenguang said with a hey smile.

   "No problem, don't worry." Jiang Yanhai shrugged his shoulders.

   While talking, Lao Hei had already walked over and said directly to Jiang Yanhai: "Jiang Yanhai, your instructor has agreed to your request, and I have already sent a bullet."

   "Thank you, monitor!" Jiang Yanhai was immediately overjoyed. Want to let go of playing bullets, this is really not everyone's treatment, Jiang Yanhai made this request, in fact, the main reason is to become more familiar with his passive skills.

By just shooting a sniper rifle, Jiang Yanhai could see that the more this passive skill he uses, the faster the shooting speed, the faster its reaction speed, and the faster the reaction speed, it's like It can be integrated into Jiang Yanhai's instinct.

   As long as Jiang Yanhai wants to shoot, it can tell Jiang Yanhai where to shoot.

   Jiang Yanhai's goal is to completely turn it into his own instinct. It is best to practice that even if he turns off this skill, he can do it as if he is turning on the skill.

   But when a few soldiers walked over with two boxes, Jiang Yanhai still opened his mouth in astonishment, didn't he... can he still play like this?

   Others were shooting targets by one person with several magazines. As a result, Jiang Yanhai directly carried 3 boxes of 5.8mm bullets here? ! Not 3 magazines, this is 3 boxes!

   Jiang Yanhai subconsciously glanced at Gong Jian in the distance. Gong Jian smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

   Jiang Yanhai: "..."

   No, instructor, are you revenge?

   "The bullet is here for you, but if you want to practice target shooting, you can only load the magazine yourself." Old Hei also smiled rarely.

   "Yes, squad leader!" Jiang Yanhai immediately agreed, and directly took his three Type 95 magazines and started loading the bullets directly.

   And Lao Hei, they don't talk nonsense, they just watched by the side.

   I have to say that the special forces experience card gave Jiang Yanhai a lot of experience. For example, loading a magazine. Jiang Yanhai was a little rusty at first, but then he became extremely proficient.

Open the box containing the bullets, and then take out a stack of bullets wrapped in paper. Every 10 bullets are fixed together by a black bullet bridge, and 10 bullets are stuck in the magazine and pushed directly. The bullet was loaded directly into the magazine.

   In fact, many people call the magazines installed on firearms, but strictly speaking, the ones installed on guns should not be called magazines, they should be called magazines.

   And the black bar that fixes the bullets at the factory can be called a magazine, because there are many types of this kind of magazines, which are developed for the convenience of fixing the bullets, transporting the bullets, and quickly loading the bullets.

   Lao Hei was watching. When he saw Jiang Yanhai banging on the box after filling up the magazine, he couldn't help nodding his head, details!

   Details determine success or failure. Although these live-loading bullets Jiang Yanhai have done, but like this kind of remembering every time after loading the magazine, only veterans can remember it, and many recruits will forget it.

   But Jiang Yanhai is too proficient. To be honest, Lao Hei can't find faults even if he wants to. Such recruits are excellent, but sometimes they are also very disappointed as squad leaders, because they don't have a sense of existence.

   The three magazines were loaded very skillfully, and Jiang Yanhai was immediately ready for shooting training.

   "Wait, there are still magazines in the box below." Old Hei said.

   "Ah...Thank you squad leader." Jiang Yanhai was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately happily took the special engineering plastic box above and opened the bullet box below.

   Sure enough, there are only magazines in this box, no bullets, there are seven magazines in it, and his original three are ten magazines.

   "Thank you squad leader." Jiang Yanhai simply stood up and saluted again, and then quickly took out these magazines because they were all filled with bullets.

After installing the magazine, Jiang Yanhai immediately reached his shooting position. Now he is working on a 100-meter humanoid target. Instead of lying on the ground like other soldiers, Jiang Yanhai directly squatted on the ground and started shooting. .

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