
Chapter 11: Special rewards

One-hundred-meter rapid-fire sports, including multiple events, single-player, two-player, and even the entire combat team sports rapid-fire. But now Jiang Yanhai and the others are naturally single.

  Sports rapid fire is different from fixed target shooting. It requires changing the magazine once and hitting all the targets. The targets are of automatic pop-up type. There are moving targets and fixed targets.

Each target does not limit the number of bullets you can use, you only need to knock down the target. Of course, if you use more bullets, your overall performance will decrease, and your time-consuming will naturally increase, but it does not mean that a single shot is the best.

   Standing at the entrance, Jiang Yanhai took a deep breath, and then shouted directly: "Start!"

The moment   's words fell, Jiang Yanhai's whole body was like a cheetah attacking, and he plunged into the training ground.

   Almost the moment he entered, the first gunshot sounded directly. With a "bang" gunshot, a hole appeared in the head of the first target, and the whole target fell directly backwards.

   At the moment Jiang Yanhai assaulted forward, Gong Jian's pupils shrank sharply, because Gong Jian who had come out of the special forces recognized him instantly.

   The assault technique used by Yanhai Jiang is actually the most commonly used assault technique for special forces! Efficient! concise! However, the personal physical fitness and shooting level are extremely demanding!

   However, the "bang" and "bang" rhythmic gunshots sounded almost continuously. All the gunshots were single shots, and all the bullets hit were at the center of the eyebrows of the half-length humanoid target!

   "Kacha" in the moment Jiang Yanhai made a tactical roll, he actually directly completed the change of the magazine required by the action!

   The moment he turned over, the firearm in his hand had returned to a state where it could be activated, and the next bullet was almost immediately released as the target shot up!

   "Bang!" When the last target was knocked down, Gong Jian almost subconsciously pressed the stopwatch in his hand.

   "31.22 seconds!" When Gong Jian reported this result, his lips couldn't help but shake!

   Because this result is not the best in special forces, but it is not the worst!

The most frightening thing is that all the targets have bounced back into place. Everyone can see clearly. Every half-length humanoid target has been shot at the center of the eyebrows. Without exception, you must know that there is no 100-sport rapid fire. Ask you where to hit!

   And all targets are single shots! No target has ever shot twice!

   This score is placed here, let alone the soldiers who participated in the assessment, even these company commanders, including senior sergeant chiefs such as Lao Hei, were shocked.

   This is really too bad, why did you tell me that I was a recruit?

   If you talk about this result and tell others that this is the result of a recruit, you are afraid that you will be beaten to death!

  The soldiers who were onlookers even finished in Jiang Yanhai. After Gong Jian said the results, he couldn't help calling out loudly!

   The real strong can be respected by everyone! Because it's so **** awesome!

   There is no emphasis on keeping a low profile in the barracks, here is the emphasis on respecting the strong! Strength is king!

   "How did you do it? The shooting action just now, etc., haven't you learned these yet?" Gong Jian couldn't help but asked.

   Other people also cast their gazes, this looks too amazing after all, this is a recruit! New recruits!

   This is the new recruit, how do you let the veteran live? !

"It's very simple. Watch the video, break down all the actions, remember the time, technique, timing of shooting, etc. of each action. Just analyze it and you can do it." Jiang Yanhai's mouth came out again. Four familiar words.

   Hearing these four words is very simple, Gong Jian has a twitching sensation at the corners of his mouth, even though he only heard it for the second time.

   But he really wants to hit someone!

In more detail, Gong Jian didn't ask. All Jiang Yanhai's experience, identity and background information are kept with him, and the political trial has already been completed. There is no problem with his identity or anything, so there is no doubt about this. There are some things. , Need to know privately.

  The 100-meter sports shooting has been completed like this, let alone the next fixed target shooting, Jiang Yanhai's shooting results are all 10 rings!

   There is no exception! This kind of shooting performance, even the top shooters of the sharpshooter's fourth consecutive might not necessarily be so strong.

   Needless to say, you can see the faces of the other soldiers who also participated in the assessment.

   A person is better than you, maybe you can not be convinced, but when a person is too much stronger than you, then you can only admire, even if the other party is a recruit.

   Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang have received such recognition in their respective alliances and squads this month, and Jiang Yanhai only took one day!

   The results of the assessment came out in front of everyone, so Jiang Yanhai naturally had no problem and directly joined the Sharpshooter Fourth Company.

   After Gong Jian announced the result, the mechanical sound of the Red Star engine rang in Jiang Yanhai's mind.

"The task was completed by joining the marksman's four companies, and he was rewarded with physical fitness +20, neural response +20, and special skills ×1. It was detected that the recruit Jiang Yanhai joined the marksman's four company with the first evaluation result. The task was overcompleted and the electronic information warfare auxiliary program was activated. , B-level computer hacker technical knowledge."

   Jiang Yanhai could not hold back, UU reading www.uukahnshu. com looked surprised, I rely on, is there any hacking skills? And there are levels?

   "What? Surprised?" Gong Jian asked with a smile.

   "Uh, it's a little bit." Jiang Yanhai hurriedly said. Just now, Gong Jian directly assigned Jiang Yanhai to Lao Hei, that is, he was in a class with He Chenguang.

   Of course, Jiang Yanhai would definitely not tell the truth.

   "Jiang Yanhai." Gong Jian smiled and said, there is no one else at this moment, all the companies have gone to train, including the fourth company, only Gong Jian and Jiang Yanhai are here.

   "Here!" Jiang Yanhai hurriedly stood at attention.

"Okay, feel free to chat. That's it for you to join Silian. As for the rumors, you shouldn't care about it, but I want to know that your current grades are obviously not capable of training in one or two days. Come out, what happened to you when the recruits were training?"

   Gong Jian is one of his jobs as an instructor, political cadre, and chatting with soldiers.

So the question was not abrupt, but Jiang Yanhai was silent for a while. The main reason was that he didn't know what to say for a while. He had no relatives. The old principal who adopted him is still alive, and the old principal is now in good family conditions. Don't worry about Jiang Yanhai.

   As for other things, Jiang Yanhai is an orphan. He didn't contact the outside world during the recruit training. Can the troops have no records?

   So he couldn't find any excuses, so Jiang Yanhai was silent for a while.

"In this way, Jiang Yanhai, as your instructor, I should understand your psychological state, but now the army also pays attention to the humane management of the army, especially the psychological state of the soldiers, so if you don't want to say it, you can leave it alone, it's okay. "Gong Jian said with a smile.

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