



"Haha!" Kira let out a laugh!

'Did he say my future husband?' Kira thought.


'This man is crazy!' Kira continued to laugh.

She laughs as if she heard the funniest joke.

"What is so funny?" Tim asked with his brows knitted.

"Ha... ha...ha..." Kira tried to hold her laughter.

She wiped the tears that form in her eyes due to laughing, she took a deep breath before she spoke, "It just doesn't make sense at all!"

Tim knitted his brows.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Why would an influential man like you wants to marry a teacher like me?!" Kira pressed her lips to suppress her laugh.

"I mean..." Kira paused and looked at the man from head to toe.

"You have said it yourself that you are an influential man."

"I am sure that there is a lot of women out there would be willing to marry you, why would you choose to marry someone like me?. You don't know me and I don't know you, it doesn't make sense to me!" Kira said.

"You may not know me, but I know you," Tim said mysteriously.

'Yeah, because you're a psycho!' Kira secretly said.

" Mr. Tan, thanks to your offer, but I don't plan to marry a stranger like you!" Kira said.

Tim revealed a smile on his face.

"You know what? The more you refuse me, the more I want you to become my wife!" Tim exclaimed which made Kira speechless!

'Crazy!' Kira said secretly.

Tim gets up from his seat, he took a card from his wallet and put it at the top of the table.

"This is my calling card, just call me if you change your mind," Tim said and then he left.

Kira's gaze followed Tim until he got out of the house.

Kira peeks out the window and sees Tim left in his car..

"Woah! That man is scary!" Kira mumbled.

She unconsciously looks at the center table and saw the card that Tim left.

Kira suddenly felt curious, she slowly walks to the center table and picks up the calling card.

"Timothy Tan?" Kira read the name.

"CEO of Far Travel Express Bus Line?" Kira knitted her brows.

"CEO?" She repeated as she tries to think of something!

"Chief Executive Officer?!"


Kira covered her mouth as she gasped!

"He is a CEO?!" She blurted out!

'Ah, he might be just using a fake identity!'

Kira tried to erase everything happened this morning.


"What?!" Lea was stunned to hear Kira's story.¹

"Yeah! he is crazy!" Kira said.

Lea froze for a moment and think of something!

"Kira, don't you think he is a blessing in disguise?" Lea said.

"What do you mean?" Kira asked with her knitted brows.

" I mean, you need a big amount to sustain auntie's medication. And now, here comes a man, he offered you to help for all the expenses in exchange for marriage!"

"That is why I feel weird. Come to think of it, he just came into my doorsteps and asked me to marry him like it was just so easy. What if that man is a psycho? What if he will just going to marry me to kill me or to make me his sėx slave? Or what if, he is like that man on the movie that we've watched? Remember Anna and Christian?!" Kira mentioned the names of the characters, " What if, that Timothy Tan is like the male lead?!"

"Hey, Kira!" Lea flicked Kira's ear.

"Awh!" Kira complained.

"You are thinking too much!" Lea scolded her.

"If you want to know him, there is only one way to know if he was telling the truth or not!"

Lea took Kira's ŀȧptop.

"What are you going to do?!" Kira asked.

"Dig some information about him!" Lea replied.

She keeps on tapping Kira's laptop and after a while, she sighs!

"What?" Kira asked when she saw her friend's expression.

Lea turned the laptop to Kira.

"Timothy Tan is the CEO of a bus line, but..."

"Why, there isn't any photo of him in all the articles?" Kira asked.

"But it is said that he is in his late twenties, he is tall and good looking. Isn't this how you describe the man who proposed to you?" Lea said.

Kira thinks for a moment.

"I don't care if he is the richest man on earth!"

"Kira, he is the answer to all your prayers!"

"Aaarrgghh!!" Kira messed her head due to confusion!

His offer is so tempting!

But he is a stranger!


One week later, Kira takes her auntie to the hospital for her chemotherapy. They are currently in the emergency room and the nurses put a drip on her auntie.

"Dear, how will you pay for the hospital bills?" Helena asked when there are only two of them left.

Kira held her auntie's shoulder.

"Auntie, don't worry, I still have savings in my account," She said.

"But this is only the first session, how about the next sessions?"

"Auntie, just trust me! I will find a way!" Kira ȧssured.

After a while, a male nurse came to them, " Excuse me, ma'am, it's time to transfer to your room."

"Alright," Helena replied.

Helena sits down in the wheelchair and the nurse ȧssisted them.

They rode in the elevator and stopped on the fifth floor.

They got out of the elevator and heads to one of the hospital rooms, but Kira stopped when she notices something!

"Excuse me!" She called for the nurse's attention!

The male nurse stopped and turned to Kira.

"Yes, ma'am?" The nurse asked.

"This is not the wardrooms, right?" Kira asked.

"Yes, ma'am, this floor is exclusive for the hospital's suite room." The nurse replied.

Kira's jaw dropped!

"What?!" She blurted out!

"I-I think... there is confusion!"

"I... I did not book for a suite room!" Kira said.

The nurse looks at the admitting form.

"But you have already paid for it, ma'am." The nurse replied.

"What?!" Kira walks closer to the nurse and took the admitting form.

'Who did this?!'

'This is not the form that I have filled!'

Kira tried to think, but she could think of any person who can do this!