
Sin 2

Robbing, stealing, eyeing others properties

It is indeed a greatest crime but what to do? Humans are leading such a life style that without this things, they can't survive and to survive they need to master this things.

Robbing, stealing and eyeing are different under various circumstances. A child robbing a money from his parents and a parent teaching his child how to steal his or her things or even preparing the kids in that way is also a offence.

People would laugh after reading this because it is not their fault it is the fault of the time that it has blinded humans and have made them like a scapegoat and is making them to dance to their tunes and do any types of sin without hesitation.

If sin doesn't hesitate in putting us to punishments, at that time it is only our thoughts that can wake us but by that time it would have been too late, we would have already drowned in the ocean of sin completely thereby worrying for our act, seeking pardon for the rest of our lives.

Do we need it? Do we really need to steal or rob something? Sometimes fate plays a very crucial role in destroying our lives.