


    I was walking down the hall with my head down as usual. I wear my old sweater from middle school and I hear people talking saying " look at her she's dirty " and " man that's so gross look how old that seater is " but im used to it. 

 I continue when i see a flyer fall on my feet ''Music club Fridays in Ms.Kide's class'' I mumble as i read to myself. I pick it up stuff it in my pocket and continue to class. Why I picked it up I don't know myself I just had a feeling that I should.

    I finished class and went home. When I got home I heard someone yelling. I remembered it was thursday my brother always has this game he plays on thursdays. I get home, close the door and go to my room upstairs. On my way my brothers door suddenly flung open and knocks me over.

 " Tch you disgusting trash get out of my way " he says as he kicks me to the side. 

I stumble to my room and see that i had a bruise on my stomach from the doorknob.


I lay down and fall asleep only to later be awoken by my mom coming home from the late shift. She has to work so hard because our fathers in jail for almost killing me.

Sometimes I think its my fault if I had just stayed quiet would mom have been overworking.

 I start to cry and the voice says "IT'S YOUR FAULT ALL YOUR FAULT YOU SHOULD DIE." It tells me.

    The next morning I go to breakfast and my moms already gone so my brother looks at me and says " I don't want to eat with trash go somewhere. I grab my food and go to the living room quietly. As soon as I finish I go to school I put my hands in my pockets and i find the paper for music club. " Friday maybe i'll go " I say but then bump into a girl and drop my books and papers. 

She was handing the papers and books to mme when she says "You'll join! Oh please do " as I see her holding the flyer.

" Maybe " I mumble and then I look at her and I get lost in thought. 

She had beautiful light brown skin with luscious locks that seemed to curl perfectly and blue, blue eyes. 

" Are they real " I mumble then i realise i said that aloud and blush profoundly as I cover my mouth.

 " huh Oh my eye did the contacts fall out um yeah apparently they're very rare right " She laughs softly but had a sad look to her. " Oh im Lumis I am going to be in charge of the music club won't you join " Lumis says with a soft smile.

 " Sure " I say still entranced. " wait what about your contacts did you lose them ill pay " I say. 

" I have an extra pair i'll be fine thanks " Lumis says she then walks away.

I continue to watch her and think about how beautiful she was " An angel " I whisper.

    That night I try to sleep but all I can think about is how beautiful she was. I cant wait till friday.