It was early the following morning, when the rest of the disciples in the medicine fields had just finished their routines that started with the dawn, that three women made their way past the Medicine Hall and into the outlying fields.
Normally, such an occurrence would not have garnered much attention, since it was a rather open secret that there were a good number of female disciples in the Rear Gardens who had formed ... particular relationships with some of the more prominent Outer School disciples assigned to the medicine fields.
Yet, it was clear from their dressing that these three were not your normal, everyday female disciples. And, if one were to judge from their attire, there were two of them who did not appear to be disciples of the Heaven Sword School at all!
Still, these two were being led around by a rather well-known figure from the Rear Gardens, so no one dared to ask any questions. And were more than content to let the trio pass in silence. After they were a suitably long distance away, however, the questions and the theories were given voice almost immediately, as everyone shared what they had just seen. As well as their versions of what had prompted such an unusual visit.
Needless to say, a great many wondered just who the two young women following after the Rear Gardens' female disciple, Lingxi, were.
As for Lingxi herself, she was more concerned about her destination, and who she was about to meet, rather than her two companions. And all that gossip and talk behind her? That was no worth a single consideration at all!
After all, who was going to dare to make a comment, when they found out that she was leading Elder Xuan's only daughter, Xuan Mei, to meet with her supposedly betrothed herb-grower? And similarly for Elder Ming Guanhe's sole offspring, Ming Qingsong, who was ostensibly the witness to the whole matter, as well as an additional chaperone.
Given Lingxi's less than altogether respectable reputation in the Rear Gardens, no one who dare to comment on the fact that she had brought another person along, to ensure that the meeting between the two lovers were ... untainted by scandal.
And if anyone should comment on the fact that the three of them had spent a good part of the previous day's afternoon, huddled together in Elder Ming Guanhe's premises, speaking about something that seemed more secretive that the usual rumors that floated about the Rear Gardens ... Well, no one had any confidence to make a guess as to what was going on. The meeting between the two Elders' daughters was not something that anyone dared to comment about. But as unusual as the whole matter appeared to be, it could easily be explained away. After all, there were few female disciples who were as familiar with Qin Feng's medicine field as Lingxi was.
Of course, it would have drawn outrage of another kind, if the rest of the Outer School disciples learned of how Qin Feng had barred his door against the three women, including the one who was supposed to be his intended.
Which was enough to have Xuan Mei biting her lower lip as she twisted the handkerchief that she had in her hands. Ming Qingsong, standing right beside her, was similarly affected, although her pale face could also be blamed upon the sun, that was already starting to beat down on the trio.
Lingxi, on the other hand, was quick to press Qin Feng's buttons, to urge him to open the door:
"We have come to speak to you, Disciple Brother Qin Feng, about ... an arrangement that might prove mutually beneficial to all parties present. But especially to you. Perhaps you should let us in first, and listen to what we have to say?"
For a moment, there was only silence. Then she heard the sounds that told her that Qin Feng was making his way to the door. So she waved at the two girls at her side, to ensure that both Xuan Mei and Ming Qingsong kept up the contrite expressions that were on their faces.
The door, however, was yanked open without any particular flourish, and the young man didn't even bother to greet them. Instead, he simply turned about, and stepped back into his simple house. Leaving the trio to look at each other, in surprise.
But Lingxi quickly waved at Ming Qingsong at once, and hurried her inside, while she stuck to the younger woman's heels. And gave her another signal, to begin as they had planned:
Ming Qingsong's voice, fortunately, did not give away that particular fact, as she spoke.
"I believe that I must first apologize to big brother Qin for not welcoming you to our dinner last night. But, the situation was ... somewhat complicated, you see? So I can only beg your forgiveness."
He made that barely audible sound as he reached his bed, and sat down on the same. It was deliberate, of course. But Lingxi did not hesitate to step over to it all the same. It would cause less of a scandal, if she joined him there. There were only two other stools, next to the simple square table in the middle of the room. So the others would have to be content with those.
Ming Qingsong sighed as she patted the thick, old-fashioned vest that she was wearing, against the chilly wind as she sat down. "You caught us at the wrong time, big brother Qin Feng. It was not that we didn't want you around but ... it was my mother's death anniversary, so we were ... not in any condition to welcome guests. Didn't you notice that we only had vegetarian food on the table that night?"
Qin Feng blinked. Which was something that the other girls missed, obviously. But Lingxi had been dealing with the youth for quite a while now, and she guessed that he was a little taken aback by that revelation. Perhaps he had been so caught up in the success of his mission, and in his attempt to recover the cost of his move, that he had not bothered to pay attention to any of that. Besides, he had not been invited to dine, so how could he have had a good look at the food on the table?
"Oh? Is that so?"
Lingxi managed not to frown, as soon as she heard his steady reply. Which made it rather clear that he was still intent on holding the higher ground in this discussion. Things did not appear to be very favorable to the two younger women, it seemed.
But Xuan Mei spoke up then, which was what they had agreed upon earlier. To mention something to his advantage at once, so that he would not dwell on his bad experience.
"Regardless, Elder Ming and my father are ... working on getting you a blanket pass to join any of the Hunts in the Southern Forest for the next year. While the situation may not be the most ... lucrative during the Winter months, it is said that there should be rather hefty gains throughout the rest of the year."
Qin Feng's reaction to that statement, however, made it clear to Lingxi that he was not in the least impressed by that at all.
"Oh? And you pretend that this would be sufficient to have me venture out into the Southern Woods once more? So that I can gather up more of those medicinal herbs that younger sister Ming needs? At the risk of my own life?"
* * *
Last few bits of the flashback. Should be heading back to the conflict soon.