
Separation 4

In the end, Du Yan took close to three days to complete his reforging of Qin Feng's weapon. Which was something that had Lin Liushui teasing him relentlessly. To be fair, Qin Feng thought that it was only the handsome man's impatience to set off, so that he could see his beloved a little earlier, that was behind the scolding that Du Yan received, and had little to do with his sword.

As for Li Changhai, he was busy setting things up with a worried-looking Captain Wei Xuanran, who was clearly wondering how he was going to report this to the Duke and his Duchess. And Qin Feng did not need to guess that it was the latter that really had him worried.

But the Second Ducal Prince had given his orders, and had prepared several letters for Wei Xuanran to bring back to Yanyun City. So Qin Feng guessed that he would probably be fine. Besides, the fighting against the Barbarian Tribes should be entering its hottest phase at the moment, so it was unlikely that the Duke would have the leisure to worry to much. If one dared to listen to Lin Liushui's predictions.

The Duchess, on the other hand, was another issue. Qin Feng could only say that he hoped Li Changhai had put something in those letters of his that would protect his Captain Wen from taking the brunt of her scoldings. Unless Qin Feng was badly mistaken, that would the least that he had to deal with.

After all, the Duchess was Lady Xie's daughter.

Still, Qin Feng was soon too busy playing with his new sword to be bothered with all that. And had simply made his perfunctionary goodbyes to the troop, when the soldiers departed. Apparently, Li Changhai did not wish to deplete his purse too badly, since he now had another trip to worry about.

Qin Feng could only hope that the Second Ducal Prince would not have to end up cutting down on some of his favourite foods and rest stops, in order to alleviate the bleeding of his purse!

Yet, he was more properly focused on getting familiar with his new sword, than any of that. Du Yan had been correct, when he said that using a better weapon would make a world of difference. And now that he had a better weapon, a proper weapon, Qin Feng could attest to that.

It was as though he had been dragging his arm through mud, if he compared what using his old sword had been like, to what he was wielding now. And he did not doubt that his enemies would notice the difference too!

Which was almost enough to make him wish for an enemy to attack them at once, so that he could try it out! In fact, he was tempted to tell off some of the people there in the town, and to create some sort of excuse to have a fight! But he held himself back in the end.

It would cause too much trouble for Du Yan, and the man had just helped him to remake his sword. It would be far too impolite.

So he forced himself to remain calm, and 'graciously' allowed himself to be convinced by Lin Liushui that it was time to make a move to the North. Something that had everyone else wondering aloud about his plans.

All except Yuan Qianlei, who looked more excited. Like she was waiting, anticipating, something huge from one of the three of them. And from the way that she was looking at him, Qin Feng had the strange impression that he was the one she was focused on!

She was still reminding him to write, and to keep her informed as to the result of his mad quest, to carry off the heart of the one that he loved, when he rode away. Which was certainly enough to puzzle him completely.

Had he said something odd then, while he was drunk back then?


"I am not sure that hanging onto the carriage like this is a good idea," the Second Ducal Prince said to his two remaining traveling companions, when they finally reached the great Flying Phoenix River, some twelve days after. "We will take too long to arrive at where we wish to go, if we continue to rely on it."

They had just arrived at the wide and calm Flying Phoenix River, and was waiting for the riverboat that would bring them across.

It was one of the major landmarks that lay on the border between the Shu and the Yang Kingdoms. And something that would require at least a day to one and a half days to cross by boat. Which naturally made it a good spot to get rid of that carriage that Lin Liushui had been insisting that they bring along with them. 'To maintain the image of a properly hedonistic Young Master', he had said.

That should be sufficient to keep the rest of the world from paying the trio too much attention, according to the handsome gallant, since they would simply look like a wealthy gentleman, with his guard and his attendant. And the other two men had listened to his advice.

Of course, it wasn't long before they realised that it was all so Lin Liushui would not have to bruise his behind on the back of a horse! Apparently, he had never really liked to ride, and he had even arranged to let Qin Feng and Li Changhai deal with most of the driving duties.

Something that had the pair pushing Lin Liushui to take over a good chunk of the night watches, when they found out about it. And refused to let Lin Liushui make any further excuses regarding the matter.

Not that it was enough to make the pair consent to keep on being his personal driver. So when they arrived at the Flying Phoenix River, both of them had brought up selling the carriage and picking up another pair of horses instead. With their slow speed being the critical deciding factor.

Lin Liushui, as expected, was putting up some serious resistance to the plan.

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