
Local Flavor 3

"Well ... you could say that. I am not promising to make you the most wondrous weapon in the world, mind you! But I should be able to come up with a proper dueling sword, instead of another of these heavy military weapons. Or another of those pitiful pieces of scrap metal. Which, by the way, is hardly worth what you paid for it," Du Yan sniffed, waving a hand over the sword on the table, as though including that weapon in his words.

"Your purchase - the one that you broke in that fight against Fatty Zhou, Zhou Jinhu? Well, that was just the sort of overpriced waste metal that I am talking about, if you want my honest opinion. You should head back to the shop where you bought it and smack the one who sold it to you over the head with it! Disgraceful!"

"And how much did you pay for that? Thirteen thousand silver coins, I believe you said? Otherwise I doubt that Brother Yan would make such a big fuss over the matter," choked out Lin Liushui, trying his best to control his eagerness to guffaw, no doubt, as Qin Feng hung his head and sighed loudly.

"Oh, and it was hardly worth his trouble! Was it? That clash we had with Fatty Zhou made that rather clear! That's why I am saying that it was criminal! Honestly we should take steps against that particular shop. Who can say if it is overcharging the army people with their military-styled weapons too? This is not the sort of thing that I had expected to see here in Yanyun City."

Du Yan tilted his nose up as he finished his words. He had to admit that it angered his professionalism, when it came to such overpriced and substandard weapons. So much so that he had let some of his temper creep into his voice. He only realized that when he glanced at Qin Feng, and saw the astonished look on the young man's face.

As did Lin Liushui, who shook his head, and reached out to pat Qin Feng on his shoulder. "Oh, I would not be too bothered about it. We'll head over there with you; that will allow us to play the 'you dare to take advantage of my inexperienced friend' card," he assured Qin Feng confidently.

"After all, you look young, and are obviously new to the city. So we should be able to squeeze the manager of the shop for at least half the price that you paid. How much do you think we can get back, hey? Du Yan? At least ten thousand silver, you think?"

The burly man sniffed, and shook his head at Lin Liushui. "Thinking of scamming the manager of the place? That isn't going to help your reputation. Or Brother Feng's. We should give them a chance to come clean, and see how much they offer in recompense first. For Brother Feng's losses. Only if they fail to meet our standards should we bring up the fact that they are selling substandard weapons that break at a clash against bare hands.

"After all, Fatty Zhou wasn't using any weapons that we could see. Hey?"

"No doubt, no doubt. And I believe that the tale of his attack on our Brother Changhai should have made the rounds already. Maybe the fellow who sold you that piece of scrap might have heard about it too. That should our task a little easier."

Qin Feng grinned, as soon as he heard that. It seemed rather clear to Du Yan that the younger man had an idea of what he was talking about. Which had the big brawny fellow throwing him a wicked smile of his own. The charming Lin Liushui, on the other hand, gave out a rather exaggerated sigh as he shook his head at the pair of scoundrels.

"Oh, I know that look only too well. You two are like peas in a pod, with your schemes and your rascally ways. All for what? To squeeze more money out of people? And they aren't even enemies of yours! Think of how pitiful their families would be, if you beggar the poor chaps. You should not go too far, in this little ploy of yours," he told the pair somewhat sternly.

Then he leaned his head forward as well, with a similar smirk on his face. "Instead, you should consider fleecing him again and again, like wool off a sheep's back. You'll make a lot more that way, I am certain, than just a one-off deal."

Qin Feng looked a little surprised, but Du Yan merely shook his head at the tall, good-looking fellow. "You want to dip your hands into this as well? Are you certain about that? Don't you remember what Changhai had said, the last time that we went about ... scamming the shopkeepers here in Yanyun City?"

"Scamming the shopkeepers? That is a rather heavy charge! We were merely reminding them not to make things difficult for us, remember? After all, we are guests of the Duke himself, here in his Palace. And most of those idiots that we are accused of ... scamming? Well, they are all tied to one or another of the Royal Princes in the Capitol, aren't they? Wouldn't it be more accurate to call it a small fee to our benefit? So that they can keep on spying on the Ducal Family here?"

"The Royals are spying on the Duke?"

The two 'guests' of the Second Ducal Prince turned their knowing smiles on Qin Feng, who seemed surprised by the revelation. At least, Du Yan could see how his eyes were wide open and his jaw hung a little loose. It was almost as though he had never considered how noble families of the Kingdom were constantly spying on one another!

"Ah. This must be somewhat new to you, since you had only begun to venture out of your Heaven Sword School, down in the South. Well, that is not a particularly influential Sect, if I have to be honest. There are several other Sects and Schools that are a lot more powerful, and whose disciples tend to be a little more ... rampant in their pursuits."

Du Yan nodded his head vigorously, supporting Lin Liushui's words, when he saw how Qin Feng was turning to look his way. It seemed like a good opportunity as well, to warn the younger man about the sort of caution that would stand Qin Feng in good stead, so long as he associated with Li Changhai. There were a good number of such Sects watching him closely, after all.

* * *

Thought I would give a bit more background here, rather than leave everything to Li Changhai later. Which would be a rather long, tedious process. This way, we can all get back to the action a little quicker, hey?


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