
Friends and Family 3

Li Biyun didn't waste any time leading the troop back into the city, and brought his cousin, the Prince, directly to the Ducal Palace. Li Changhai almost chuckled at how the Guards at the Gate saluted at the covered wagon, presuming that the Second Son of their Master was seated within. Fortunately, he had warned Qin Feng not to open the blinds covering the same, and to ignore all attempts to engage him. Otherwise, there would have been a bit of a mess for certain!

As for himself, it was the first time that he was getting a view of the sort of ruckus his arrival caused among the Gate Guards, as well as the Palace Servants. Those were not in the least surprised that he was returning, but it was clear from the looks on confusion on their faces that they had not expected him to accompanied by such a young and ragged troop of Marquis Feng Laixue's soldiers.

That would certainly reach his father's ears, Li Sanlang realized immediately. Well, it would not cause too much trouble, since the most likely outcome of this news would be a summons to the Duke's private courtyard. It was just as well, since he was intending to visit his father, and to update him on the details of what had happened in the South.

And he also had a sword to present, just as his Maternal Grandmother had instructed.

Having his father summon him to answer a few questions, regarding his unusual trek North would certainly fit right into his plans!

Li Changhai turned his head to look at the younger man at his side then. Qin Feng was still taking in the sights of the Ducal Palace grounds, and the lovely decorations that could be found within. In fact, his eyes were wide and his jaw seemed a little slack. From his reaction, it seemed rather obvious that he had not expected the Ducal Palace to be that different from the Marquis' estate, back in Changqing City.

A sigh threatened to burst forth from Li Sanlang's lips as soon as that thought crossed his mind. To be honest, he would prefer to remain in Changqing City, and at his Maternal Grandparent's home, if he could. It was a lot warmer there, and not in the physical sense. But Li Changhai felt that he could forget all about his duties and responsibilities, so long as he was there.

Of course, that was just an illusion, he told himself. Regardless of how he felt about the Marquis' in Changqing, his home was in Yanyun City. He would be tied there for a good while more, until his brother took over as the new Duke of the Westlands. And he made a commander of one of the Ducal Armies and left to serve as a ...

Li Changhai shook his head, forcibly interrupting his own daydream. Now was not the time to be concerned with such things. It was still too early, and he was too young. Not to mention, his father had yet to show that he was intending to retire from his role in the Armies.

Besides, the situation - his situation! That may change without any warning. Especially after his father learns about the possible schemes of the Northern Duke and his allies. Just the fact that he was attacked by the Iron Fire Mountain Sect would be enough to surprise the old man, he was certain!

Then there was that sword that his Maternal Grandmother had insisted that he present to his father as a birthday gift. And she had even convinced Qin Feng to come along with him, so that he could speak of how it had ended up in his hands.

There was something deeper than he knew in all of this, he realized. But Li Changhai was more than content to listen to his Grandmother. She would not harm him, he was sure.

As for the young man who she had sent with him ... Well, Qin Feng had already saved his life twice so far. So Li Sanlang did not think him a threat.

Which was why he was leading Qin Feng right to his own private courtyard, and arranging rooms for him in one of the buildings there. He would have to keep this former Heaven Sword School disciple close by, to make sure that he knew that he was valued!

Qin Feng's reaction to that arrangement was surprise. No doubt to find that he was being offered a room in the Ducal Prince's private courtyard, rather than being installed in the guest wing of the Palace. Which prompted the Second Ducal Prince to apologized for having to abandon him shortly, when he had to make his rounds, to visit all of the trusted generals that were guests in the Palace. Qin Feng would need a bit of time to acclimatize, he decided.

Li Sanlang sighed as he walked out, waving a hand at the luxurious courtyard behind the two of them. "It is just something that I have to do, as a Ducal Prince. My father is sixty-eight now, and the rest of his trusted generals are also of a similar age. They have been pushing their sons and grandsons into positions of responsibility. Cousin Biyun is three years older than I am, and he has already taken over the Red Eagle Troop.

"And my elder brother has his own troop of soldiers already, so he is working hard to take over my father's duties. So it is only fair that I take up some responsibilities myself."

Then he laughed, and pointed towards the Tower that loomed over the Southern City Gate. The same one that they passed earlier that day, when they entered the Ducal City. "I think the people will feel a lot more secure, knowing that their Duke and his children - all of his children, I mean. That we are taking our responsibilities towards the safety of Yanyun City seriously."

"So it is a matter of ... giving the people what they want, what makes them feel more secure?" Qin Feng asked quietly, making the Second Ducal Prince wonder if he had truly understood what he was trying to convey.

"With the threat of an invasion looming over their heads, I think the common people should be more than glad to join your little troop? To show their support for their Ducal Prince? In that case, why are you worried about the cost of putting together your own personal cadre?"

Li Changhai laughed as soon as he heard that. "Well, it is not the recruitment of the soldiers that I am worried about, but the equipping and the feeding of the same. And the training as well. It would be an easy thing to set up a simple army troop, but not so simple to turn the same into a band of elite soldiers."

To that, Qin Feng had no reaction at all, and simply nodded in agreement.

Li Changhai hid a sigh, and quietly shook his head at the younger man. It was clear that Qin Feng had no experience with the administration of a proper army unit, from the questions that he had just asked. Nor did the Second Ducal Prince expect him to. Qin Feng was a disciple - an Outer Disciple, from the Heaven Sword School, an organisation that was isolated from the world.

Hence, it would not be fair to expect him to understand some of the lessons that had taken Li Sanlang close to two, three years to even begin to make sense of.

Of course, Qin Feng was not a son of a noble house, so he would hardly be interested in such matters.

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