
Simply Red

This book is about Red. That is all you need to know.

JDS_ST · Sports, voyage et activités
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How to see Red

This book is for the ones who can't see.

Red is a color. Red is a feeling. Red is a sight to marvel at. Red represents power, energy, vitality, action, dominance, assertion, survival, creation, and passion. However, you don't even remember the 3rd one I just listed. Red triggers opposite reactions. Red is love and passion. Red is anger and danger. Red excites you.

Red is warm. Red is heat. Red is calor. One doesn't need to see with one's eyes to really see red. Red is just a name. That name has a meaning behind it. However, the three letters "R," "E," and "D" have no connection with one another. These letters just follow a simple line of an algorithm. These letters follow an order. But the three-letters have no meaning at all, they are just a way for our petit brain to see Red.

Red is touching the stove and feeling the blaze in your fingers. The heat before you touch the stove. The pain while you are touching. The burn after you've touched it. You don't need to see Red with your eyes to really see it.

Red is a sight to marvel at.

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