
Simon Cowell’s Daughter

Meet Ariel Cowell. She lost the person she loved the most, her dearest mother. Now all of a sudden her father comes back to her life out of no where. Her father is the famous Simon Cowell. Her life will be full of adventure and surprises. There might be romance along the way. Just wait and see.

Lianne521 · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Chapter 19: Management

Simon POV :

Today was a day full of work. Just me working on my computer, reading e-mails, signing documents and checking updates for the boys.

"Hey Simon." I look up from my computer and see Ariel standing at the door way.

"Ariel. Come in . Do you need anything?" I ask her, putting a side whatever I was doing. She walks in and comes closer.

"I was just checking up on you. So ... what are you up to?" She looks at my desk seeing papers cluttered everywhere.

"Well I'm just working and checking on things." She picks up a paper and reads it.

"So pretty much you are looking over deals for expansion." She says going over the paper.

"Yes. There is a deal with Mr.Rodgers for expansion on a hotel and he needs a partner. I need to go over the contract one more time before I agree and start a partnership  with him." I explain to her my plan.

She nods and sits on a chair across from my desk.

"So how long have you been taking over your father's company?" She asks me with curiosity written all over her face.

"Well I have been taking over my father's company for the last 10 years. Being the manager for One Direction is 2 years."

She nods and traces her fingers on the desk.

"Is everything okay Ariel?" I grab her hand with concern.

"Did you ever fall in love with another person or had a relationship with a woman after my mother?" She askslooking at me, waiting for an answer.

"I never thought of having another relationship with any other woman. You and your mother was and still is always on my mind 24/7. The both of you are my life. One day, when it's time for me to step down I want you to take over everything. If you are up for it Ariel. I would never force you to do anything. But it would be great if you would because this would be three generations of Cowells taking over the company. Not only the company but also the management for bands in the future for Capitol Records."

By the look of her face she was trying to soak everything in. "Wow. This is a lot to take in Simon . I mean maybe in the future I would love to but I need to think about it." Ariel looks worried about what I said.

"You don't have to worry about it now. It would be a long time before I step down. And if you ever thought in the future you would like to take over I would make sure you're ready." I try to assure her. All Ariel does is nod.


" I just need to take this phone call very quick Ariel and we will continue with our talk."  She nods again and goes to the other side of the room to give some space.

Simon: Hello

Management : Hi Simon. We need to talk to you and the boys about the tour. Have you told any of the boys yet?

Simon : No not yet but I was going to tell them today.

Management : No need. Today we will just come over to talk to the boys and you about the U.S.A Tour.

Simon : Yes. Of course. You can come around 3:00 pm and we can talk in my office.

Management : Okay 3:00 pm it is. See you then.

Simon : Goodbye.

I end the call and see Ariel looking around the office. Mostly the photos hanging on the wall. I get up and look right behind her.

"My favorite photo is this one right here." I point a photo of Laura, me and Ariel. This was the day when Ariel was born. Happiest day of my life.

"This was the day you were born Ariel."

She looks at the photo and smiles.

"You and mom look so happy here."

I couldn't help but grin.

"Of course. This was the day we became parents. Your our baby and always will be."

All of a sudden Ariel hugs me tight. Took me by surprise but I hugged her back. "Thank you for everything Simon."

"Anything for you." I sincerely say to her.

Ariel POV:

Everything that Simon said to me, made me really feel like I'm his daughter. Everything was heart felt. But taking over my father's company gave me a little scare. How can I become a CEO in a well known company and also a manager for Capitol Records? I know he said that he would be by my side until I'm ready but I don't know when I'm ever ready for that position.

After our little father and daughter moment in his office we decided to go to the kitchen to make some food. When we got there we saw all of the boys making some sandwiches.

"Where have you guys been?" Niall asks the both of us.

"I was just hanging out with Simon at his office." 

Liam handed me a turkey and cheese sandwich with a glass of orange juice. As he also did the same for Simon. We both thanked him and started to eat.

Everybody sat at the table and started eating their sandwiches.

"Boys we are meeting management today to discuss some important matters. They will be here 3:00pm sharp. So I want you to all behave and listen attentively on what they need to say." Simon says to all of the boys. They all nod and continued eating their food.


Management , Simon and the boys sat around the table. While I sat on the couch trying to listen on what they're talking about. Yes, I'm a nosey person but c'mon who isn't. 

"Okay boys in a few months you will start your U.S.A Tour. Your tour date will start on March 8th through December 27th. You will also do meet and greets, interviews, and also photoshoots. You will start with New York and you will end with California." Management explained to the boys giving them their schedule sheets.

"CALIFORNIA!!! We're going to freaking California?!!" I jumped up and down with excitement.

Management and Simon stared at me. The boys were giggling silently.

"Sorry about that everyone." I sat back down on the couch, looking down on the floor feeling embarrassed.

"Not to be rude but who is she?" Management asked Simon.

"She is my lovely daughter. Miss Ariel Marie Cowell." Simon says to him proudly.

The guy from management was shocked. "I've been working with you for how many years Simon and you never mentioned anything about a daughter. Also I never seen her until now."

"I never mix my personal life with my business life. You know that Richard." Simon tells him bluntly.

"Well, that is true. Nice to meet you by the way." Ricard smiles to me. I nod and smile back. They continued their meeting for 20 more minutes.

After the meeting the guy from management left and I saw all of the boys frowning . "Uncle Si are we ever going to have a break? If it's not a concert it's a interview or a photoshoot." Harry complained looking at the schedule sheet.

"I know it's a lot but I'll try to rearrange some things so you boys can have a breather from time to time." Simon explains to them.

The boys nodded.

"Are you excited to go to California?" Zayn sits right next to me on the couch.

"Of course I am. I get to see my Aunt Karen, my best friend and also I'm gonna go visit my mom at the cemetery." I excitedly tell him.


I get into my room and grabbed my laptop. Log into my Skype account and decided to video chat Aunt Karen.

"Hi Ariel. How have you been?" She asks me smiling through the laptop.

"Everything is going great Aunt Karen. One Direction is going to start their U.S.A tour in a couple of months." I said to her.

"Who is One Direction?" Aunt Karen asks me. Giving a confused look.

"They are the boyband that Simon manages. They are very famous here in Europe." I explain to her.

"Ah okay. Well that's great for them."

"Ariel are you okay? Your not as bubbly and cheery as usual when I talk to you. Did something happen?"  She questions me giving a sad expression.

"Well Simon and I talked about things." I start saying to her.

"What type of things?" She asked me with an eyebrow going up.

"We talked about how that someday I'll be taking over his company and also taking over to become the manager for some other boyband someday. I mean he told me that he will not leave my side until I fully know how to run the company. But I don't know if I can  do it Aunt Karen." I started to stress out.

"Did he force you to run the company?" She raises her voice a little.

"No he didn't. He said that if I wanted to do something else with my life then he would be fine with it." I explained to her.

"Well there you go. Ariel you are an intelligent girl. You pick up things very quickly. But it's really your choice if you want to do this. Plus your father said he will be there to help you every step of the way. Whatever decision you make your father and I will be very proud of you. Also back you up with whatever decision you make."

Aunt Karen is right. I can do this and for some reason if I don't want to do it in the future Simon and Aunt Karen will always be there for me. Aunt Karen always knew what to say.

"Thanks for everything."

"Anything for you baby girl. Sorry but I got to go. Need to get ready for work I will call you tomorrow okay?" Aunt Karen said getting her stuff ready. 

"Sure. Talk to you tomorrow . Love you." She blows me a kiss to the screen.

"Love you too. Bye." After she said bye I ended the call.

I grab my pajamas and changed into them getting ready for bed. This is going to be the best tour ever.