

The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

LOVERIC · Fantaisie
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30 Chs


<p>Doc nodded, "Anything else?"<br/><br/>Eldar smiled, "After you do it close your eyes for a few seconds and just roll with it because I do not think you want to know what comes after that."<br/><br/>Eldar left the house and went to see John Silver. He was met by Charlemagne at the door who let him in. He looked at John, "Do you have attire for the wedding already? I picked up an extra outfit if you wish it's yours."<br/><br/>He looked up at Eldar, "It has been a long time since I picked up attire for such an occasion but seeing how big things might get, I will take you up on your offer. Thank you for your consideration."<br/><br/>Annette smiled, "You never mentioned picking up an extra outfit back in Grand Falls! You sneak!"<br/><br/>Both Charlemagne and Annette smiled at him for thinking of their father. "Keep in mind I did not have his size. I used Tranosa and figured you could make any adjustments for fit."<br/><br/>They nodded. Annette smiled while Charlemagne hugged him, "Good choice, we can make it work. I will follow you out to get the outfit. We can work on it tonight."<br/><br/>He looked back at Charlemagne, "I spoke with Doc about the arrangement of the placement of our men and women being different. He is shaking in his boots at some of the stuff I told him but he will be ready."<br/><br/>They headed to the wagon and he got the extra outfit out from boots to blouse; toes to shoulders.<br/><br/>Eldar saw Hunter and Eagle-eye walking toward the house, "How did the hunt go?"<br/><br/>They smiled proudly. Hunter bragged, "We got enough for the wedding party and half the village."<br/><br/>Eldar nodded, "You're going hunting in the morning for the rest of it?"<br/><br/>He looked at Eldar, "How many more are you expecting?"<br/><br/>Eldar laughed, "Better to have to have extra but it's possible we will end up with the entire village and my mother's entire village with a few extra guests we do not know about yet."<br/><br/>Hunter looked at Eagle-eye before he glared at Eldar, "How do you know this?"<br/><br/>Eldar shrugged his shoulders, "Something that was said at the 2 council meetings makes me believe we will have a much bigger turnout. How many will stay to eat? I do not know. Also, when you're dealing with my father you never know who he might be bringing along."<br/><br/>Hunter nodded, "More hunting in the morning then. Better to try the southern woods as we did not go that way."<br/><br/>They gathered the packages for the men and headed inside while Eagle-eye started hauling the lady's packages to the other house.<br/><br/>They sat down and ate. He ate a lot as this was the first meal he had today. Grand Master Yetto looked at him, "You act like you're eating for two."<br/><br/>Eldar laughed, "No I'm eating for the first time today! Charlemagne is eating for 3 though. She's carrying twin girls."<br/><br/>He looked shocked, "I was told she was expecting but twins, you're sure?"<br/><br/>Eldar smiled, "Just as sure as there will be twin crescent moons in the sky tomorrow! I have it on high authority; a divination spell from our Doc."<br/><br/>He looked over at Doc, "Right Doc?"<br/><br/>He nodded rapidly. They finished eating and he headed off to bed.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Jarron was on a crystal to Heliar. He heard him sigh, "We will be there in the early morning. Something up?"<br/><br/>Jarron sighed, "Yes, strange is more like it. Both Annette and Charlamange were speaking in some kind of tongues. Even my know language spell could not translate it but the 2 sets of village elders understood it. He got past the first hurdle, a piece of land owned by Annette now.<br/><br/>He will have a threat assessment to go over with you tomorrow I am sure. He also found 2 additional talented humans on the last leg of his trip. Something tells me there is more going on here than we know. You commented on the 2 Grand Clerics. They wanted to come. Did they say why?"<br/><br/>Heliar sighed, "No. I asked Grand Cleric Golden Rod and he invited Grand Cleric Moon Bow to join us. If they know something, they have not told me. I also have both of the 2 two-time winners of the Blade Singer council with me. I spoke briefly with the Queen and she thought it was a good idea to have them check his abilities the day after the wedding if any questions remain.<br/><br/>They are asleep already. We will get an early start and see you first thing in the morning. No sense in raising suspicions with the Royal family until we know if something is going on."<br/><br/>Jarron sighed, "You are right. They are cleared of suspicion officially in Grand Falls. They should not be needed for that, but they will want to be in on this threat assessment. The humans seemed eager to want Eldar to work this training center up here.<br/><br/>The humans are on board if he pulls it off. I would be happy if he does as it could save the Knights. I went over the number and we are below 350 Knights right now. We had another 11 go missing in the last 2 weeks. Some in far-off lands. This organization is in trouble and this training center could save it."<br/><br/>Jarron ended his comms.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Graxxon walked into the master chamber and kneeled before his father, "I sent scouts out. The village was damaged but the forces that went were slaughtered. No signs of any caravans on the road."<br/><br/>Lord Baramis Fumed again and looked at his son, "Go!"<br/><br/>He activated his crystal to his elven asset, "You alone?"<br/><br/>She growled out, "Yes. My scribe has disappeared. The fool may have run off to get away from me as well. If the King knows anything about him he has not brought it up in our bed. He has only been by once since my last message was sent. I have nothing new to report at the moment.<br/><br/>Heliar has only seen me once and he left muttering it was a mistake. I do not expect him back. He talked about some woman and he did not feel right about screwing around behind her back. I invited her to join us but he shook his head and left in a hurry. I think my time here will be coming to a close soon. At least in this role.<br/><br/>The Queen has too many guards at the moment but I keep my eyes open for an opportunity to take her out and assume her form. The problem is, she knows so many people and is involved in things I do not understand. As to who the players are right now.<br/><br/>Impersonating her might be problematic. Her hand-maiden might be a better choice for my next shift. Time will tell. I am waiting on the nightshade poison to take out the King. Once it arrives I will have to wait until he summons me before I can enact that plan."<br/><br/>Lord Baramis growled, "I want to know when Eldar Silvertree gets to the Capital. I will send other assets to take him down when he arrives. You are to try and stay away from him unless threatened directly. I want to hear anything you find out about him. That Elf is a thorn in my side and I want his fucking head!"<br/><br/>She sighed, "I warned you of the anomaly in the Academy. His Grandmaster did not use standard training methods. He has combined forms with some sword skills from the Far East from what I have learned. He never stays at the palace and he has no spouse or mate. Male or female. Some believe he is asexual. He has aggravated the Blade Singer Council.<br/><br/>One of the Blade Singers at the head of the Council has shared my bed and from what I heard he used your other assets to take revenge on other Blade Singers, making him a Rogue Blade Singer. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.<br/><br/>While not your ally he is a self-serving Elf and helping to bring the order to its knees without even knowing it. There is plenty of corruption going on in this court. Give me the word and I will work to get you additional allies within the court."<br/><br/>He growled out, "No. I have an asset for that already. They will move when it is time. This will occur in all 3 Kingdoms at the same time. That is all I will say on the matter. Keep your eyes and ears open."<br/><br/>He ended communications, roared out, and filled the room with fire and smoke. He thought, 'I want this Eldar Silvertree dead!'<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Vattia'Desua Silvertree was once again at her father's house. Once again in his bed. She groaned out her release as she rolled off of her Father's spent cock. She looked across, "Vretchia, clean out my full cunt of my father's seed." The young elven servant of House Silverbar crawled up on the bed and dove into her mistress's cunt and started sucking it out.<br/><br/>Cardo'Lira Silverbar, the wealthiest Moon Elf in the Kingdom sighed, "What troubles you, my child bride?" His pet name for her in private.<br/><br/>She sighed, "I made sure Heliar gave me one heir and you gave me another. That impure bastard has managed to corrupt my son. He went behind my back and agreed to be an Apprentice to the Abomination Grand Master Yetto!<br/><br/>Granted he managed to make that impure bastard a 4-time champion. He could make my son a 5-time champion with his Pureblood. Yet, I do not trust that disowned Silvertree member to have the best interest of my son at heart. I want him gone but all eyes are on that Grand Master and his methods now.<br/><br/>I want to know how he ended up becoming his apprentice after failing the evaluation once already. He ignored my very directions on the matter. He is too much like his father. If I did not need him for the purpose of the blade I would have had him terminated for this.<br/><br/>At the very least I can work with the House Silvertree Elders to get him disowned. Until he withdraws from the abominations training. The problem is I cannot talk with my son right now to address the issue. My spies tell me he left the Academy with his Grand Master to attend a wedding.<br/><br/>Other spies tell me that Heliar got the Grand Clerics for Correlon and the Lady of Dreams both to go with him to perform a marriage outside the Capital. South of the Capital, that would be in the direction of the bastards slut mother's village. Rumor has it that the bastard is getting married!<br/><br/>He has children and then we are talking about another potential layer between the House Sword and my son to keep me from ruling over the Silvertree House as my son's proxy for life. I wish our family sword had not killed the last 26 people who have attempted to wield it.<br/><br/>It was too risky for me to do it beforehand. If I had and succeeded I could have just worked to kill off House Silvertree instead of usurping it from the inside. You cannot attack Heliar because it would be a patron-on-patron attack if discovered. If the bastard is getting married then he may be on his way back to the Capital. I have placed spies out to watch for his return.<br/><br/>I want him eliminated and then find out about this wife of his and have her killed as well before she spawns another heir to the Blade. Heliar could put him in front of my son just for spite! I don't have his will or access to it. I'm not sure who holds it. It might be the royal family or he could have it locked away so only one of his sons could open it. So many options he could have chosen."<br/><br/>Her father sighed, "Vretchia, you have been wanting to be my next official wife for years now. My 7th wife died 20 years ago, so tragically when she walked in on us in bed together. Your mistress did the honors then. She was, of course, never found. Disintegration does that to a body. It took 20 years to get her declared dead. I want you to be our little assassin-in-waiting.<br/><br/>If he returns, we will find out which inn the group he is with frequents in the market and you will go to work there. He causes the slightest trouble for my daughter and I want you to kill him and his wife. You do this without getting caught, and I will give you your big wedding.<br/><br/>Just remember, my daughter is my true wife and you are truly just my consort bride at that point. If she were not infertile I would be pumping more children out of her. You do this and my next heirs for this house will come from you as I will remove the cock ring. What do you say, my little sex slave?"<br/><br/>Vretchia smiled, "You had me convinced with marriage. I have an assortment of poisons I can get my hands upon. I will kill his whole damned team if it is required. I am not Silverbar yet. I could kill Heliar for you."<br/><br/>Cardo shook his head, "No, as long as he lives that blade cannot end up in the hands of the bastard. It gets discovered and labeled a patron-on-patron attack, I cannot risk destroying my house over that. We need to eliminate the bastard first, but we need to understand who he is working for and why.<br/><br/>Then we can make our move to drive him to his execution and his wife with him or ahead of him. I am certain he has other enemies. All impure bastards have enemies. We just have to find them. Then the next time he ventures into the deep roads of the Underdark we can arrange Heliar's death from within the expedition. Far from the Capital. Through a third or fourth party."<br/><br/>Vretchia speared her mistress's ass with 3 lubed fingers to send her into a roaring climax. Vattia'Desua looked down at her little sex slave, "Get my Father Groom hard and lube up his cock. He is going to fuck your ass for the next hour until I release the cock ring. My Father Groom will be getting nailed in his ass by me throughout. Now get to work, you little harlot."<br/><br/>Vretchia jumped into action.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>The Lady of Dreams had one follower in that room, the would-be assassin. For her dreams and wanting to be this instrument of death. A perversion of the Lady of Dreams main calling. Yet it allowed her to witness and hear the conversations.<br/><br/>Corellon looked over at her as they had listened together, "It will be Eldar's job to clean this up. Eventually, I will start sending him visions to deal with things to come. Much is still in motion and he has to find the hidden actors, most of them anyway. He will hopefully find them for all of us."<br/></p>