

The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

LOVERIC · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

CHAPTER 16: Wedding Plan and Sisterly Love

<p> <br/><br/>The next 10 days went off with no issues. Except for being stranded for 3 days due to heavy rains stopping the journey. That was surprising. They delivered the cargo and agreed to meet back at the stables at the morning meal 2 days from now.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Hunter went to the Ambassador's quarters and delivered the package. The human court wizard was there as well as he was a part-time lover of the Ambassador. The wizard, Vexxor Crown, was a 'trusted' advisor to the King and he kept an eye on things for his 'pet,' Lord Baramis. On anything that happened in the human court. He was surprised to see this document get through.<br/><br/>The Ambassador looked over, "Where is Charlie Silver?"<br/><br/>Hunter chuckled, "We ran into a couple of complications in the delivery. We added a new crew member who helped to save our asses. Eldar Silvertree, an impure Blade Singer right out of the Academy and the son of the diplomat Heliar. He is a talented fighter and helped to save our asses from the mercenaries who attacked us.<br/><br/>He kept us from losing anyone in our group to tell you the truth. He also fell in love with Charlie and the 2 of them are looking to get married. She was going to visit her sister in the border town and then do some wedding shopping, rings, dresses and the like. I told her I would bring this to you."<br/><br/>The Ambassador sighed, "Very well, you may go. We will take this to the King for his signature at this afternoon's meeting. I am assuming the delay was from this and the weather?"<br/><br/>Hunter nodded, "If you had teleported back to get it yourself, there would have been no delay. Yes, the weather also was a factor."<br/><br/>The ambassador sighed, "I am far too busy to keep bouncing back and forth to pick up a document. That is what we have you, couriers, for. Very well, be gone."<br/><br/>Hunter rolled his eyes as he left the room.<br/><br/>Vexxor walked forward and read over the document. He was not looking at the document for the purpose of the agreement but for reading the hidden message. He smiled to himself, "Your Royal scribes do remarkable work. I will give you that."<br/><br/>The elven ambassador knew the wizard had his 'own power agenda' in things but had no idea where his allegiances lay. He looked it over, "I have seen better but they are far superior to your human scribes regardless."<br/><br/>He caught the errant brush marks and thought the fairly new Queen should look to replace this scribe if he was a master then standards had dropped, to let it go out with such obvious flaws.<br/><br/>Vexxor left the room and went to his quarters and secured them. He smiled as he activated the stone, "Lord Baramis, Arch-Mage Vexxor Crown. As if you did not know. Your mercenaries failed in intercepting this trade agreement. It will get signed as it did arrive. I did get the message from it though.<br/><br/>A new elf on this team named Eldar Silvertree, an impure Master Blade Singer, apparently helped them to get past your group without the loss of a single person. He is the son of the diplomat Heliar. This is ironic as the message in the document dealt with your asset in the Palace having gained some intelligence from Heliar through her wicked ways if you will.<br/><br/>She seduced him into her bed and learned he is quite certain the next big engagement is coming from the Drow. He wants to take a team into the Underdark in 6 months if not sooner. She is encouraging him to pursue this course and feeding his ego on the matter."<br/><br/>Lord Barramis hissed, "The anomaly has left the Academy. My agents warned me of him. He is proving to be an issue. Get some of your local thugs to get rid of him. This is the last I want to hear of this Eldar Silvertree. Your money will be in your account soon enough for your services. How goes your research?"<br/><br/>Vexxor knew Lord Barrimus feared his research, "Nearing completion. I am still several months out. The stage is set, the ingredients are gathered, and a puppet government here in the human lands loyal to me, and thus you by proxy, is in motion.<br/><br/>The ritual day will come soon enough with enough sacrifices to make my dreams a reality. No need to fret. My soul lock on you will carry forward when I succeed at this transformation. If it does not, then the contingency in place will see us both fall."<br/><br/>Vexxor chuckled as he deactivated the crystal. Lord Barrimus did not like being tricked by this human necromancer. It would have been something he would have preferred to be on the sending side instead of the receiving side. The Gease he had on Vexxor would wipe his mind if need be if he could get him to break it. Then his men could get the mage and put him into a status field if it came to that. Then bury him somewhere.<br/><br/>He let the mage think he had the upper hand for now. He was still quite useful. He took precautions as well, he just did not advertise them to the pathetic human. His 'elven asset' saw to that as he already had her under a gease to keep her in line. She altered it enough to keep Vexxor in the dark of what his compulsion would actually do to him.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Charlemagne and Eldar decide to go ring shopping; wedding and cock. They found a nice little ring store that sold magical trinkets including an interesting line of magical wedding bands. The bands were made by a local Half-Elf enchanter.<br/><br/>They were designed with an enchantment that when spoken by the wearer or if the ring was removed it would make a beautiful ring seem mundane to hide its value. Charlemagne picked out a ring that was a half-inch thick made of platinum with an inset ring of pure sapphire running thru the middle. Magically sunken into the sapphire band were 14 very tiny matching diamonds.<br/><br/>When the ring was removed or the command word was spoken it would look like an ordinary copper band worth next to nothing. The ring was worth 9,000 gold pieces. The magical cock ring they confirmed would not interfere with existing pregnancies but would ensure any seed passing within would be infertile. The ring itself would remain on until the command word was spoken, and invisible to all but the wearer or the one who put it on if mischief in the bedroom was desired.<br/><br/>Another 4,000 gold pieces. He laid out 3 diamonds and was given 3,000 gold pieces in change; which he took in 2-1,000 gold piece emeralds, 60 platinum pieces, and 400 gold pieces. An hour later and they were at the door to Charlemagne's twin sister Annette.<br/><br/>Annette opened the door and smiled at her sister and then looked over at Eldar, "Another new member of your crew?"<br/><br/>Charlemagne chuckled, "And then some!"<br/><br/>Which caused Annette to invite them in to get the latest news. Charlemagne introduced Eldar, "This is Eldar Silvertree, my soon-to-be husband and the father of your coming niece."<br/><br/>Annette was at a loss for words. She just looked back and forth between the two of them. Charlemagne continued, "I wanted the 2 of you to meet. He hasn't even met our father yet. We are headed back that way. We will get married at Silent Falls on the night of a double crescent moon."<br/><br/>Annette finally spoke, "Silvertree, as in the same family name as your late husband?"<br/><br/>Eldar nodded, "Yes a distant cousin I never knew, I am half Wood Elf and half Moon Elf. I spent my early years in Misora near Silent Falls until my mother's death. Then I was sent to the Academy in the capital. I am a trained Master Blade Singer."<br/><br/>She looked at Eldar again, "You are with the military?"<br/><br/>He shook his head, "No, I work with Charlemagne. She wanted you to see her wedding ring, help her pick out a dress tomorrow, and more importantly find out if you approved of me."<br/><br/>Eldar pointed at Charlemagne, "Why don't you take the lead on this."<br/><br/>Charlemagne smiled, "Ring."<br/><br/>He handed it to her and her sister saw the plain copper band. She slides it on her finger and thought of the command phrase which Eldar had selected and translates into 'The heart of Eldar belongs to Charlemagne.' The ring revealed itself.<br/><br/>Annette gasps loudly then said, "That must have cost a fortune!"<br/><br/>Eldar still left the conversation between the 2 sisters. Charlemagne just smiles and nodded.<br/><br/>Annette looked at Eldar, "Did you rob a dragon's hoard?"<br/><br/>Eldar shook his head, "Grand Master Yetto trained me. Yes, her step-son I learned later. He was not Academy trained but was certified a Grand Master by the Academy and challenged Academy methods of training. He placed wagers that he could produce an Academy student into an Academy Champion. The apprenticeship program ran for 30 years.<br/><br/>The competitions for championships are held every 5 years against all current apprentices at the Academy. I beat the field in my 15th year, he kept rolling the wagers to Grand Masters and others. I won every competition including my last to be the only 4-time champion of the Academy. He gave half of that money to me. I was not even aware of the wagers. We spent a fraction of that today."<br/><br/>He pulled out the pouch and poured out the 2 emeralds and 7 remaining diamonds. He looked to Annette, "More than enough to pay for the wedding items left, start a business or buy a home, and have money set aside for the child's future."<br/><br/>Charlemagne then told her about their first night together after the grizzly and the fight with the mercenaries. Followed by the challenge Eldar laid before her, skipping over how he did what he did. Only that she could hardly walk after that. Then his journal entry he showed her concerning that night.<br/><br/>The fact he would be more insistent in his request to marry her at some point if children came into play. Then her realization that she had not used any form of protection, confirmed she was, in fact, pregnant, and she accepted his offer. That resulted in them topping the previous number but over 18 hours. Which they did easily, given the additional time.<br/><br/>Annette looked at Eldar, "You are Gods' gift to women?"<br/><br/>He shook his head, "No, as Charlemagne called me a 'cocky flirt' in her description of me. I do not look at myself that way. I look at Charlemagne as the Gods' gift to me and we bring the best out of each other. Does that answer your question?"<br/><br/>She nodded. "Do you have a yard I can use? I try to get in at least an hour's worth of blade work a day. I was doing 8 hours back at the Academy with sparring for an hour-long period. Then take a 10-20 minute break and start going again. This would give you and your sister some time to talk alone."<br/><br/>She showed Eldar to the back door of her home and while she and Charlemagne talked, they watched him from a window. He worked the flaming sword up over from one hand to the other and back again for an hour straight.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Annette asked her, "How did you meet him?"<br/><br/>Charlie sighed, "I was picking up from the capital, our crew had an opening and he graduated and was leaving town. He approached for work and we picked him up. Tranosa knew his father from the war and had been following his career at the Academy tournaments and agreed he was a skilled man with a blade."<br/><br/>She pointed out the window and Annette looked out and commented, "I can see Yetto's style but he is faster and he is ambidextrous. He also has acrobatic moves as well. He seems to be good with either hand."<br/><br/>Charlie laughed, "Both hands, cock, and mouth. I know you have not gotten together with another man since you left home. He knows about us, I told him. I wanted to share him with you in bed. I told him of the female lovers I have had.<br/><br/>Yet, you were the only one I wanted to share him with. He agreed to do that or just watch the 2 of us if you would not agree. I am hoping you will trust me and give him a chance to bring some joy into your life."<br/><br/>Annette did something she tried not to do, but she was very curious about Charlie's life in the Knights. Now with This Eldar. She entered her sister's mind and felt the love her sister had for him and her. She felt the long series of orgasms Charlie felt and tried to stop from being embarrassed as she backed out and sighed, "You know what happened to me. Does he know?"<br/><br/>She shook her head, "Other than you had a bad first time at 20. Nothing more than that."<br/><br/>Annette sighed and watched him and read his mind, He loved Charlemange and would do just about anything for her provided it did not go against his code. He saved her twice and he had a hard life growing up. She felt for him as he got a lot of the same treatment she got in her life. He was trapped in an Academy and had to deal with that daily.<br/><br/>She finally sighed and looked back at Charlie, "If he can get me to cum 10 times without his cock, then I will believe you and bless your marriage. Then he could fuck me however he wants for this one visit but he has to do you too. Else he is just watching us having fun in my home."<br/><br/>Charlie smiled at her. Annette never told her sister of her abilities because it scared people. It kept her fed and some just thought she was a good informant who gathered information. It kept her in her home and fed, but would not make her a rich woman. At least without crossing a moral boundary, she refused to cross.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Eldar quickly sheathed his sword and made his way back inside. He looked to Charlemagne, "How did your conversation go?"<br/><br/>She smiled at Eldar, "She wants you to do us both and she said if you can get her to cum 10 times without your cock, she will not only believe you, she will bless our marriage and you can fuck her any way you want for this one visit."<br/><br/>Annette smirked at Eldar until he looked at Charlemagne, "The issue was never if I could get her there, but the fact I could get you there. We will start with you then we will see how your sister does, but that means going back on the cap you wanted to set to stop chasing records."<br/><br/>Annette just looked at the 2 of them as Charlemagne grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom. Eldar stripped down, as did Charlemagne and Annette followed suit.<br/><br/>He asked Annette, "Can you sit at the head of the bed facing me, please?"<br/><br/>He looked at the bed and then Charlemagne, "Look at the lovely rail."<br/><br/>She smiled. She slid under the rail at the end of the bed and extends her legs over the edge. "You can move closer if you want Annette, you have seen her cum before. You can decide if she is faking it. Charlemagne; I will not stop until Annette says I can stop; putting your trust into your sister. Claw at my arms or shoulders if you need to but hold the rail or the sheets otherwise. Agreed?"<br/><br/>Charlemagne nodded rapidly, "I agree!"<br/><br/>He could see she was already wet in anticipation. He grabbed her legs and pulled them over the rail standing at the end of the bed, and locked her legs with his left arm close to her chest and she was almost facing her sister's cunt at this point. He told Charlemagne, "If you want to lick your sister at all now would be the time to do it. Before I do it to Annette's pussy and she won't want you to touch her clit."<br/><br/>Annette straddles Charlemagne's face and Eldar told Anette, "You can help hold her legs if you like. You will have to count them out for her as she now has her mouth full with your pussy."<br/><br/>Anette blushed and held her legs, "Alright."<br/><br/>Now she could get a better view of what Eldar was about to do to her sister. He started slow and licked around the outside. He slid the tongue up the middle. He slid in one finger then the second and found the spot inside. He moved to her clit. He kissed and teased it softly as he worked her to build up her first climax until it hit. Then he went hard onto her clit sucking and flicking with his tongue and Charlemagne bucked. Annette just stared and said nothing.<br/><br/>He kept going until Annette climaxed from Charlemagne's efforts which brought her out of her haze and she shouted, "You can stop now!"<br/><br/>He slowly backed away and Charlemagne's clit was big and swollen. Eldar commented, "Charlemagne I guess it did not work your sister never called out a count."<br/><br/>Annette stammered, "I am...um...sorry...I stopped counting when I came at 15."<br/><br/>He asked Charlemagne, "What was your final count?"<br/><br/>She huffed, "The count was 18 climaxes, you bastard!"<br/><br/>Then laughed at him. He sighed, "Alright, let's get Charlemagne to her feet and take her to the other room for some water."<br/><br/>Charlemagne glared at him, "You know I won't be able to walk straight."<br/><br/>He replied, "Your sister can help you this time. When we get back it is her turn with me and then her turn with you. Might want to bring in plenty of water let me give you a hand with Charlemagne."<br/><br/>They got her to her feet and her legs would not support her. He sat her back down, "Wait."<br/><br/>He walked out with Annette to ask, "Looking forward to your turn? I don't think she will be sitting on your face for this one as she cannot support herself yet."<br/><br/>She just looks at Eldar with a white face and remains silent. They return to the room and Charlemagne was slumped over on her side with her legs spread to keep the pressure off of her clit and he handed her a glass of water, then refilled it after she downed it.<br/><br/>Eldar looked to Annette, "Time for you to come down. Now, this is my first time with you. I am not expecting the same results. In the first attempt but we can get you there in a few hours maximum."<br/><br/>Eldar tried to scare her a bit and it seemed to be working. He lifted her legs over, "Will you help hold them, Charlemagne. I know you want payback for not calling me off. Same rules. You call them out, the target is 10 for you."<br/><br/>She nodded. He found that she was already soaking from Charlemagne's attention. He started with sliding in 2 fingers and realized she was pretty loose. Which gave him an idea for later. He started licking the outside; then up the middle. He started kissing her clit and running the tip of his tongue over it. He realized she tastes more like cinnamon than honey, a stark contrast. It took some time just working her clit as he slid his fingers inside.<br/><br/>He would not push up until she started to climax. She finally hit her first after about 20 minutes. he flipped the fingers up and started pressing from the inside while coming down on her clit hard, she has her second and sprayed him with fluid. Then her third hit, more fluid but less quantity, then her fourth with no fluid. Then she hit her fifth and passed out on them.<br/><br/>Eldar smiled at Charlemagne, "Give her 30 minutes then we can wake her if she has not already. I will go get some more water quickly."<br/><br/>10 minutes later Annette woke and looked at her sister, "Where in the hell did you find this guy?"</p>