

A masterpiece. A stunning piece of art. It's an image of an outrageously handsome young man. A fair skin, perfectly smooth and unblemished. His fine gray hair is particularly eye-grabbing due to its peculiarity. Those things paired with his face, endowed with ethereal proportions, he doesn't fall short when compared to a deity's beauty. He sat in silence as he seemed to be immersed in deep thoughts. His figure exudes an aura of a fierce and mighty Emperor who is capable of toppling the world over, except he wasn't sitting on a throne. He's atop an expensive toilet bowl, sleeping.

A sudden urge to take a dump woke him up. The lids of his eyes opened up and revealed its beautiful silver color but slightly bloodshot. His eyelids were also a bit puffy but nonetheless, he's still drop dead gorgeous. He uttered a loud yawn and finally felt awake.

"I'm in the toilet, huh? Well, that's a first. And man, answering the call of nature has never been this easy. haha"

"But seriously though, I'm never drinking again! Ugh! My head hurts. I'm glad I woke up here. If I would have been anywhere else, I would have taken a dump right then and there. I really don't feel like moving. Should I just stay here for the rest of the day? Hmm... Well, too bad I can't let the food delivery guy give me my order directly here in the bathroom, or can I? "

"Argh! Whatever. I'll just hope this headache won't last that long."

"I can't believe some people like to do this often. Is it fun for them to suffer like this? Hangover, right? I think that's what this is called if I remember it right. I thought it wouldn't be that bad but experiencing it firsthand... ugh. I don't wanna talk about it."

He talks by himself, yes. And it isn't just that. Everything he does, he does it by himself. He's got no friends and at all. No family either. He's got no one. With his way of life, the only human interaction he could possibly get is when he has to receive food or other things that he orders online.

"Hoo! That was a good dump. Man, that was a lot. hahaha"

"Disgusting things aside, If I'm not mistaken, they would release a bunch of chapters today! Crap! I have to move! You can do it, me!"


His weeb blood boiled and he summoned all of his willpower as he charged out of the bathroom with a loud warcry, forgetting to redo his pants properly. He successfully made it past the bathroom door before finally facing a calamity made out of his carelessness. His pants slid and fell past his knees and there he goes tumbling down. As if not wanting to give up a tough battle, adrenaline kicked in. In the heat of the moment, he just took and threw his pants away. He quickly stood back up again and started running with only his undies on. His destination was supposed to be his computer room but he took a detour and went to his bedroom instead. As soon as he saw his bed, he accelerated and took a long jump, landing face down on a fragrant cushion.

"Woah! That was intense! I can't believe I made it this far!"


His triumphant laugh lasted for some time before he finally felt tired and stupid for doing for it so long. As a loner, this was his kind of fun.

"Now let me sleep just for five minutes then I'll start grinding on those chapters."

With no one to wake him up, his sleep lasted far longer than what he has promised himself. Five minutes became five hours and finally, he woke up at the sixth hour. His eyes opened and gazed at the familiar ceiling for a while as it reminded him of something.

"It has been 8 months already, huh? But I..."

"I still can't remember anything."

He quickly discarded those depressing thoughts away. He got out of bed and went on with his daily routine, reading till the sun went down and sleepiness came knocking again.


Even a person as weird and crazy as him still has his own fair share of problems. For his case, it is rather not a simple matter. He just woke up one day with a note in his hand. "Live", that's what it said. Who wrote the note? He doesn't know.

Live.. As he started thinking about it...

"How am I supposed to do that?"

He realized he doesn't know a single thing about life or how he lived his. The sound of his voice even surprised him. He can't remember himself sounding like that. He can't remember anything. Not his even own name. He stared at his hands with lifeless eyes. His hands were trembling as it traveled to touch his face. The thought that he doesn't even know how he looks like was the last straw drawn before his mind totally broke down. Everything about himself feels so unfamiliar. It's like he's living in a stranger's body.

"Who am I? What's happening? Where am I? Why..." His soft and shaky voice died down as if his brain just stopped working. He laid in his huge bed, lost and confused. His mind grew tired as he was lost in the chaos within him. He passed out and fell into a deep slumber once again.

Deep inside him, in his pulsating soul...

[Initiating Phase 1]

[Activating Mortal Skill: Resolute Mind]

[Mortal skill successfully activated]

[Uploading World Data: Earth Year 2018 version]

[Data successfully uploaded into brain database.]

[Generating Phase 2 trigger]

[Trigger successfully generated. Phase 2 will initiate when the trigger is activated.]

[Phase 1 complete. Soul Program will now remain on standby.]

Apparently, this soul program is also fond of talking by itself. The host himself is unaware of this mysterious phenomenon.

It took him about 12 hours before finally regaining consciousness. His eyes are now glimmering with a brand new light. A bit of confusion was still apparent on his face but at least he looks more alive now.

"What is this? I feel different again. I feel strangely calm. Wasn't I losing my mind just a while ago?"

"Well, whatever. I feel a lot better now."

"Live, huh? I guess I'll do just that. I've got no ideas how but I guess I'll start with looking for food. I'm starving."

He is now oozing with positivity and he has no idea where he took it from. Now that his mind has finally started to work like a normal human being, he finally noticed his surroundings.

"Porthault Jours de Paris. These sheets are expensive. A huge bed covered with expensive sheets... Whoever owns this house is someone wealthy."

There were no signs of amazement or awe in his voice. He was just stating facts casually. In fact, he was more interested in how he got all these knowledge. He feels like he actually has a deep and broad knowledge about tons of different things in this world. He can't verbally quantify how much he knows. He just has that feeling of being somewhat all-knowing. It's a total mystery. He knows so much about the world but not a single thing about himself. Not wanting to spoil his mood, he just decided to ignore that problem of his. He got out of bed with a steady mindset: 'I'll face what I have to face and ignore what I can ignore.'

"So it was floating the whole time. A magnetic floating bed, huh? An overly expensive item. This place got to be the master's bedroom. If this is my house, then I must be filthy rich."

"If so, Where did I get all my wealth from?" He was lost in thought within just a matter of seconds. He immediately decided to throw all those thoughts at the back of his head.

"I just hope I earned all of this legally."

"Aside from my bed, I don't have any more pieces of furniture so why did I have to make my room this big? Hmm... Well, I like it so I guess that's that."

"I guess that door is the way out of this room so what is that other door for?"

He walked across the room with his eyes gleaming with a tinge of curiosity.

The door slip open automatically when it sensed him approaching.

"Clothes. Clothes everywhere. This is too much. I don't think I can use all of this in my lifetime."

It's a huge dressing room. Even bigger than his bedroom. And just like any other dressing rooms, it's not lacking mirrors.

"I look good I guess." He stared at his reflection expressionlessly. He hasn't established a sense of human beauty yet so he's not that sure if he's handsome or not. He just felt that his face is easy to look at. Even a bit pleasing.

After satisfying his new found sense of vanity, he continued browsing the room and stumbled upon a wallet that was placed on a glass pedestal.

"Now this must be either super expensive too or it contains a lot of important things.", he thought as he noticed how it is presented. He took the wallet in his hands to browse its contents. He found a bunch of cards and checks but what took his attention the most was an identification card. One glance and he was relieved that it really is his ID because he saw the image of his face in it. And with that, it was also confirmed that everything here really is his belonging. Most importantly, one of his biggest concerns is about to be answered.

"So... I am... Garen Silvermoon." He doesn't know how to react now that he finally knows what his name is so just shrugged off this awkward feeling and read the rest of the information written in his ID.

"I was born on the 6th of March year 1997. So how old am I? Unfortunately, I don't know what year it is right now. But just considering how I look, I guess I'm still young. Given that I'm still young, then how did I get this rich? I have a wealthy family and I'm just leeching off them is also a possibility."

"Family, huh? I wonder if I really have one."

He wasn't particularly saddened by the thought of possibly not having a family. He doesn't know what it feels like to have one so its absence means nothing to him.


The sound of his hungry stomach pulled him out of his thoughts.

"I forgot I was originally looking for food. I hope I can find something in the kitchen."

He began his search for the kitchen. Thankfully, he didn't get lost for too long in his huge mansion. His bedroom is located on the second floor and he found the kitchen downstairs. He found 6 dozens of donuts and 3 bottles of 1-liter cola in the fridge. That's all it has in it. He decided not to question himself anymore for whatever he may find in the mansion because there's no point to it. So he just shut up and ate his fill.

After consuming 2 dozens of donuts and a liter of cola, he decided to continue his house tour. He wants to know what else his mansion has to offer. He spent 2 hours walking around and getting amazed before finally finishing the tour. It took him that long because first of all, the mansion is huge and secondly, he tried out the things he found interesting in each room. He had a great time and as far as his memory goes, this was his first time having fun. He went back to his bedroom with a satisfied and joyful expression.

"This place is bigger than I imagined. Too big for a single man to live in." He sat on his bed as recalled everything he saw during the house tour. He's living in a 3-story mansion plus a needlessly huge basement garage with a swimming pool in it. There he found 5 luxury cars he's not even sure he could drive. Moreover, he has no plans of going out to see the world so he thought that those cars would pile up some dust for now. Just like his bedroom, the rest of the mansion isn't filled with any decorative pieces of furniture too. That fact, paired with the mansion's neat modern theme, he felt satisfied. He thinks that an almost empty room is much more pleasing to the eye. Maybe his past self just like clothes too much that it led to an over the top apparel collection. Aside from that, he has no issues. No, wait. There's actually one. He met nobody during the house tour. If he's living alone the whole time, then who's in charge of maintaining the mansion? There's no way he could do all the chores alone. Is he supposed to call someone over to do it for him? He's aware that such services do exist but he thinks that he's not yet ready for human interaction so just like his other concerns, big or small, he just threw it at the back of his mind.

Just like that, he started his life alone. He found out that the day when he first woke up was actually his birthday but he didn't think too much of it. He was never bored in his mansion because thankfully, this place has it all. He started playing some MOBA games in his high-spec gaming pc. He also gained interest in music and with the help of the internet, he started learning various musical instruments. Fortunately, his music room has enough pieces of equipment and instruments to form a band or produce music on a professional level so his new found goal of producing his own song can be realized in just a matter of time. He just found music as something so magical. Music made him feel various emotions he never felt before. He shed his first tears because of an emotional song. He didn't know why but it just hit him hard. His love for music deepened day by day as he explored different genres and it kept him company in whatever he does. He also picked up dancing because some songs just make him want to move his body and lose it.

If music is his first love then what comes second is the world of anime. He's so glad that he randomly came across it on the internet. Anime introduced him to various worlds each having its own unique charm. A lot of anime may defy common sense and logic but he didn't care about that. For him, what matters are the emotions it brought through its storytelling. Sooner than he imagined, he became addicted to it. There came the sleepless nights with him just binge watching. Then his anime addiction spread to reading manga and last but absolutely not the least, light novels. Reading a light novel while listening to a certain music that fits is just... Perfection. Now he's just a weeb through and through.

His first eight months of living went on peacefully.


Present day

It was already eleven in the morning but he's still asleep. A sound that he doesn't hear much often woke him up though.

"What's up with the door buzzer? Did I just 'sleep-order' something? I can't remember calling someone over."

He was clearly annoyed because he's used to waking up whenever he pleases. With a sour mood, he forced himself to get out of bed to attend to the guest downstairs. He simply doesn't want to be rude and keep them waiting for so long.

Before opening the door, he calmed himself down and readied his well-practiced welcoming face that he prepared for dealing with every delivery person.

"Hello..." His voice slowly died down as he noticed that it's not a delivery guy. In front of him stood a young man, clad in black.

He barely managed to maintain his welcoming expression as he asked the guest a question.

"How may I help you?"

"It's nice to finally meet you, Sir Garen Silvermoon. You can call me Athos. I'm sorry I'm late."