
Silver Poison

Rival packs join forces to beat the rogues

unavailableforever · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


I sit up gasping for air, clutching my comforter to my chest. I glance around my room, finding it empty, yet I can't shake the feeling that I'm not alone. The light breeze coming in from my open window sends a chill down my sweaty body. I usually only wake up this way when there's danger. Yet somehow, I feel none present. That's when my ears pick up the sound of laughter coming from downstairs.

I crawl out of bed, pull my tank top back down where its suppose to be, and put my shorts on that were lying on the floor as I quietly make my way to my door. There's definitely new people downstairs and I can't tell if they're friendly or not.

I grab the bat hanging on the wall in the hallway at the top of stairs before heading down. The laughter is getting louder, but the words are hushed so low that even I can't hear them.

As I get to the bottom of the stairs, I inhale deeply, trying to make a connection with any new scents I smell. I open my eyes as I recognize the scent of the newcomers. Hellhound. They're not suppose to be here until tomorrow. Why are they here now?

That's when another very familiar smell catches my attention. Blood. I charge into the kitchen to see Damien standing amongst four Hellhounds. They all look up at me as I enter the room. Damien smiles at me.

"We didn't wake you," Damien cocks his head sideways, "did we, Lilly?" I look at him and shake my head. "I smell blood." I glance coldly at the Hellhounds gawking at me from the other side of the room. "Who is it?"

Damien moves out of the way, and thats when I see him. Zeke, standing out on the balcony off of the kitchen, holding his left arm to his chest. I walk closer, and notice the smell of Rogue. "Were you attacked," I question him slowly, "or did you pick the fight?" By this time I'm standing right next to him, and I can feel the anger coming off of his skin.

My heart skips a beat as his green eyes meet mine, his voice sending a chill down my spine. "I didn't start the fight," he says quietly and looks back up at the sky, "but I did finish it."

I reach out and touch his arm lightly. "Are you okay? Do you need anything? I have some pain killers upstairs if you want-" I gasp as he pushes me back against the wall of the house, his chest pushing against mine, holding me in place. I feel my face get hot as he puts his right hand on my face and trails his fingers down my cheek.

His eyes meet mine again as he inhales my scent deeply. A purr grows in his chest as he leans in and touches his mouth to my ear. "Mine." He growls and puts his head on my shoulder, pushing himself closer to me.

I can feel his breath on my neck as he continues to stand there, just holding me against the wall. I slowly reach up, putting my hand in his soft, jet black hair, and curl my fingers through it. This is the first time in a long time I've felt safe with anyone. Why do I feel so safe with a stranger?

It's because he's our mate, Lilly. He will protect us from anything.

My wolf's reassurance makes my chest feel warm as I feel her purring against my will. Zeke looks at me with a grin, my face getting warm again. "What?" I sneer unsuccessfully as I playfully push him off.

He smirks and looks me up and down before speaking. "You're cute, you know that?" He runs his fingers through my hair as I glance away. I look back towards him to see him already looking. Our eyes meet, and it's like the world disappears for a while. I shake my head. I can't let myself get distracted by him.

But he would be so worth the risk. Shut up. You know you want to give in to him. I can't I have responsibilities as Beta I need to uphold. No room for these feelings. You need to loosen up a bit. He's a Beta too, though. Just think of all the things you could do together.

I jump as Zeke lightly touches my arm. "You said you had pain killers?" I shake my head, then nod at him. Maybe my wolf is right. I grab his hand and lead him through the kitchen and towards the stairs. This is going to be one hell of a challenge.