
Silver Genesis

This is the story of how a boy become the hunter he was meant to be with the help of his friends and the past. He gain experience and grow to new heights every day

SuperGokage678 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Being Chosen

I was born in a city called Lance creek. My name is Eiji. My father would always hunt bears and cook them to various of people. My mother would heal all the soldier who would come from battle.

But I was different from the rest of the children. My eyes were silver. The other children would fear me. I would never know why.

Some years later, I turn 16. I enter the hunter school. I walk in and see different students around, from all over the globe. I always wanted to be a hunter. There wasn't a specific reason. I just felt it in my soul.

The first day go smooth. We go in different classes and introduce ourselves. I became friend with a boy name Minato. He says he like my silver eyes. He has hazel eyes with black hair and a fit body. I was just skinny with brown hair.

At lunch, I ask "why everyone stare at me." "Your silver eyes are the reason, Eiji." "Are they that uncommon, I ask?" "Only certain people have these eyes." He commented, "but you don't seem like one of them."

I ask, "who they are." "They are called the Genesis Hunter." "What make them different." "They have silver eyes; they remember important thing and events from previous Genesis hunter lifetime." "They have the ability to use all magic and make their unique magic easier."

"I really don't sound like one of them, I laugh." He says "yeah." Lunch is over and we continue with our class. The day end and I go home. I live in the outer parts of Lance Creek. It's the capital of this whole country. The Hunter Paradise. This place is safe for people who are hunters.

I should explain what I mean. There are three types of humans. There is a normal human with basic stats and magic. There is a supreme. Supreme are usually royalty and have high magic power. Finally, there is hunters. Hunters have high base stats and magic. But people would fear hunters.

That why this country was created. To protect hunters like us. I arrive at school the next day. We are taking the stats exam today. We must run, jump, fight, swim, and escape from beast in this course.

The referee says go. I take of running and jump from trees. Some students try to fight me. I dodge them and keep running. A giant ape appears before me. I stop. I wonder how I will deal with this. I use my speed to my advantage. I manage to confuse the ape and knock it out with twenty punches.

I rest for a moment. I start to run again. A flaming lion come from the bushes and start chasing me. I was able to outrun it and get back on track.

I see Minato up ahead. He was racing with a boy in a red hood, and he was in the league. A lighting monkey come out of nowhere and jump on his faces. He come to a stop and try to pull it off. The other boy passes him. I catch up to him and help pull the monkey off. The monkey run back into the woods.

"These beasts are more annoying then dangerous, he says laughing." I say, "who was that boy." "That was Lee." "He is the principal son." I say, "he looks pretty well trained." "You would expect that much he says, confuse." We start to run.

We reach the swim part of the course. I start to swim and get chase by sharks and killer whales. I reach land again and start to run. I see the finish line and cross. I place 145th. There was 5,000. I didn't do too bad. Minato came right behind me. He looks at the score board. "Dang it, Lee made 35th place."

I say, "well it did take time to get that monkey off." "It was very persistence he laughs." We go eat lunch. The 2nd part of the exam happens. They must asset our magic power. They put you in ranks accordance to these exams. I hope I don't mess up on this.

Lee is next. He scores 55,000 magic powers. I look amaze. That very high for a beginner. After a few hundred students. Minato is next. He scores 34,000 magic powers. That a little over average for a beginner. Next is my turn. I pick up a crystal ball. I pour my magic into it. The number is ...

44,000, I score pretty high. Minato come behind me and say, "maybe those silver eyes aren't just for show."

The final part of the exam is to summon your grimoire. Lee summons a A class grimoire. Minato summon a C class grimoire. It's finally my turn. I start to chant the words. I feel a power I never felt before appearing before me. When I see my grimoire. It says Genesis. Everyone is shocked. The instructor says, "you are the Genesis hunter young one." I look surprise.

Everyone starts to whisper something. Minato say congrats. "Is it that big of a deal?" "The Genesis hunter is the strongest hunter from the old days." So, it would be such a big deal. I say "okay." I head home.

Both my parents are home. This haven't happened in a long time. Usually, they are never home early. And only one would be early. But never both and I start to grow worried. My parents give me a hug. "We heard what happen at school." "You know that this title put a target on your head." I say, "it does."

"Yes, many would kill for a Genesis hunter power." "I suggest you be careful from now on." "They may also assign a guard to you." "I know you will become something great one day my son."

My mom says," always remember whatever path you choose to take." "We will always love you." I say, "I will remember." I head into my room. I open my computer. I look up Genesis Hunter. The message information restricted.

I guess this is a very big deal for this country. But I don't get what this mean for the rest of my life. But I will have to figure it out.