
Silk And Lace

[WARNING: EXTREMELY MATURE CONTENT] To find a high-paying job, Lara is willing to do anything. Fortunately, the universe smiled at her one fine day and changed her fate, when she met the famous clothes designer in the city, Simon Hart. Her luck didn't end there. She also happened to save his precious little daughter from danger. This helped her to attain her dream job. Working close to Simon, Lara gets close to his daughter Lilly, the cute little angel who is Simon's life.

Cornflower · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
7 Chs

Job interview


The chapters have been rewritten.


Staring at the blue clear sky, Lara smiled. It was the end of August, the weather wasn't as warm as before, She could feel the cool breeze on her skin.

Today was Monday, The beginning of the week. She hoped it will a smooth week beginning,

Today she has a job interview. If everything goes well she will become an assistant accountant or hopefully so. Lara had quit her first job because she felt like she was suffocating there. It was a small company with no ambition and no clear future. That's why she decided to find a new job with a better income and a future vision.

Lara was aware that quitting a job right now was a risk and the chances of getting a new job is low because there were too many demands in the jobs market but there was less supply she wanted to try her luck and in her opinion, taking a risk is better than continuing to work for that company.

Staring at her watch, Lara noticed that she was going to be late if she didn't hurry. Stopping a taxi, she gave the driver the address to her destination.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Standing in front of the huge building of the fashion house, Lara felt nervous. It was normal, she thought to herself. Looking at her watch, she figured that she still had a good ten minutes before the interview started.

Lara saw people who seemed to have come to apply for the job entering the company but she preferred to stay there until the interview started. She hated staying for a long time inside crowded places.

Taking her phone from her bag, Lara started to check her phone to pass the time but suddenly heard a child crying. looking around her, she saw a little girl sitting on the grass crying behind the tree over there. Putting her phone In her bag, Lara walked towards the little girl.

"Hey." Lara said to the little girl as she squatted down in front of the little girl and noticed the little girl's knee was bleeding but the wound wasn't serious.

The little girl looked up at Lara, still crying, and she said."I hurt my knee."

"I can see that. Did you fall?" Lara asked as she sat down on the grass.

The little girl nodded her head as she sniffed.

Lara smiled as stared at the little girl. She's so beautiful like an angel.

"Will you allow me to clean your wound?" Lara asked, smiling at the little girl.

The little girl nodded her head and extended her knee, waiting for the nice lady to clean her wound.

Taking a bottle of water from her bag and some tissues, Lara started to clean the little girl's wound. First, she cleaned it with water before she dried the wound, and she thought it was a small cut and nothing serious. Luckily she has band-aids in her bag. She always carries a pack because she always cuts her fingers at work or when she uses the kitchen knife.

"Are you here alone?" Lara asked the little girl who stopped crying now.

"No. My nanny brought me here. She went to buy me ice cream." The little girl replied looking at Lara with her beautiful blue eyes.

Lara looked at the time and figured that she has to leave now or she will be late.

"Okay. I have to go now. Stay here and wait for your nanny." Lara said and patted the little girl's head before he left.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Looking around her, Lara was relieved that there weren't too many people who came to apply for the job. At least she won't have to wait for a long time for her turn. She took a seat and waited for her name to be called.

As she was waiting, Lara heard the two women who were sitting behind her talking to each other about the owner of the company.

"I heard that he and Monica Ravi got back together." One of the women said.

"I heard that too. Do you think she's his daughter's mother? She kinda looks like her." The other woman said.

"No. Because two years ago Simon Hart was asked during a conference about this and he denied the rumors." The first woman replied.

"It must be hard to be the only parent, taking care of a child is not an easy task." The other woman said.

"We'll. He seems to be doing a great job taking care of his daughter and running a company at the same time." The first woman replied.

Lara listened to what the two women were saying about Simon Hart. The company CEO. He seemed like a good father but not a kind boss. Lara heard that he's heartless, a workaholic, ruthless and he forces the employee to work even on holidays. That was her friend who was fired from the company for being late for the first time.

But that is okay with Lara, because she's a workaholic person too and she doesn't mind working on holidays because she has no one special to spend holidays with and she prefers to spend her time working.

Thirty minutes passed and Lara started to get more nervous. No, she can't allow her emotions to control her now. Lara took deep breaths repeating the same action until she felt herself calm down.

"Lara Marlow."

Finally, Lara thought to herself as she stood up and walked towards the interview room.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Inside the interview room.

"It's said here that you quit your last job. Why is that?" A member of the interview committee asked.

"Because the company I was working at had no future vision and I'm not planning to be a regular employee for the rest of my life," Lara replied with confidence and saw how the committee members looked at each other in approval.

"And what are you planning to achieve through working for our company?" One of the committee members asked.

Lara knew that this was the most important part of the job and depending on her answer right now they will determine if they will give her the job or not.

"I'm planning to work hard, obtain knowledge and experience and hopefully be the next manager of the finance department," Lara replied with confidence.
