
First Meeting

It's my first day back to school on my junior year, I guess I had an extreme glow-up. Everyone said I was pretty before but now I look hotter.

I am standing outside of school with my best friend Lucas talking.

Suddenly, I hear a small roar of a bike. It didn't sound like those smaller ones but like the bigger expensive sporty bikes.

All of the students that are standing outside, turn their head towards the direction of the sound including me.

The roar gets louder and louder till I see a charcoal black bike heading my way. Since I am standing near the sidewalk the bike will eventually pass me.

As the silhouette gets closer I notice it's a guy riding it. It rushes past me making my light brown silky hair flow up a little with its force. The bike stops right near me but far enough In the school parking lot.

The guy turns his engine off and I get a good look at him.

He is wearing a no sleeve black shirt with black shorts. Taking off his helmet he shakes his head and runs his hand through his hair.

After getting off his bike, he turns around and scans the crowd outside watching him.

When his eyes move to where you are standing, his eye catches yours.

Those green pools watching you while his dark brown hair sways with the wind.

My blue ocean eyes stare at him for a moments but I am unbothered by his presence.

I look away first and go back to talking to Lucas.

A new student has arrived.

"How are you never phased by anyone?", Lucas asks with eyes of curiosity.

I shrug and continue walking to my locker.

"I get that your a you know what, but so am I and I can't ever get used to the way you act."

I ignore his comment and continue walking stopping at my locker. I put in a code and my locker opens for me.

Lucas sighs at my response.

Lucas and I are both undercover agents for my father.

My father is a leader of a swat team. I've been trained since I was little to become a agent. I am currently the 2nd best youngest agent. I've always been calm all my life and unbothered by most things. Lucas is quite the opposite, though he is good at his job he gets excited when we got out on missions.

What I'm trying to say is he's a freak.

I continue grabbing my books while Lucas continues blabbering on to me about random things.

I close my locker and head to my first class of the day with Lucas.

As Lucas keeps talking I'm on my phone scrolling through my social media, not paying attention I bump into someone. My shoulder jolts back a bit when I collide feeling the strength of them causing a bit of friction in my shoulders. I ignore it and without looking I gain my composure and apologize with a calm tone, as I am unbothered by them, I walk passed them ignoring them but I still feel they're eyes leeching to me as I continue walking.

I walk into class ignoring all the stares of admiration and lust in peoples eyes and sit in my seat at the back of the classroom, Lucas sits on my left side while no one sits on my right.

"All right class good morning, we have a new student today. Everyone Welcome Mr. Zane Carson." Everyone's minds go blank when they saw this hot hunk walk in unbothered by all the looks of lust in girls eyes.

He's tall around 6'1, he has green eyes that shine bright and dark brown hair. His lips look soft and his skin is tan but not to tan just enough to make him look like a total hottie. He has a calm unbothered expression. You can see his muscle pop out of his arms and his veins pop out from everywhere drawing the attention of all girls.

Except for one.