
Silent friend

Danielle was teased at school and referred her as a short quiet fat siopao (a Chinese meat bun). Her mother decided that she would attend homeschool to recover from the trauma of being bullied. Four years later, she stood up to begin school as a new girl, but when she transferred to a new school, she was confronted with problems of friendship and love.

Danii24 · Sports, voyage et activités
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5 Chs

~Fat meat bun~ chapter 1

As the morning began, birds tweeting, the wonderful breeze beneath the trees, students rushing to start a new day at school.


*/The school bell rings (DING!DING!DING!)

Student1: "God! I'm late again!" */gasping for air.

Student2: "shit" */running to class.

In class 304, The students were relaxing while waiting for their teacher to arrive. Some were playing games and talking to their classmates, some girls were retouching their makeup and boys were playing in the room and roaming around. Danielle tends to her own business as usual, listening to her playlist and sketching her drawings as hobbies while enjoying a hot milk bread that she got on her way to school.

Danielle: */listening to her favorite songs of Ariana Grande(In my head), while drawing her dream boyfriend in her sketchbook.

"mhhmmh~.. look at you.. boy I invented you-" */Someone suddenly bumps at her table.

"ahh!" */the pencil ripped the paper and it ruined the drawing, she then turns her back to see who did it.

Trish: "what?, fatty" */holding a soda can.

"Trish... the most prettiest girl in school has 10k followers every boy liked her, her body, hair, beauty, everything about her is just perfect. the problem is she likes picking on poor girls and makes them her servant, its better not to get involve with her" Danielle was speechless when she saw Trish.

Danielle: "n-nothing" */turns away.

Trish: */rolls her eyes and sits on her seat 

 As soon as Trish sat down, she began gosiping with her friends: "Did you see that? That fat girl started looking at me, so weird." The girls then began laughing.

Danielle: "gosh...why does it have to be Trish..." */scared

The teacher finally made it to the classroom. As the bell rings at 730 a.m., the children race to their seats as the teacher comes in.

Teacher: "Alright class, Good morning!"

Everyone: "Good morning Ma'am!"

Teacher: "lets continue where we left off" */starts the lesson

After several hours of learning, the lunch bell rang.

Teacher: "okay we finish our topic here, you can have your lunch class" */ the teacher packs up her things and heads out the room.

As the students set up lunch, they took out their handmade lunches from their bags, and some of them left the room to see what the canteen had in store. While Danielle takes out her lunch box, she notices that her mother has prepared her a chicken leg with a side of hotdogs and rice, both steaming hot and fresh, Her eyes glisten as she prepares to eat a huge taste of savory goodness that her mother made.

Trish: "Wow...looks yummy!" */ takes her food away

Danielle: */ gasps "hey Trish, can you give it back?"

Trish: " oh... right I forgot ..I don't eat hogs will" */ gives her lunch back

As Danielle approached her lunch, Trish suddenly pours it on the floor, dumping everything in front of Danielle's eyes, making Danielle cry and seeing how her mother worked hard to make the food for her.

Trish:"oops...it slipped off my fingers" */throws her lunchbox to the floor with the food Danielle could have

Danielle: */went silent

The girls left Danielle to clean up their mess, while the other students murmured about it and didn't offered any assistance to help her. Danielle holds back her tears so that her classmates don't think she's too sensitive, then grabs a broom and sweeps up the mess. After cleaning up, she headed toward the bathroom and glanced at herself in the mirror, thinking, "Why does she look like this?" Given her size, rolls on her neck and tummy, no boy would ever accept her with this appearance. She then goes back to the room pretending that nothing occurred, and as she sat down, her stomach grumbled, knowing that she hadn't eaten even one bite of her lunch.

Danielle then got up and went to the canteen to buy some bread; while looking inside, she sees a pack of her Favorite chips and purchases them. While walking back to the room, a boy crashes into her, knocking her pack of chips to the floor.

Luke: "oh...shit.. my bad" */rubbing his neck behind, felt embarrassed of what he did

Danielle felt sorry as she looked at the chips on the floor, knowing she wasted her money and lost her only food for the day. She looks up to see who the boy was, and she was then stunned to see that the boy she bumped into was no one but Luke, the so-called prince in Oakenvale High. "Shit, why did I have to bump into the most beautiful man in earth?" Danielle says in her mind, screaming her lungs off. Luke has always been Danielle's crush since he helped her go to the nurse's office when she scraped her knee, and they haven't had any communication up until now. Luke had gained popularity by winning the Mr & Ms Oakenvale pageant, which included Trish as the queen. According to rumors, Luke and Trish dated in school but broke up after Trish was seen with another boy at Luke's birthday party. "well I didn't mind that false rumor but....I've always liked Luke from afar" . After then, Luke became the school's player.

Danielle: */lost in thought of how the prince bumped into her fat self

Luke suddenly went up close to her face, felt ignored by her

Luke: " you should know~ that is rude to ignore someone" */smirking at her

 While his face was inches away from her, he suddenly blows a strand from her face

Danielle: "s-sorry!" */ blushing intensely and got all embarrassed of what he's doing.

Luke: */sees her chips on the ground. "yo! fatty, wait here alright?" 

Luke went elsewhere and leaving Danielle confused about what had happened. "What??? how can he leave me here and run away without repaying what he did," she became furious, but didn't mind that she had shared a chat with Luke

Minutes later, Luke returned with the similar pack of chips she had and a grape juice box, making Danielle fluster.

Luke: "I'm glad you waited" */ smiles at her and hands over the snacks.

Danielle: "I-... yo-you didn't have to buy me these!" */embarrassed.

Luke: "Haha! chill.. since its my fault, plus you can treat me next time!" */looking deeply into her eyes.

Danielle: */whispers "well... thank you" */blushing.

It was the first time she experienced that a boy did something sweet for her

Luke: */pretends to not hear it "what is it?" */ smirking.

Danielle: "Thank you" */looking at him all flustered.

Luke: */leaning closely to her "can you say it again?, you know I cant hear that clearly" */lying

Danielle: "thankyou!"

Luke: */moves a strand of hair and tucks it behind her ear. "No problem~"

Luke felt she was cute and chose to play with her for the time being. When lunch ended, Danielle returned to her class and was startled by what had happened between her and Luke. She kept thinking about Luke all afternoon, and as the day came to an end, she began to wonder if Luke had feelings for her, which made her nervous. She hoped to meet him again the next day.

Danielle arrived at her house and was confronted by her mother; she forgot what came up because she was thinking of Luke the entire time at lunch; she didn't want her mother to feel terrible, so she decided to lie.

Mother: "Hi honey! how was school?, did you enjoy the lunch I prepared?" */Pleased to see her daughter home

Danielle: "oh.. yeah about that ..I.. uhm finished the whole thing" */smiling ,then hands her the lunch box.

Mother: "oh! wow.... you finished off the bones too?" */seeing the empty lunch box

Danielle: "no!, I threw the bones in the trash bin.. haha" */forgot that it was chicken

Mother: "I see.. well then have some dinner" 

Danielle was thrilled to see the dishes that her mother prepared for her, as she sits down at her chair, she enjoyed every savory dish the was prepared. as dinner ended with her mother, Danielle gets ready for bed as she was combing her hair she suddenly receives a friend request on her Facebook account. As she checks who it was she sees the name Luke. 

Danielle: "NO....WAY" */shocked

Danielle went up to her bed, lays on her stomach then grabs a pillow and puts it in her face. she screams with joy "AHHHHHHHHHH".

Danielle: "Its happening!.... He must've like me too" */staring at her screen

"this is the best day I ever had.." 

As Danielle slowly dozes off in her bed thinking what will happen in the next day, suddenly her phone received a message.

*/her phone notification (Bing!)


Luke: (yo!, wassup cutie~).

Danielle got up when she sees Luke's message and she quickly replies to him.


Luke:(still awake, I see. what you cant sleep?)

Danielle:(I was about to sleep, but is saw your message)

Luke:(Ohh, its fine. Anyway, can I ask if you want to have Lunch with me tomorrow?)

Danielle: "omg.... he's asking me to have lunch with him....hold up!, I should think maturely. I should just reject him-"

Danielle:(SUREE!, where shall we have lunch?)

Luke:(you know that single tree behind the school gym?, I used to have my lunch their)

Danielle:(alright!, lets have lunch there)

Luke:(great!, see you cutie~)

Danielle closes her phone, delighted that Luke messaged her first, and can't stop thinking about what will happen tomorrow at lunch. Danielle continued cuddling her stuffed animals as she drifted off to sleep peacefully.

This looks like the end of the story; but it isn't. <3< em>

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