
Silas Superbia

Silas was born with overwhelming beauty, others even comparing him to the second coming of Lucifer. Growing up in such an environment changed Silas in the worse ways for angels. Arrogance, haughtiness, and indifference everything a angel shouldn't have. The Heavenly Father thought to give Silas a warning to make him return to a righteous path. But Silas was to far gone so the Heavenly Father punished him with the sin of Pride and sent him to hell, where his journey begins. Author Notes- I want to create a story where it's exciting and comfortable. So I'll try my best to write a story that will captivate you just like Silas with his beauty. Note- The cover isn't mine, if you want me to take it down, please ask.

Grave001 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 1- Birth

A cry so loud it felt like the whole world was shaking. A beautiful and healthy baby boy was born. Every angel in the room gathered around the mother holding the miracle of life, each of them excited to have a turn to look at baby. After one look every doctor and nurse were shocked to their core when they looked at the giggling child.

They all had only one thought "So beautiful" it's like the little ones soul was cleansing theirs. Even though they are angels looking at something so pure made them feel flabbergasted.

After a bit of time everyone left the room and only the mother, father, and baby were left. "What should we name him?" the father asked with love overflowing from his whole body and continued in the kindest tone he could muster. "I'm willing to accept any kind of name that you give."

The mother looks at the father and shows a smile of warmth and love. "Silas... I want to name him Silas. Which means forest in Latin. I want everyone to see the full picture of our baby, not just one part of him. Like the whole forest and not just a single tree." The father could not be more impressed and in love with his wife.

"I think that is the perfect name for our little angel."

After that day the whole realm of heaven celebrated the birth of Silas for 6 days and 6 nights. Everyone was proud to be apart of the Childs life as he grew up. Even the Heavenly Father congratulated the parents of the birth of their first child.

At the age of 50, or 5 in human years Silas was growing up quickly. Learning everything he can as a toddler, he quickly figured out that he was special.

No one would ever say no to him and always wanted to be around him just to bathe in the special aura he admits. Telling him that he's so charming the even the Heavenly Fathers first born paled in comparison.

After coming home from from teaching lessons Silas asked his parents why is he treated the way he is? Both Talus his father a 6" man with well defined muscles that were perfectly sculped to his body with hair as dark and bright as a night full of stars. And his mother Farah a tall 5"11' women whose body was defined like a hourglass but better, and hair fiery red flowing down her back, both of them had a troubled smile.

They both knew this day would come. Talus stepped forward and got down on one knee to look Silas in the eyes. And with a his husky but warm voice. " When you were born all of heaven was proud, because me and your mother have been trying our best to have a baby for so long." Silas nods his head along. "But it's mostly because your soul is so pure."

Silas tilts his head not understand what he meant. Farah giggles and hugs Slias, "It's not something to worry about at this time just know that you are special Silas my little angel."

Silas let out a giggle at his mothers warmth happy to be in her embrace.

For angels every 10 years is 1 year for humans.

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