

Every little girl's fantasy is to live a wonderful life full of riches and luxuries. This was the future she imagined, and she was willing to go to any length to obtain it. She was spoiled, pampered, and doted on by her family, and she was proud of herself. She knew she deserved the best, and she went for it. This, however, is where the nightmare began. Wanting to leave the clutches of poverty wasn't as simple as she believed, given the things she had to give up, the humiliation she had to endure, and the numerous things she had to lose. It was not worthwhile. When she thought she had it all, she was slapped in the face with the cold, hard truth: she was only a SUBSTITUTE. And when two of her closest companions turned on her and betrayed her, she was shoved aside and got humiliated by people she used to know. With nothing and no one to lean on, she was forced to make decisions. Decisions that gradually resulted in something breathtakingly amazing. [DING! SIGN IN! THE HOST HAS BEEN REWARDED WITH ******]

GEEGEE · Urbain
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487 Chs


The more she listened to this robotic voice issuing all these commands, the more anxious she became. She even pinched herself to make sure that it wasn't a dream and that the pain was enough to make her sober again.

When she heard about the wishes, she became more anxious and excited at the same time. It would really be good if she got granted something that could really go along with what she wanted.

And the wait wasn't for long.

[Ding ..…. The host will be rewarded with a Sign-In system and the contract will be for five years starting today. The host will be required to sign in daily and in exchange, the host will receive a reward ranging from low to high-tier. To have a chance to receive better rewards, the host can try to sign in at better places but it doesn't mean that signing in at a desolate place will give a low-tier reward...]

Diamond listened as the system kindly explained everything in detail and somehow she felt very touched by that. That was the first time she ever came across a system that revealed everything at the first meeting.

Although there was a five-year limit, this period was already enough for her as it gave her five years to receive something for free every day. It didn't matter to her what it was, as long as it was for free. And since it was for free, she should be grateful for whatever she would get.

[The host will be given a once-off novice package, and this package contains three items that the host currently needs at the moment. I wish you luck and keep on doing good deeds.]


This warning was enough to send chills throughout her body and at the same time, this warning also served as a reminder that one shouldn't be complacent with free things.

She needed to be careful all the time, but luckily, she did not steal or kill, her parents had taught her well to know what should or shouldn't be done.

"I will bear everything in mind and whoever you are, thank you for giving me this chance. I will continue to do my best and do good deeds."

[Do you want to receive the novice package now?]

"Yes, I want it right now!"

As a person with needs, she needed so many things, but she was curious as to what the system would give her on that night. She just hoped that it was good enough for her to live worry-free.

[The host has been rewarded with ........]

Diamond blacked out after hearing the list and by the time she woke up, it was already the next day.

The first thing she did was pinch herself to check once again if she was dreaming or not.

"I guess I wasn't dreaming at all. Did I really receive all that?" she asked herself like a lunatic with a shaky voice as she recalled what she had been rewarded with last night.

Diamond calmed herself down and called for the system interface in her mind. As someone who had read several Web novels with the system, how could she be a noob at this?

The interface was actually very simple. It showed her name and status, but what she was interested in was the inventory part. That's where her rewards were currently being stored.

Diamond promised herself not to faint again. If she kept on acting like that, how was she going to live from now on since she would be getting something daily?

She finally claimed her rewards with excitement. The first item that made her faint actually was a medicinal pill–a water pill. The pill was for detoxification and also for curing illnesses associated with the immune system.

If she wasn't wrong, this pill was enough to cure her rash and if this was really true, then the system really gave her something that she truly needed.

Diamond was very excited, but she knew the importance of calming down at that moment, so she looked at the second item she wasn't able to check after the blackout.

Diamond's living conditions couldn't be described as the best. Living in Frin was high maintenance. The cost of living was so high that if one wasn't frugal, one would work only for food and rent.

Diamond was currently living in a rooftop room and the neighborhood wasn't the best. The crime rate was a bit high, and it was scary to live there, but she didn't have a choice as she needed to save money.

And the second reward she received was simply so hilarious that Diamond felt as if she was dreaming.

"Is this really mine?" she couldn't help but shake when she looked at the second reward.

[Villa number 3, Cherry Court.]

Diamond didn't know where this Cherry Court was, but the fact that she received a free villa was enough to make her feel touched and cry tears of joy.

Having a house for yourself was truly a blessing, especially in big cities like these. She couldn't wait to go and claim the house as hers, but for now, she was going to check the third reward.

The last reward was something that she wasn't expecting to get. For someone who only has A$4,000 in savings to suddenly receive so much money at once, she was dumbfounded.

[A bank card with A$250,000.]

Diamond's hands were shaking as she held the gold card in her hands. To think that a day like this will come for her. How could she not be this happy?

It took her a while to get to cool down. She had received so much in just less than thirty minutes, and the stimulation was very high.

Knowing what she currently had, she was no longer in the mood to keep on staying. She was in a hurry to go back home and see these rewards in person.

While she packed her belongings, she received a phone call from the real estate agency and this further confirmed that she really received a villa. And the system was indeed not a scam, and this was good enough for her.

She promised to go over the next day as it would be a bit late by the time she got back home and she didn't want to go with her current outlook. She wanted to take the pill first and then go.

With this thought in mind, she happily packed her belongings.