
Sign in System of Second Dimension

It is story of a young man who traveled to countless fantasy world's and became the strongest with the help of the system. Let's watch his story.

Yuuki_Shindo · Fantaisie
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155 Chs

Chapter 4 - Promise

About a year ago, the original owner saw Yuri practicing in the backyard of the shrine. At that time Yuri's trust in the original owner was very high, so, even if stepped into the backyard she didn't feel much.

It's just because of this trust, Yuri made a mistake. She didn't immediately find anyone, so, she practiced her witch technique.

At the time, the original owner came into contact with extraordinary world, Yuri thought that it was over, and her childhood sweetheart might think she is a monster and leave her.

As someone who has already become an otaku, the original owner naturally didn't treat Yuri differently. He even felt Yuri was handsome and beautiful when she used the witch's technique.

Under the original owner's bombardment of praises as well as his desire to learn, Yuri felt very happy. The last layer of the secret between the two was torn, so the relationship naturally became closer. It was natural for her to feel happy.

From then on Yuri began to teach the original owner.

It's just I don't know if the original owner's talent is trash or that Yuri doesn't have anything other than witch technique, the original owner could not learn anything. He couldn't generate magic power at all.

In order to help the original owner become stronger, Yuri even wanted to try to contact to the magic association of Japan.

Thankfully, the original owner knew the truth that nothing comes for free. So, he stopped Yuri's behavior of contacting the magic association, if not I don't know which god slayer, Yuri is with currently. After all, those guys in the Japanese magic association are real cowards and conspirators.

Although Yuri was comforted by the original owner but she still felt guilty that she showed extraordinary power to him but she couldn't help him become stronger.

It was this guilty which was removed when she saw Miyuki had a special power.

"Yuri, do you still remember our promise." Miyuki finished washing another plate and said.

"Which promise!?" Yuri felt an ominous premonition. She could tell what Miyuki was going to say next was definitely extraordinary.

"The promise of defeating the devil who terrified you." Miyuki looked into Yuri's eyes and spoke with a light yet very firm tone. Another reason why he told about his strength is that he wanted to untie Yuri's heart knot of god killer. He didn't want Yuri to live in fear.

"De, devil..." Yuri couldn't help but stutter when she heard what Miyuki spoke. She felt her body become cold and the gaze of the evil wolf eying her. She felt her mind go blank, her eyes closed and she felt she was falling into endless darkness just by listening to this name.

Just as she felt she was going to fall, she found herself in a very warm embrace. It was the embrace that brought her out of her darkness.

"Yuri, Yuri,..." Opening her, Yuri saw Miyuki's worried face calling her name continuously.

"Call..." Yuri breathed lightly and then spoke, "Don't worry I am fine Miyuki."

"Okay, we will talk about everything later. Let's just finish this and go to school." Miyuki spoke and diverted the topic. He understood that Yuri still has the shadow of the old wolf in her heart. So, he didn't want Yuri to remember him and feel bad.

"Ok." Yuri gave Miyuki a grateful look. She understood that her childhood sweetheart was once again protecting her. He didn't want her to recall those terrifying memories. Looking at Miyuki's handsome cheek, Yuri knew that he will always stand with her and bring her warmth in her darkest period.

At this moment, the good impression sublimated, and a different type of emotion began to breed in Yuri's heart.

Washing off the last dish, Miyuki untied the apron and then walked out of the kitchen with Yuri.

"Yuri, take a rest then we will go." Miyuki let Yuri rest on the sofa. He knew that Yuri should rest for a while, the shadow left the old wolf in her heart is too big. To clear her heart knot, the old wolf devil must be defeated in front of her and show her that the wolf devil is nothing more than that.

"Hum." Yuri sat down on the sofa and looked at Miyuki who left to bring water. She touched the position of her chest and felt her heartbeat then her face became red and she lowered her head.

"Yuri, here, drink some water." Miyuki gave a glass of water to Yuri.

Yuri took and drank the water and said, "Thanks."

"It's okay." Saying so Miyuki left.

Time passed by, and 15 minutes quickly passed. During this period of time, Miyuki tried his best to let Yuri relax.

"Yuki go and bring your school bag, we are ready to leave," Miyuki said as he looked at Yuki who heartlessly lying on the sofa without much precaution.

"Ok." Yuki immediately got up and then went to her room to get her school bag.

"Let's go." Outside the door, Miyuki closed the door after Yuki came out with her school bag and then spoke with a light smile.

"Hmn." Both Yuri and Yuki nodded.


Walking on the road, Miyuki and the three naturally attracted attention. After all, whether it's Yuri, Yuki, or Miyuki, all three of them have outstanding appearances.

February is about to end, March is coming soon. The cherry blossom trees are almost blooming. Yuri and Yuki who are wearing light winter clothes are naturally very charming under the cherry blossom. Miyuki himself is also wearing light winter clothes.

School, it took Miyuki and three about twenty minutes to walk up to the school.

"Yuki, go to your class." Walking inside the school, Miyuki bid farewell to Yuki and sent her towards her class. Before Yuki left, he also gave her a mark through fantasy materialization.

"Yuri, let's go." Miyuki took the lead and walked towards his classroom with Yuri.

Yuri looked at Miyuki and followed him.

Some of you might have guessed, that's right, Yuri is also in the same classroom in junior high school.


The moment Yuri and Miyuki walked in, they attracted a lot of attention.

"Why is it like this? Why is it always him?"

"Why does our school goddess come with him every day?"

"Damn it, this bastard..." Crying and howling of male single dogs sounded.

Previously listening to these sounds, Yuri didn't feel much but today a subtle change has occurred in her heart. So, listening to everyone her cheeks turned red and she secretly looked at Miyuki.

"Oh my god! The goddess blushed."

"This bastard, he must have done something."

"Damn it all..." Once again the howling and crying of male single dogs filled the classroom.

"Shut up, you bastards. It's not just your goddess who is gone."

"One of the princes of our school has been taken away."

"Damn it, what's so good about her." After the male single dogs, the female began to cry and howl at the loss of Miyuki.

Listening to these people, Miyuki's mouth twitched. In his previous life, he had never seen such a classroom and such cries and howls. Japanese boys and girls are really precarious.

Ignoring the crowd, Miyuki took Yuri's hand and walked up to his seat and helped Yuri to her seat as well. By the way, Miyuki's seat isn't protagonist's seat, his seat is third front the last row. Yuri's seat is right next to Miyuki.

At this time, Yuri's cheeks are red and she is thinking about the warmth she felt when Miyuki took her hand.

Looking at Yuri's charming look Miyuki was absent-minded.

Other people in the classroom once again began to cry and howl because the look on Yuri's face had made them think that the two people have confirmed their relationship.

"Hey, Yuri, are you and Miyuki dating? Have you done that sort of thing?" The girl sitting next to Yuri asked in los voice.

"Nooo..." Yuri's face turned red again, she quickly shook her head in panic and said, "And what do you mean by that kind of thing."

"Well, it's the thing between men and women which makes both of them feel happy." The girl explained a bit to Yuri.

"No, no, shameless. How can there be such shameless thing." Yuri's face was burning red. Now she has become steam princess like in anime.

After coming back to her senses, she looked at Miyuki. When she found that the other party was looking somewhere else, she breathed a sigh of relief. If Miyuki heard the talk just now, she definitely wants to find a hole to die.

In fact, Miyuki on the side had already heard it. After all, he was strengthened a lot after obtaining the bloodline.

The reason for not exposing Yuri is that he knows that Yuri can't accept the fact that he heard her conversation just now.

Miyuki looked at Kusanagi Godou not far away, his eyes flickered lightly. I don't what he was thinking.

"Quiet." Just as the classroom was becoming noisier, a middle-aged teacher walked and spoke in majestic manner.

"Classmates, let's begin today's teaching." The middle-aged teacher began his class.


Ding Dong, Ding Dong,

Lunch break began after the bell rang.

"Yuri, do you want to go together." Miyuki looked at Yuri next to him and asked.

"Where are you going." Yuri took out her bento and asked back.

"Rooftop! If you want, we can eat together. That place is always empty." Miyuki also took out his bento and answered Yuri.

"Ok." Yuri agreed. Miyuki isn't only her childhood sweetheart but he is also the person who pulled her out of the darkness and erased her trauma. So, Yuri agrees to most of Miyuki's requests as long as they aren't too much.

Walking out of the classroom, Miyuki and Yuri went through the corridor and then climbed the stairs.

Looking at Miyuki and Yuri, many people began to gossip.


"What now?" On the rooftop, Yuri looked at the locked door and asked.

"It isn't normally locked." Miyuki looked at the door and murmured after searching his memory.

"Anyway, let's open it." Checking around and finding that there is no one, Miyuki streched his hand. Immediately a black key started forming inside the keyhole. It took not more than half a minute for the black key to form.

Miyuki twisted the key.


The door opened.

Looking at the scene, Yuri didn't know what to say. Using power to do such a thing, Yuri wanted to stop but because it was Miyuki, she didn't know how to stop.

"Let's go, Yuri." Miyuki opened the door and walked up.

In the end, Yuri didn't reprimand Miyuki and followed him to the rooftop.

Unlike anime, the rooftop had an iron fence around it, so even if students come up no accident would happen. It can said that the fence is also the reason why rooftop is open almost all the times.

There are no seats like Passerby Heroine. So, Miyuki first cleaned the roof by materializing wind then he materialized a large mat and sat on it.

Sitting cross-legged, he looked at Yuri who was standing dumbfoundedly, and spoke, "Sit down Yuri."

Yuri looked at Miyuki speechlessly and then sat down. Although she had various complaints in her heart about the way Miyuki used magic, she didn't say anything, after all, Miyuki used magic only for life convince not for fighting. She has no reason to reprimand him. Another thing is that her initial favourability for Miyuki is very high, so, she doesn't mind Miyuki's behavior as long as he doesn't harm ordinary people or do excessive things.

Yuri sat down in a standard Japanese sitting posture that is sitting on her knees. She tidied her skirt, then began to open her bento. After opening the bento and putting it in front, she took out the chopsticks to eat.

At this time, Miyuki had also opened his bento. Holding the bento in his hand, Miyuki said, "Yuri you don't mind me using magic like that."

Miyuki still remembered that Yuri was someone who didn't like bringing magic into daily life. So, he asked. He didn't want Yuri to have a bad impression of him.

"As long as Miyuki-kun doesn't use magic to harm people or do excessive things then I don't mind." Yuri looked at Miyuki who was slightly nervous and laughed while speaking. She didn't expect Miyuki to be nervous and care so much about her thoughts.

Reality is different from anime. Due to original Miyuki's interference, Yuri didn't completely become like anime. Her views on magic is also slightly different.

So, what Miyuki thought was not entirely correct.

Yuri didn't like God's killers, not that she didn't like anyone to magic. What's more, she has a gentle personality, so with Miyuki's high position in her heart, Yuri is more likely to accept his use of magic for daily convince.

"It's good." Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief.

After the little episode, Miyuki and Yuri began to eat their bento.

Because Yuri was a shy and introverted type, and Miyuki didn't know how to talk. They didn't progress in terms of relationship and the lunch was silent.

Although two of them eating but the atmosphere slowly became awkward since no one spoke.

"Yuri, do you need me to help you at the shrine." Miyuki noticed the atmosphere, so, he spoke in order to break it.

"No, and..." Yuri first ate the food in her mouth and then spoke, "When eating, don't talk too much."

Hearing Yuri's complaint, Miyuki didn't speak again and he also began to finish his bento.
