
Sign in System of Second Dimension

It is story of a young man who traveled to countless fantasy world's and became the strongest with the help of the system. Let's watch his story.

Yuuki_Shindo · Fantaisie
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155 Chs

Chapter 109 - Traveling and then naming Shion and Shuna

After learning from Hakurou, and establishing a basic good impression in the hearts of Shuna and Shion, Miyuki left the Ogre clan.

For the next period, Miyuki entered a stable development stage for his own business and trade,

With the mini Jura Tempest Federation, he established relationships with the dwarf king and Eurazania.

With the help of Rimuru and Great Sage, he created a lot of modern products in this world, and his business also slowly began to expand in various fields.

He also formed Direwolf cavalry for the protection of the mini Jura Tempest Federation and became the co-lord with Rimuru as the main lard.

At first, Rimuru wanted to hand over the position of the lord to Miyuki but later under Miyuki's persuasion, he accepted the position of the lord.

After becoming the co-lord, he established a clear division of labor.

The female goblins are usually engaged in sewing, bakery, etc.

The male goblins are engaged in heavy intensity and guard work.

The dwarfs brought from Dwargon are engaged in craftsmanship.

The Direwolves are used to petrol around the city.

Although the division of positions hasn't been allocated because of the small population, Miyuki has laid down the foundation for the future.

While developing the mini Jura Tempest Federation and expanding his business, Miyuki didn't forget his women.

He still spent the minimum amount of time with Anrietta and Albis.

He would often take them to travel around or he would date them. Even he would sometimes prepare something as a surprise for them.

At night, he would bring two people from different kingdoms together by teleportation and do it together.

Every day, Anrietta, and Albis would be filled until their stomachs became bloated like pregnant women and their asshole would also be dripping with white sticky liquids. Even their mouths wouldn't be spared.

Perhaps, because Miyuki's firepower in that aspect is too strong, Albis and Anrietta quickly became friends and worked together to suppress Miyuki.

Even so, they couldn't completely suppress Miyuki and were intern suppressed.

Later, under the ravage of Miyuki, two people joined forces and became good girlfriends.

Besides this incident, there is another incident that is worth mentioning.

Haruna's transformation was completed a while ago and she changed from a green Goblin sister to a beautiful human sister with a slender waist, sexy hips, and good breasts.

Now, Haruna is a proper first-rate beauty according to human standards.

It is no exaggeration to say that she can match future Shuna and Shion.

After the transformation was completed, Haruna's respect and admiration for Miyuki went to another level.

Sometimes, Miyuki could feel an extremely hot gaze from Haruna.

If it was the previous green-skinned Haruna then he might not feel much even if Haruna was beautiful.

But after transformation, Haruna completely looks like a human girl with an appearance enough rival top beauties like Shuna, Anrietta, Shizu, and others.

Naturally, Miyuki can't be indifferent to such a beautiful girl.

Haruna has already shown her respect and admiration, so, Miyuki didn't hold back and made her his personal maid.

Haruna was extremely happy after becoming Miyuki's maid.

After all, she is subordinate to Miyuki because of being named. Naturally, she will be happy to become his maid.

Every day, Haruna will wear the modern black and white maid outfit and serve him.

Rimuru was extremely envious when he saw Haruna wearing a maid outfit and working as Miyuki's real maid.

So, Rimuru's frequency of visiting the Night Butterfly shop increased.

That is right, the Night Butterfly bar where the elves entertain the guest in the original work.

Rimuru still didn't escape the destiny of visiting that place because of the dwarfs brought by Miyuki.

Now, he is a regular customer of the Night Butterfly shop.

Other than making Haruna his maid, Miyuki would visit Shuna from time to time to enhance the relationship.

Shuna is extremely cute even if she is still an Ogre, so, Miyuki can't help but want her.

Under Miyuki's attack, the young and inexperienced Shuna has already begun to develop forbidden feelings for Miyuki and she has begun to look forward to the day whenever Miyuki comes to visit.

As for Shion, she has long since fallen after watching Miyuki easily beat Benimaru.

If it wasn't for her not-so-good appearance, two people would have already done everything that should have happened.

While spending time with his several girls, Miyuki didn't forget his original purpose.

After settling the business in Mini Jura Tempest Federation, he has been traveling around the world.

While traveling around, he expanded his own business and he also found strong monsters as his opponent.

Low-level pure-blooded Dragons, Majins and demons, and monsters that are about to be promoted to Demon King Seed.

Miyuki's opponent during his travel was these guys.

Although it is not shown in the original work, in fact, the number of monsters in this world is extremely huge, and there are a lot of monsters who are about to be promoted to Demon King Seed.

Fighting with such monsters, Miyuki's strength has increased a lot and many of his skills have also been upgraded.

The current Miyuki can feel that he is slowly advancing towards Demon King Seed and it shouldn't be long before he will be truly promoted.

Other than working hard to become stronger, Miyuki didn't immediately expand his business to other countries.

The Jura Tempest Federation is still weak, Miyuki at least wants to wait until the incident of the Orc demon king is over to completely announce the existence of the Jura Tempest Federation to the world.

Otherwise, if Jura Tempest Federation is attacked by the human forces and the church then Miyuki isn't sure that he can save it from the hands of human forces.

Miyuki doesn't want to experience the tragedy of Rimuru in the original work.

Therefore, to let the Jura Tempest Federation develop stably, Miyuki didn't spread his business to other countries and only traded with the Dwargon Kingdom and the Beast Kingdom.

Miyuki's wandering journey was done by using teleportation skills, so, he didn't spend most of the time outside.


After feeling that traveling around was enough, Miyuki returned to the Great Jura Forest.

Walking on the familiar path, Miyuki finally arrived at the familiar village of Ogres.

That's right!

The place Miyuki came to is the village of Ogres where he stayed for some time before.

The reason for coming this time is to name Shion and Shuna.

After increasing his strength, Miyuki thinks that the time is just right.

The strength he spends on naming can be easily recovered by killing a few monsters.

Besides, his own Immortality and another skill he acquired after coming to this World also play a great role during naming, so the magic power drawn from him is far less than normal.

What's more, he is not long distance from becoming a demon king seed.

When he is promoted, a ceremony will start and his promotion will affect all of his dependents and families.

Named monsters and people with contracts can be regarded as dependents and families.

Therefore, in order to make good use of this function, Miyuki naturally exploited the loophole by naming Shion and Shuna.

He wants to use this promotion to make Shion and Shuna stronger.

Besides, Shion and Shuna, he has already made Anrietta and Albis his dependents by turning them into half-true ancestors and forming a blood contract with them.

If he wants his promotion to promote Shion, Shuna, Haruna, Anrietta, and Albis. Then, Miyuki naturally has to name Shion and Shuna. Otherwise, only Anrietta, Albis, and Haruna will enjoy the blessing of his promotion.

Entering the Ogre village, Miyuki was immediately greeted by Shion and Shuna.

Shion showed great enthusiasm after seeing him, while Shuna showed the quiet and gentle demeanor of a young lady.

Unfortunately, Miyuki couldn't bear the great enthusiasm of purple-skinned Shion.

It's not that he loves based on appearance, it's really not in line with his aesthetics!

So, Miyuki got rid of Shion and came to Shuna, then he spoke to two of them, "I recently went to a foreign country to do business. If I'm lucky, I might make a lot of money."

"Speaking of, although as a monster, it is normal to not have a name, but from my point of view, this really hinders communication."

"Otherwise, how about I give you two a name?"

Even though he wants to give Shion and Shuna a name, Miyuki still needs a reasonable explanation.

Therefore he asked their opinion.

"Name?" X2 Two people exclaimed simultaneously.

"Miyuki-san, are you going to... name us?" Shuna next to Miyuki grabbed his hand and asked with a surprised look.

"Is this really possible? It must be very expensive for you, right?" Holding Miyuki's arm, Shuna asked with a shocked look.

"Yes, Miyuki, are you going to name us." Shion couldn't hold back as well. She took Miyuki's other arm and asked.

You must know that the naming of monsters is not as simple as simply choosing a name, but it will consume a lot of magic power of the namer.

In particular, as Shion and Shuna are Ogres, both of them already have B-level strength, and the magic power consumed to name her has to be described as a huge amount!

Both Shuna and Shion are happy that Miyuki can name them but they are also worried about Miyuki because of the danger of naming.

"Don't worry. Although it is possible to consume some magic power, this loss is not unbearable for me." Under Shuna and Shion's worried eyes, Miyuki smiled and shook his head while speaking.

Others dare not name monsters lightly because the magic power consumed during naming cannot be replenished, which will naturally lead to a great loss of strength.

But he is different. With the growth skill [ Son of the World ], even if he temporarily consumes magic energy, he can quickly make up for these losses after fighting monsters and upgrading.

What's more, he has a skill from Veldora that can connect him to Veldora and he can borrow magic from Veldora.

Previously, because he got too many skills, he forgot about this skill. So, he had to bear the consumption for Haruna.

It was only during this travel journey that he sorted out all of his skills and found out this skill.

The skill he is talking about is the 'Gift of Veldora'.

It can temporarily let him borrow the strength of Veldora.

Coupled with Immortality, the magic consumption borne by him is much lower than normal people.

"But..." Both Shuna and Shion looked at each other and then spoke hesitatingly.

"No, but!" Miyuki shook his head and interrupted Shuna and Shion from continuing to speak and said. "Just tell me, do you want to have a name!"

Miyuki's tone was firm, but Shuna and Shion, who didn't know the truth, still hesitated.

"We...of course we are willing." But after seeing the look in Miyuki's eyes, Shion and Shuna once again looked at each other then Shuna stepped forward to speak.

"But... if naming us is at the expense of your strength, I...we..." Clutching her hands together, Shuna spoke with hesitation,

"Stop talking, your words are enough. It's not too late, you just stand here." Miyuki directly interrupted Shuna and Shion who had uneasy expressions on their faces.

Immediately, Miyuki activated the gift from the storm dragon for the first time.

In an instant, the magic power belonging to Veldora filled Miyuki's body.

Then Miyuki understood what does it mean by starburst strength.

Terrifying storm-like magic power was pouring into his body, and Miyuki could feel that his strength quickly reached an outrageous stage.

{ Name: Miyuki

Race/Species: True Ancestor, a trace of True Dragon bloodline (Dargon Physique)

Level: SSS (Temporary - Borrowed)

Combat: SSS (Temporary- Borrowed } }

Feeling the terrifying strength that could easily crush the continent and destroy the star, Miyuki truly understood how strong an Ancient Demon King should be.

Borrowing the power of Veldora isn't without a price.

Miyuki can feel that his body has been burdened heavily and the power in his body will only last for a short period of time.

If he doesn't hurry then maybe he will be crippled by the power of his own friend.

At this critical moment, Miyuki gave Shion and Shuna her real name!

"From now on, your name will be Shuna and you will be called Shion." Miyuki pointed at Shuna and then pointed at Shion while speaking.

In fact, during the naming process, it doesn't matter what name Miyuki gave to Shion and Shuna, and there is no need to follow the original work.

It's just that Miyuki feels that Shuna must be Shuna and Shion must be Shion, and if they are really given another name, it always feels that they will lack that sense of substitution.

Even if Shuna is no longer the priestess of Rimuru, she should still be Shuna, be the princess of the Jura Tempest Federation, and wear the witch costume.

And even if Shion will no longer be the secretary of Cute King in the future, she should still be Shion.

Then it will be the next moment after naming Shuna and Shion, Miyuki could clearly feel that a large amount of magic power in his body was mobilized, and all of it was transferred to Shuna and Shion on the opposite side.

Immediately, he found that Shuna's power broke through B level and quickly reached A- but A- wasn't the limit. It quickly reached A+ and only then did the improvement stops.

And Shion's power also skyrocketed at this moment, breaking through the B-level limit very quickly, and reaching the A+ level in one fell swoop!

Of course, the most important thing is that with the rapid increase of their own strength, Shuna and Shion's figures are also gradually changing.

Under the faint fluorescent light, Shuna's pink skin disappeared and it became fair and the original fangs and facial spots also disappeared.

After evolution, she took on the appearance akin to a 16-year-old human girl with a height of 155 centimeters, looking more refined and beautiful compared to her former cute self. Her horns also became narrower as with evolution.

On the other hand, Shion's skin which was originally lavender gradually became fair and transparent, and the originally rough facial lines became softer and more beautiful.

In the original plot, Miyuki had never seen the process of monster evolution.

But now, the scene where Shuna and Shion evolved from an Orge clan to a Kijin really opened his eyes!

Of course.

While Shion and Shuna completed their evolution, Miyuki did not forget to check his own changes.

Sure enough, as he expected, although a lot of magic power was consumed in the naming process, most of it was borne by Veldora.

It cannot be said that the magic power on his side has not decreased at all, but in comparison, it is almost negligible. Almost as long as he kills one or two A+ level monsters, and he can basically make up for the loss this time.

Such a small loss, in exchange for two big beauties with strength as high as an A+ level.

In this wave, Miyuki must have earned blood!
