
Sign In Ice Teigu At The Beginning (Dropped)

Ling Bai traveled through the pirates, came to Impel down Eternal Hell, and signed to Ice Teigu! There are still two weeks left before Summit War! ______________________________________ This Fanfic is not mine. I just edited the MTL of this Fanfic with A.I's help (most part). So, some words are bound to be inconsistent and maybe feels kinda robotic. You can find this MTL Fanfic on MTLnation with the same title.

StaringCat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Chapter 3: Breakout! Impel Down in Chaos

"Who are you?"

Inquired Crocodile. Feeling uneasy under Ling Bai's gaze. Despite the distance, Crocodile keenly sensed the chilling power emanating from Ling Bai, only to realize that Douglas Bullet stood behind him.

Bullet, Crocodile's former adversary, had engaged him in a memorable battle, propelling Crocodile to fame. However, Bullet's subsequent growth surpassed Crocodile's, aligning him with the likes of Rayleigh as a member of the Roger Pirates.

Surprisingly, Bullet now stood subordinate to the enigmatic Ling Bai. Perceiving Ling Bai's mysterious and formidable aura, Crocodile couldn't shake the feeling of inferiority, acknowledging Ling Bai's superiority over even Crocodile.

This realization astonished Crocodile, forcing him to confront Ling Bai's proposition.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is, Crocodile, do you desire to be free?" Ling Bai chuckled, prompting Crocodile to consider the allure of freedom within the confines of Impel Down, a desire shared by every prisoner, himself included.

Responding affirmatively, Crocodile agreed to join Ling Bai's faction, eager to shed his prisoner status. Emerging from his cell, Crocodile, no longer bound by seastone restraints, manipulated sand into a cloak, shedding his incarcerated identity.

Encountering Bullet, Crocodile's contemptuous gaze mirrored their history of enmity. Despite Bullet's physical superiority and twenty years of imprisonment, he remained a formidable adversary, inching closer to becoming the world's strongest.

Ling Bai, recognizing Bullet's potential, viewed him as a prospective deputy captain, though coercing his allegiance proved challenging. Ling Bai proposed a temporary alliance, citing the imminent arrival of Magellan, prompting a strategic consideration of cooperation.

"You two, peace makes money," Ling Bai quipped, acknowledging the necessity of collaboration amidst impending threats.

Ling Bai pointed to the monitors on the wall. Hundreds of monitor Den Den Mushi were focused on them. At that moment, it was conceivable that their actions were already being displayed on the monitor screens on the third floor of Impel Down.

However, Ling Bai wasn't afraid at all. Of course, it was impossible for Bullet and the others to feel any fear either.

"Get ready for a big fight, you two,"

Ling Bai laughed.

"I'm going to chop up the Straw Hat!"

Crocodile hadn't forgotten his enemy. He had never been so aggrieved in his life.

Despite the countless cells where prisoners dared not make a sound, a low voice emerged from one particular cell.

"Since you're leaving Impel Down, take me with you!"

"That was Shiryu of the Rain," Bullet reminded. "He was suppressed by Magellan for killing too many prisoners some time ago."

"Shiryu of the Rain?" Ling Bai considered him. Shiryu's strength was undeniable, after all, he was one of Impel Down's two trump cards. But now, he was also a potential subordinate. Presumably, Shiryu would be executed in secret at Impel Down after Fire Fist Ace's public execution.

"Interesting!" Ling Bai was impressed by Shiryu's strength. After all, in the original story, he was the strongest fighter under Blackbeard's command, a swordsman approaching the level of a Great Swordsman. His strength was undeniable.

Therefore, without hesitation, Ling Bai released Shiryu of the Rain.

"Don't try anything funny," Ling Bai warned. "With my ability, I can beat the crap out of you. Don't doubt it."

Ling Bai laughed, and at the same time, an incredibly chilling breath and a powerful aura emanated from his body. The full-level Ice Teigu was undeniably powerful, and combined with Ling Bai's physique, which rivaled Kaido of the Beasts, it was even more formidable.

"Hopefully, I made the right choice," Shiryu of the Rain shrugged.

"To be precise, you have no choice," Ling Bai reminded him.

"Then, let's break out!" Ling Bai declared. "The legendary great pirate Golden Lion had to break his own legs to escape. We're doing it directly, swaggering out, and punching through Impel Down! Let the Navy Headquarters and the World Government be terrified!"

Ling Bai yelled, and even the Den Den Mushi facing him seemed afraid. Just three minutes prior, Magellan had been alarmed by a bout of uncomfortable diarrhea. Upon learning about the horrific incident in Eternal Hell, his whole body trembled, and he quickly led a large group of people to the sixth floor.

Impel Down was naturally in chaos.