
Sign In Ice Teigu At The Beginning (Dropped)

Ling Bai traveled through the pirates, came to Impel down Eternal Hell, and signed to Ice Teigu! There are still two weeks left before Summit War! ______________________________________ This Fanfic is not mine. I just edited the MTL of this Fanfic with A.I's help (most part). So, some words are bound to be inconsistent and maybe feels kinda robotic. You can find this MTL Fanfic on MTLnation with the same title.

StaringCat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Chapter 11: A Lunatic Idea

Fifteen minutes ago, at Naval Headquarters, in the Marshal's office.

An emergency call came through, reporting an incident at the Celestial Dragons on the Sabaody Archipelago - Luffy the Straw Hat was involved.

"Garp! It's your grandson again!" exclaimed someone, followed by laughter.

"Haha, as expected of this old man's grandson!" Garp chuckled in response, finding some solace in the situation, considering Ace's impending execution. It was common knowledge within the Naval Headquarters that Garp held disdain for the Celestial Dragons, openly referring to them as scum, yet knowing they wouldn't dare retaliate against him.

"Garp!" Sengoku, expressing frustration. "There have been too many recent incidents!"

"Responding to the Whitebeard Pirates, Impel Down jailbreak, and now the Celestial Dragons being assaulted again," Sengoku rubbed his temples, feeling overwhelmed by recent events.

"Sengoku, looks like the old man is paying a visit," remarked Kizaru, standing up. Akainu also glanced up, acknowledging Kizaru's statement.

"Borsalino, make sure this matter is dealt with!" Akainu instructed.

Just as in the original storyline, Kizaru was dispatched, accompanied by Sentomaru and four Pacifistas, to address the situation.

Unbeknownst to them, the challenge awaiting them at the Sabaody Archipelago was not just from a supernova, but something far more significant.


Fifteen minutes later, the Supernova Big Three - Luffy, Kid, and Law - emerged from the auction house, facing off against the Marines.

Before stepping out, Luffy ensured Zoro and the others had made their exit.

Additionally, Law was accompanied by Ling Bai, who had extended an invitation to join forces, which Law initially declined.

Outside, tensions between the Supernovas and the Marines reached a boiling point, with the Marines quickly finding themselves overwhelmed by the ferocity of the Supernovas.

Meanwhile, other Supernovas in the Sabaody Archipelago, such as Hawkins, Apoo, Urouge, and Bonney, felt uneasy about the unfolding situation.

The news of Luffy assaulting the Celestial Dragons had everyone on edge, knowing the potential repercussions, especially with the Naval Headquarters nearby.

Within an hour, the Marine Admirals would likely arrive at the scene.

Ignoring the concerns of the other Supernovas, Ling Bai and his companions focused on their own agenda, considering the Supernovas mere children in comparison to their strength.

Inside the auction house, as Robin and the others prepared to leave amidst the chaos, they observed Ling Bai and his group confronting the Celestial Dragons.

"What are they planning?" Robin wondered aloud, while Nami expressed concern about their intentions towards the Celestial Dragons.

"I'm not sure," Zoro admitted, feeling wary of Ling Bai and his associates. Unlike Luffy, who could be tolerant towards villains unless they threatened his loved ones, Zoro held a different perspective.

Zoro felt an overwhelming sense of danger emanating from Ling Bai and his group.

"Captain, what's the plan?" Crocodile inquired, echoing Zoro's concerns.

Bullet and Shiryu of the Rain shared the sentiment, acknowledging that while they weren't afraid of the Celestial Dragons, any action against them could lead to significant trouble due to their status.

"Let's broadcast a live event that will shock the world!" Ling Bai proposed, his idea sending shivers down their spines. "We'll let the world know of our existence and make the World Government, Naval Headquarters, and Celestial Dragons fear us!"

Ling Bai's suggestion was chillingly audacious - a live broadcast of Celestial Dragons' executions. He saw it as a way to make a statement before Ace's public execution, leveraging the advanced journalism infrastructure of the Sabaody Archipelago to spread the message globally.

It was a dangerously radical idea, but perhaps only Ling Bai could conceive of such a plan.

"Live streaming?" Shiryu questioned, puzzled by Ling Bai's proposal.

Ling Bai didn't hold back, explaining his vision. The trio's initial surprise quickly turned into sinister smiles of approval.

"I must admit, Captain, your ideas are truly diabolical!" Shiryu remarked with a smile.

"Ling Bai, it seems our partnership is becoming truly meaningful," Bullet chimed in, his laughter echoing the sentiment.

"It's always been meaningful," Ling Bai responded confidently.

Crocodile couldn't help but feel that Ling Bai was a complete lunatic.

Ten minutes later, Sentomaru led the Pacifistas to the scene, their overwhelming power quickly subduing the pirates in the vicinity.

The sight of the Pacifistas struck fear into the hearts of the pirates, who scattered in panic at the mere mention of the Shichibukai.

"Don't let a single pirate escape!" Sentomaru bellowed, directing the Pacifistas to pursue the fleeing pirates.

"Damn it! It's a Shichibukai!" Law exclaimed, feeling a sense of dread.

However, the Pacifistas, particularly the "Tyrant Bear," exhibited peculiar abilities, releasing yellow light and powerful light bombs that obliterated anything in their path, including buildings.

As a Pacifista prepared to attack Law, a massive icicle suddenly descended from behind, shattering the Pacifista into pieces in an instant.

"I admire your style, Trafalgar Law," Ling Bai's voice sounded behind him, as Law was still reeling from the shock of witnessing the destruction of the "Tyrant Bear" Pacifista.