
Sign In and Get Rich

Are you poor? Well this is a novel just for you. Follow through MC's journey as he get filthy fking rich. Read the title gosh. To the lazy asses out there who only knows how to read, not writing a novel, I'm one of you guys too so be thankful cause I'm busting my ass over here so you could procrastinate a little bit longer. This novel is written out of spite thanks to the thrashy inconsistent get rich feel good novels out there. I just wrote whatever comes to mind without proper planning, on my phone on the bed, so do forgive me if there's any inconsistency or grammatical errors. I'll also consider suggestions and improvements in the comments but bear in mind I'm not taking this novel seriously.

BigSaberBr0 · Autres
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Who gave me the System??


*The Sign In System has been activated*


It was a hot sunny day. Luke just woke up from his afternoon nap.

Luke Dunstan, is a third year mechatronic engineering student in Xykis International University.

Although, taking mechatronics engineering is one of his regrets. As cool as it sounds, it is not worth the workload and the subjects are quite hard. It is especially annoying when there is a lack of study material, where he ended not knowing what to study and struggle in his exams. This especially dampens his motivation to study and he ended up procrastinating and day dreaming most of the time.

Sometimes he even wonder how did he survive until now. Despite doing it last minute, he always managed to get the job done but the lack of passion made it all feel like a burden more than something he wanted to pursue.

Today's class finished at 11 am and he's free for the rest of the day. He felt so lazy even eating felt like a chore he decided to just went back to his room and take a well deserved nap.

He lived in a twin room with his roommate, Lester West. Usually students of 4 will be sharing a room with different compartments. However due to their bad experience in dealing with their last "roommate", they changed it to a twin room instead.

"What ??"

Due to the hot weather, he struggled to sleep only to be woken up by a random notification 30 minutes later. Feeling a little bit grumpy, he looked around and check his phone.

"what was that?"

He felt a bit weird hearing a female voice out of nowhere. Checking his phone, he did not find any recent notifications. Feeling a bit weirded out, he suddenly noticed a blue virtual screen floating above his head as he squint his eyes.

After a moment, his eyes widen as his thought running in overdrive trying to process what is going on.

"pop system notification?? Isn't this just like that manhwa I just read?"

After a feeling shock for a few moment, curiosity got the best of him as he tried to touch the screen. As he expected, his hand went through the virtual screen as if nothing is there.

" holishit, do I get a superpower? A cheat code maybe? Do I level up and get strong as fuck? Damn, can I cultivate like in those novels?"

"alright alright, calm down. Let's take it slow. Who knows this might do more harm than good."

"Sign In System?? Is it a system like in those thrash novels?? How do I sign in. Wait, how do I even interact with the screen?"

He as was wondering, he press his finger on the screen.


"I wonder why it didn't response previously?? Nevermind, let's wait and see"

After a few minutes, a series of notification pops out.

*Sign In System have been integrated to the user successfully. *

*The Sign In System is a system where the user can claim prizes from the system on daily basis, the system will also give missions from time to time and the user can complete It to claim the prize. For more features, please upgrade the system. *

"easy enough" he thought as he looked to another notification.


Name: Luke Dunstan

Age: 21

Level: 1


Strength : 11

Agility: 12






"is this my stats? I wonder what's the average and limit for a human?? Level?? Is this the system level? Is it the same as the user level?" he thoughts of many things.

"Who made the system? Some overpowered being? What do they want from me?"

As he thought of many things, in the end he decided just to go along with it.

"What's the worst that could happen? I would've been dead already if they meant harm. It's not like I can do anything either."

Then he checked another the last screen.

*Sign in*

The last screen has a sign in with a box around.

" I see button, I press." he pressed it with determination.

*Congratulations: 1,000,000 Dollars*

*The money has been sent to your account *

" Hmm??? and people say its hard to become a millionaire" he though jokingly.

Then a notification came from his phone. He was shocked to see a million dollar actually has been sent to his account.

"is this real??"

He immediately went to Alibaba. Looking at his wishlist, he looked around for the most expensive thing he could find.

Razer Blade 15 i7-12800h RTX 3080 Ti

11500 XD (Xykis Dollar)

He held his breath as he complete the transaction.

Transaction Successful. Remaining balance: 986500 XD


"That's it. I'm heading out."

With his new found wealth, he immediately changed his clothes preparing to go to a mall for a shopping spree. Imagining all the stuff he could buy, he gave a idiotic smile.

After getting into his motorcycle, he immediately drove to the nearest shopping mall, Lavender Mall. As he was looking around, he realize something.

"What if this reward is a one time thing? Don't games usually give a good first reward but the subsequent rewards is little?"

As he ponder about these things, he though he should take a few days to really think about this, plan out and maybe do some investment to grow his money.

"Well, since I'm already here might as well buy some good food."

He went to the cafeteria and bought a chicken chop and a pizza. He ate slowly as he relished every single bite. A sense of relief as he didn't need to over calculate his expense for his meal felt like a blessing.

"so this is how rich people felt. Eating without a care in the world."

After finishing, he went to the counter to pay.

"the total is 40 XD sir, cash or card?"

"FUCK!!". He accidently cursed out loud.

How could he not? Spending 4 days worth of meal on a lunch felt too much for him.

"Get your shit together Luke" he thought to himself.

He is a millionaire now, well, before the bought laptop. But still, he felt the need to change his mindset.

"*cough* card." he said calmly as he shamelessly brush off what just happened, ignoring the weird glance the cashier gave him. Poor girl got scared silly for nothing.

After paying he immediately went back to his room. Still relishing the aftertaste of the pizza, he felt motivated and did his research on investments, stocks, business. Anything that would help him grow his money.

It's not until 10 pm later did he realize he has an assignment due at 11.59 pm.

"shit, I forgot."

Luckily, he managed to submit it albeit a bit late thanks to Chatgpt.

"you're a life saver. Wait, I'm already rich, why should I feel stressed about assignments?"

Worst come to worst, he can simply quit. Although he felt guilty to the orphanage that funded his tuition but he is confident he could think of a way to make it up later. His thoughts trailed off as he fell asleep.


*Sign in*

He woke up groggily. When he saw the screen he clicked sign in.

*Congratulations: 1,000,000 XD*

"Damn!! Does this mean I can get a million dollar a day? Hahahahah"

Feeling excited since this means he does not need to do anymore part time job. Although the orphanage funded his tuition, as an orphan he had to work a part time job or two as he needed money for other necessities.

"well if I want to quit then I need to return the motorcycle"

He worked as a food delivery for a family restaurant. He did a lot of part time but most of them are too physically demanding, cheap pat or unreasonable boss. However, the owner of the family restaurant treat him like his own kid. The owner even lend motorcycle to Luke for transportation. Luke was of course, felt grateful to the owner and stick to his job for a year.

He felt a little guilty for quiting as owner felt a like a family to him but not like we he wouldn't visit the restaurant from time to tiek. Besides, with the system, he believe he can finally repay the owner.