
SIGHTSEER: A Post-apocalyptic World

Zero woke up in the middle of a desolated desert, he doesn't know when it started but he is accompanied by SAI (Systematic Artificial Intelligence) and his fragments of a memory. Zero venture the world, a world different from what he knows. He shall see the world in his eye and judge it based on that. Whenever he understands his adventure or not is up for him to say. Who knows he might discover why he woke up in the desert later on. Update every Saturday (THOUGH I WILL BE HALTING ON UPDATING RIGHT NOW [05/ 02/ 2023], I STILL NEED TO FINALIZE SOME CHAPTERS I HAVE IN STOCK. AND IM KINDA BUSY WITH PERSONAL STUFF.) Hello, I saw some collections today (July 11, 2024) thank you for those peps who find my novel interesting, to those who's wondering if this is a dead novel, no it's not I have stock up until chapter 60 but still need further revision also chapter 1-33 will also undergo changes. However I would still halt myself from publishing those chapters, I would like to focus more on my last years in college, Thesis is coming up. STILL HOPE YOU LIKE MY STORY. (when I start uploading again)

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31 Chs


|Location: Wasteland, Campsite|


"Z-Zero. He fell."

Nuk said as the rhythm of his breath became uneven. His hands started to shake relentlessly and his eyes continued to fickle in every direction. But noticeably towards the seemingly bottomless pit down the cliff, the two knew his attention was there.

Dia stepped back when she heard that. Her mind can't seem to wrap around the situation. It kept on treating the situation as a joke. But the more she thinks about it, she unknowingly smiles, hiding it behind her porcelain hand.

But she snapped out right after.

"What? Like he fell down?" Dia asked but there's a hint of laughter under her voice. As if it came to her subconsciously.

"He just won't stop running." Nuk started to stumble with his words, even his breath started to feel weak.

"I could have."

Hansel saw how frantic Nuk became the longer he stared at the pitch darkness. Hansel was about to comfort him but before he could approach him Dia suddenly grabbed him by the shoulders.

It was out of nowhere and the way she acted it didn't seem like her at all, making Hansel raise his guard up and try to make sense of what's happening. Taking a step back, he tried his best not to be swayed on what's happening right now.

"Hey. calm down." Dia looked Nuk directly in the eyes. "Why are you even that worried"

"What?" Nuk couldn't believe what his sister said. And felt attacked by the way she acted.

On the other hand, Dia couldn't care more towards Zero. She remembered what she experienced before and can't help but shiver. Just recalling what happened triggered something in her. Especially now that something is making them act not like themselves.

And she felt repulsive just from the thought of Zero joining their cause again, but she tried to smile towards her brother regardless. All just to raise her point. "We could always do what we planned before brother."

He couldn't explain why but hearing it coming from her mouth felt bitter to his ears. Nuk immediately pushed Dia away, making her fall.

That snapped Dia out from all her emotional tremors, allowing her to think straight once again. She hastily stood up and rushed towards her brother.


Dia felt bad for what she just said. And remembering what she did and the things she thought. She can feel her conscience being squeezed, but the idea of why it happened never registered in her mind.

"Brother, I think-"

She tried to approach Nuk and to try to explain her situation, but then a voice suddenly came out from the cliff catching their attention.

And break all the tension.

It was a loud sound that instantly gave away who it was. "Ah! Ouch!"

"You heard that?" Nuk immediately sprung up and suddenly felt a sudden relief when he heard the familiar voice, but just to be sure.


Zero immediately replied. "I'm here, wait!"

After some time Zero suddenly appeared in front of them as he landed beside Nuk, his hands on Nuk's shoulders using it to balance his body. "Hahah that shocked me!"

"You! Why did you suddenly."

Nuk approached Zero, giving him a tight hug. But also giving him a smack by the head, making his revenge after giving him a fright.

"Just don't do that again"

Zero didn't understand the reason for the sudden assault. However, he didn't feel the need to get back so he only gave Nuk a stare.

"Why did you hit me?"

Though he also wondered the reason behind it. The longer he stared the more his face turned like a puppy begging for a bone in front of Nuk.

"Don't give me that face." Nuk immediately shoves Zero's face away from him. He then stood up as he dusted off.

"You caused a lot of trouble today."

Zero can't help but to let it go. "Fine."

On the other hand, Hansel can't help but to feel pathetic and unsettling at the same time. Everything somehow revolves around Zero. He wondered what could happen if Zero did die. But he immediately let go of that thought.

Still just for the sake of making sure he's okay, he shares his concern but also passively drawing a line between him and Zero "At least you're okay from the fall."

"Well, I didn't fall down totally, I managed to land on a trunk attached to the Clift." Zero explained, he stood up and tried to explain further by using hand figures.

"So, I used it to jump up."

Hansel still didn't see the relation and if something like that was possible. Dia somehow knew immediately how Hansel felt at the moment and patted his back to reassure him that he was normal.

"Don't ask, you'll get used to it." Dia said as she walked away.

Dia could still feel Hansel observing what happened but what she didn't know was that the fact that the situation Hansel can't shake off the fact that the two siblings are being influenced by something or someone.

Just a while ago they looked like they're about to kill each other, however now that looked fine as if nothing happened. All if it lined back to Zero. And Hansel can't help but to feel anxious because of it.

After Nuk managed to finally catch his breath. He immediately turned his attention elsewhere and that is setting his goal again, back to the camp. Thinking of it gave him mixed feelings and most of it was not that pleasant.

"Let's just continue our way." Nuk said, while giving Zero the 'don't cause trouble' look "This time with no distractions."

"Okay" Zero replied immediately.

"Let's just go." Dia said bluntly.

Nuk guided the team and this time took his time to watch over Zero, keeping Zero besides him of all times until they reached the bottom of the cliff.

Zero could already see the entrance clearly just from where he stood. He immediately tried to run towards it but Nuk grabbed him in time.

"Whoa stop!" It only took Nuk a single second when Zero tried to escape. "Where do you think you're going?"

"But, it's just well. There." He pointed towards the not so far and tempting entrance he saw. And like an animal, Zero can't help but feel immobilized when Nuk hands are all over his collar.

Their loud voices manage to attract the attention of one of the guards standing by the entrance. Seeing the commotion from afar he can't help but smirk and the moment he gets close enough he can't help but snicker towards Nuk and the others.

"What do we have here? Nuk. Hansel." Looking at Nuk, his eyes tried to be as arrogant as he could. But smiled towards Dia.

"Stop. Ugh!" Dia repulsively waved her hand hoping for him to go away.

"Just take it as a joke." He tried to laugh it away hiding the fact he got a little annoyed because of it.

Nuk stepped in front and tried to push the guy away. "Just step aside. Fred"

Fred noticed something when Nuk stepped up. And when he finally realized what it was, he couldn't help but throw a smug face towards him.

Which annoyed Nuk one more time.

"Nuk! your back but why don't I see?" Fred said, raising his voice as he lifted his chin, acting as if he's checking for something. "I guess you finally did it."

Just hearing it from him never felt that pleasant for Nuk. If he could only throw a punch, he would but currently he can't. It will only aggravate things more if he does. Satisfying, yes. But also, troublesome.

"Shut up!" Nuk kept his cool. And tried to go over him. He dragged Zero besides him. "Zero let's go in"

But before they could even pass him, Fred suddenly grabbed Nuk by the hand. The very hand where he is holding Zero.

Throwing a smirk, Fred tried to start a fight with Nuk with his arrogant voice.

"Well look at it, they bought a new face and short ears nonetheless." As if mocking Nuk and with his loud voice, he seems to be trying to attract more attention.

Nuk noticed the crowd around them significantly increased.

"Hands off." He said along with giving Fred a strong and tight grip by his shoulders, taunting him.

"Before you'll regret losing an arm."

Fred immediately pulled back as he was unable to withstand the pain.

"Tsk. Forcing your way. As always." Fred took a step back as he massaged his shoulders. "The chief will hear of this"

Reminding him of his uncle immediately placed him on edge even more. But all he wants right now is a cozy place to take a rest after the tiring expedition.

"Don't bother, we are going to meet him anyway." Nuk said, hoping it would be the last. But Fred didn't think so and decided to piss him even more.

"You better should, so you can explain how you have successfully killed your last competitors." The very moment he let those words escape his mouth. A fist came flying to it.

Nuk after being ticked off one after the other finally snapped.

"You don't know a single thing that happened." He said, trying to defend himself.

"Right!" Fred laughed a little, he acted as if he finally completed what he came for.

"And you just want me to accept your innocence."

After being insulted once again, Nuk tried to throw his fist one again. But Hansel immediately interfered, hoping it won't get bigger as it is.

"Let's just go. They're not worth the time." Dia said, dragging Nuk away.

The group continued their way towards the entrance, where an increasing group of people from the camp seemed to be waiting for them. Some waved their hands and while some forced their way through the dense flock. Zero felt happy the moment he saw this, being isolated for too long made him crave for a little attention. But on the other hand, Nuk didn't like it so much and for a good reason.

Zero's expectation soon got crushed the closer they got towards the entrance; he noticed that what awaits them is far from the warm welcoming he imagined.

The people are far different from what he expected. Their dreadful eyes and how they silently observe Nuk, all of it didn't sit well with Zero.

Nuk could only lower his gaze as he walked, knowing from the start that the tribe always didn't like him. Even before the oldest of his memory, he could always remember Childrens getting an earful from their parents just by talking to him. Growing up he always tried his best to fit in but no matter what he did, his origins always dragged him back to the mud.

He can only bite his lips as well clench his fist till it bleeds while controlling his emotion against the wave of hypocrites. Containing it as tight as he can inside, not even letting a single drop leak.

The walk was far from pleasant but finally a huge tent located near the far end of the camp can now be seen under Nuk's vision. He felt relieved and finally had a chance to breathe. Just seeing it alone reminded him of his sister. Happy memories emerge in his head. From his first blade down to the carved stone toys he played. They were happy but now it felt empty, now that it's only him and Dia he needs to think of their survival now.

A memory suddenly flashed before him and that was the last moment Nuk got with his sister.

Without his sister he felt anxious, just thinking about what his uncle might do to him and to Dia.

"I need to focus. Nuk his easy" he said to himself.

The solemn moment got easily destroyed when Zero suddenly sneaked up from his back giving Nuk a fright. "What's easy?"

"Please don't do that." Nuk jolted but managed to limit it to a single hop. "Let's just go in."

He said as he dragged Zero inside the tent.
