
Sight: The Rise Of My Crystal Eyes

"Flee, or I will look at you." ______ The story revolves around Silver, a 16-year-old boy with, well, two extraordinarily good eyes. Silver led a relatively ordinary life, frequently winning or losing things. He didn't really do much other than read webnovels, occasionally engage in sports, and research eye-related things. Yet, soon after all of this, he was about to witness a complete overhaul of everything! Not because he was intrigued. He has been since reincarnated into a different world, as fate destined it for him. With a given quest to save the world, "Asylna" from the Demon Invasion. But does this end his fixation with keeping the allegedly "Best Eyes in the World," or does it merely_ make his ridiculous quest in Asylna, only more intense? ______ My first novel, but not your generic isekai novel. ;-; i am bad at writing synopsis, but the book is good so please do give it a read, thanks

Liefy · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

The Slaves of Hushvil - ।

We entered the Slave market, as the other elf made me carry the two boxes one by one. Boy, heavy was my fellow slave! I was surprised to see how easily I could carry them and was thus assured of the fact that my strength had truly increased.

 He was of course being rude but not as bad as I read in novels, or actually I was just there, their ferocity could only be waiting for the right time. After I finished carrying them while the two were gossiping and monitoring me at the same time, a human fellow came up.

"Back already? Did you bring the elves?"

"Yes and this human too. He is quiet strong for his age. Knows decent bombing magics too, will definitely sell for a great price I say." answered the attacker elf.

I stood behind them as I had nothing more to do. Then with a grim face the human leaned forward and said, "Did you by any chance, pass through the village of Antarah on the way?"

"Antarah? No, why?"

"Apparently our Guild core have lost connection with Antarah's Guild core. Something must be wrong there, we sent two scouts just a while ago. They should be on their way."

Oh, guess the news will spread quiet fast, I thought. Looking back at me the other elf commented, "Where are you from though? Liveland, Antarah or Hayat?"

I had never heard of Hayat before. Perhaps it was another village. If I said Liveland, I had sincerely zero idea about the people there, their further interrogation might put me in trouble. Should I say Antarah? Then I would have to explain the whole story to them. Would they believe it? I mean, I didn't really see any problem in contrast to speaking the truth then.


"You know what happened there?"

"The village is petrified."

"What?" confused as expected, all of them stared at me with a questioning face. It was truly a long story and I had to modify bits of it to hide my real identity to them. 

"It's a long story, we should sit. And I am serious, the village has become petrified."

They shared a look at each other and the human responded to my suggestion. They made me carry the box again as we headed to a little room with a couple of chairs.

We sat down, beginning to explain the whole story to them. They listened like some good listeners although in places their reaction told me it was too much for them to believe. I ended with the story that I and two others survived because we understood that something wrong was about to happen there and fled. And that, the scouts might report to them that the entire village had been looted and confessed that it was our job. And finally as I was suggesting that I might give a share of the loot if they free me, that was when I was finally stopped.

"Don't get high of yourself, you are not getting anywhere."

"That's too much to believe. Nobody survives after seeing the mythical Face. Although now it answers me why the hell you were wearing a Priest's robe."

"I didn't really see the Face too, when the sky was showing signs of turning into white, we immediately packed our caravan and fled to come back moments later as we saw from afar that they had all become petrified. Greedy we, looted them and as we had no more to do there, we left for the Liveland but here I am, facing this quick turn of events."

Perhaps, this was the longest rational statement I had ever uttered. Surprised myself, almost complimenting my skills to lie skilfully, I noticed them being concerned showing signs of believing me.

"I also anticipated this. The Heroes have truly returned. We need to prepare." said the human. Whatever the reason, the human looked as if I saw him somewhere.

"That's your reaction to your homeland getting cursed!?" snickered the attacker elf, sighing with a disappointed face. "Also, hey how long has it been since we picked him up?" he continued pointing at me.

"Thirty, perhaps?"

Thirty what, minutes or days or hours? I wondered.

"Then it's about time the rest of the two might wake up as well. About Antarah, I don't really trust your story. And neither have I any business left with that village." finished attacker elf moving backwards, "and with this I have finished my mission. I will come back at night, I have to go."

He quickly vanished out of our sights. I thought he worked together with these slave traders, but who knew. The other elf and the human kept quiet for a while as if deeply concerned from my story. However the other elf suddenly turned his face back to me, looking irritated he said, "Come with me, bring the boxes."

Bringing both of the boxes at once was hard though. I did as he said, not objecting yet as he led me to the outer place and we ended up in a shop. Slave trading shop.

Mostly elves but a few humans too, almost everybody in a cage was being displayed in front of 'customers' who were listening to the seller's speech with concentration.

"Your damn elf... If she doesn't wake up we can't take them to there yet." the other elf murmured.

An elf selling another elf to the slave market. Quiet ironic, I say. I had read a lot of novels where elves end up as slaves but only a few enslave themselves by their own effort. 

Almost miraculously as if she were already awake just listening to this finally deciding to rise up, the box hit itself. With the other elf's sign, I went forward and broke down the box's top. 

The teenaged elf girl stood up. Blonde, long and pointy ears, literally the most classical elf ever. And... cute. 

"Oh princess," with a tone of mockery the other elf said, "You hereby are a slave, comply to me and you won't be touched as much,"

Such a disgusting thing to say. I didn't show any reactions however. The girl looked at the surroundings, lastly gaining a brief understanding of what has happened, she stepped out of the box.

That was when she first looked at me, that was some large damn eyes, I say. 

"You, what's your name again?" the other elf asked me.


"Ah, and you?"


Definitely not Aisy ripped off. The pronunciation of their name was ridiculously similar.

"Esya Flamey."

 Flamey it is.

"Alright, you two see that bar there? I am going there so if anybody attacks you, come here. And by chance you are considering an escape, look behind your neck. If you somehow stray further than 100 meters from me, you neck flies. Until then, wait here until I come."

Good warning.

He left with to the bar with this, very carefree. That was truly some confidence in that spell. I checked my neck and there was this little stone like object, I had no idea what it is. Neither did I need to, did I?

I sat there on a broken tool nearby. Flamey was looking around taking a close perception of this environment. The human fellow was gone as well, I didn't notice. Their co-ordination is so bad, I thought.

I could see slaves wearing chains with their heads lowered being carried around here and there, some getting whipped like crazy. And those in cages didn't look any healthier too. Such a creepy place, I sighed almost feeling bad for them.

Now, moments of great wonder, should I talk to this girl, Flamey? We did be staying together for a while, so... But I was not the type who starts a conversation so I waited. Few minutes passed and the awkwardness only increased. She found herself two bricks and sat on them near me on the right side right behind the box of the last elf.

"Silver, you are, right?" She asked me first.


"Are you an adventurer?"


"What village?"


She sighed at this, and looked at me almost showing pity. "That's the weakest village in Valukia. What rank?"


"B in the weakest village. That's just weak..."


"I am the Princess of Hayat. S Rank at that."

Oh? She did look like a royalty. But what's with this amount of boasting.

"And nobody would be coming to look for you?"

"Oh, no. Only a handful few knows of my existence."

"How strong are these elves, did you as a S rank stand a chance?"

My question shut her up. Struggling to find an answer, almost irritated she responded with a late reply, "Don't you know who these elves are!? I am not supposed to win against them."

"I don't, actually. Who are they?"

That shocked her. I was already used to people getting shocked at my responses by that time. Nothing could be done about it.

"Seriously! Do you live in a cave!?"

I remained silent which provoked her.

"Fine, listen to me. They are the strongest bandit group in all of Valukia's Deadland. And the one who captured me, was previously a famous SSS ranked Adventurer! Only seven of them exists in this country. The bounty on his head is nearly million coins!"

Oh? That sounded like alot.

"Why did he end up being a bandit? That's quiet the downfall."

"Only he can answer that. I do want to ask him."

"He said he will come back at night tonight." I informed her.

"Uhh really!? Gosh I need to prepare."

She was quiet the unusual girl being not concerned a bit about how she was about to end up getting sold as a slave. Although, as long as I am with her, I decided to muster all the information I still don't know about from her. 

She was there, blushing cutely. I looked away. It reminded me of the time with Aisy. If I had to say, I would say Aisy is still cuter but... Wait no. What am I doing.

Forget this, I, Silver vi Mria have no time to think about girls!

"Flamey, how powerful is a S rank adventurer really?" I tried to turn the subject.

"I can... Uh. Burn a whole mountain within a hour."

"Oh impressive. All that and you are only a teenger." that was weird since I hardly ever talk and there was I trying to trigger up a conversation.


That angered her though.

"I am 23. Get those stereotypes out!"

That was ridiculous. No way that short silly girl was twenty three. I felt so awkward after that and refused to continue the conversation. After almost another few minutes passed, and I found the other elf, literally dozing off inside the bar with my Crystal Eyes, I suggested,

"We should go to that elf already. I am getting bored."

"His name is Elfiano Vitrus. Don't you know him too?"

"Yes we should now go to the elf named Elfiano, come on."

I headed to the bar and she followed. She was stupidly looking around with a curious look that hinted me she isn't really accustomed to the outer world. With a "Not again, come on." face. Leaving the room behind we came out and again faced the rude sceneries of this slave market. 

Going to the bar we discovered this Elfiano dozing off, drunk and dying. Seeing us many snickered and stared with quiet the evil look. I went ahead and hit his head. Yes, hit.

"You... Stypid brayyyts!!"

He was more than drunk. I was not going to take of this. I stepped a little far aside from him as he with his drunk look peered with clear confusion. Flamey too, seeing me going into a corner, looked with a questioning face. I gave her a signal to come to me and that she did. 

The bar was loud, shouting, ugly, and what I hate... unsymmetrical. I wouldn't let my beautiful eyes stand this anymore.

"Hey Silver what just happened to your ey-"

She stopped there not ending her sentence. While I grinned, slightly confident of my safe position.