
The Slaves of Hushvil - ।।


It caused a major explosion and Elfiano flew up to the opposite side of the bar. The whole bar was then left half gone. People immediately evacuated out of the bar in fear as they had no idea how all this happened.

This blast however, seemed to take Elfiano out of his drunk state. And his dress was well... entirely torn apart, so he quickly moved to cover himself with a towel. So embarrassing.

What I was surprised more for is how he could still move so casually as though my eyes were practically ineffective but no! From what I have caused, there is no turning back.

Did they really expect me to silently obey them as they pass me off as a slave!? If I couldn't escape that simply because of this spell, I will remove the spell bearer out of his damn existence! Cruel? No. I was justifying my act.

This Elfiano was first off, a slave trader who kidnapped people and ruined hundreds of lives. Apparently also among the strongest bandits of this country and finally, a pervert. How do I know? I still have my Lie Detection on, there was just no reason to turn it off.

When Flamey woke up and he told her to obey him so she won't be harassed, a red glow surrounded him. He lied!

Unlike Flamey who even though I was a stranger, told me all truths. Quiet naive of her, I say. But again, was that really enough to motivate me to just kill him off?

'Self-defence, no, he will be hindering my path to save the world. I am only saving the world,' I argued myself yet again.

A merciful Hero can't win.

"It was you... Weren't you!?" Elfiano said groaning in pain. His body got bruised in several places from my attack. It did effect him to my surprise.

"What are you saying? Rather we should flee, I have not the slightest idea as to who is attacking us like that. Come on!" I tried to act innocent just as I only looked at him and repeated, "Devaste,"

I was practically mocking him at that point. He again flew above the ground and hit a rock far away, out of the bar this time.

The bar owner quickly then entered the bar only to regret his absence in the event. Perhaps with the commotion outside he knew it already. No wonder, this would also become a news tomorrow.

"Oh my God.... WHO THE HELL DID THIS!?" he screamed a loud scream while I faced Flamey and Sayree, "I will escape. I don't have much time. Can you two keep up with me?"

"You did all this!?" Flamey responded in a clear shock.

I quietly frankly lacked the time to answer her. Not to arise suspicion I moved out of the bar in manner of escaping the disastrous invisible mage's attack. As I appeared outside, the two followed and Flamey asked again, "How are you expecting to escape?"

That irritated me. She wasn't understanding how important the value of each second was to me at the moment. Elfiano already suspects that I did this. If I somehow, do *not* kill him. That's the end. And even if I managed to kill him, I would still be the top suspect as the attacker elf mentioned before, they believe I know bombing magics which is quiet similar to what happened here.

My plan was simply to kill Elfiano and escape right away. I didn't know where, how or even why. 'But I am a Hero. I have to raise the stakes.' I thought entirely pushing out my easy going character. Why? I realized that was the only thing holding me back right then. Also, that my fear of the future overwhelmed my fear of present.

"Immediately head to the stable under that weird tree there. Stay at the stable until I give a signal. And if I die, that's the end. Don't bother,"

Okay, she was a S rank but if she really didn't stand a chance against Elfiano and the attacker elf back then, she was a burden. As if I had a chance? I don't know why... But I was still confident perhaps because my Crystal Eyes seemed to have effect on him?

I ran to the opposite end of the bar while she hesitated only a few moments after sharing a confused look and at last followed my commandment and moved to the stable as her destination. Although, I am going to say this, I, myself was the top priority. If she couldn't escape, I wouldn't grieve.

As I ran I again started my spell as I found him near to standing up on his feet again.

"Devaste, Devaste!"

I was expecting to catch a crystal in his body but to my bad luck that wouldn't happen. Two more blasts again layed him. This time, almost as if irritated he got back on his feet.

People started to gather around and watch trying to perceive what the hell was happening right there. Elfiano, even.

I didn't recognise who as I had to keep my eyes fixated on him, but somebody shouted,

"Bring Aveiro!! The invader is invisible. Everybody stay aside. We can't fight this enemy. Enemy, please retreat and we will lower your punishment."

I mixed in the crowds and to his defiance I added another Devaste.

This time he fell in a muddy hole. Not a deep whole, as his leg was even sticking out of it.

The somebody, in fear, looked around, "Is there nobody!? Go! Call Aveiro. The situation is horrifying."

Another person from among the crowd suddenly shouted, "Roger!"

One interesting thing I noticed there was how Elfiano was the only elf in the show. Aside from the slave market and the two bandits, I didn't really notice any elf yet.

I kept on with my Devastes. Silently uttering them one by one, he was only going deeper and deeper within the muddy hole, now a considerably great hole. After all this time, his body still didn't catch a little crystal. I frowned, as I watched him suffer down the ground with my Crystal Eyes.

He really couldn't fight back against my Crystal Eyes. It was a massive plus. Who knew when this Aveiro guy might step in though, and who knew if he would be able to find me or not. I decided not to care but after around a seven more Devastes, I decided this was my time to put up an act.

I went up, trying to sound sad, I knew how all of this was highly unlike me. But I was seriously in a life and death situation if I couldn't pull this off rightly. In fact, I was being forced by the situation, I say.

"My Master!" I ran to the hole with only one intention. As he stopped moving, I decided to use rough light on him, and thus ending the case.

Some people called me a fool from their places and tried to stop me. But I didn't listen to them. I came near to the hole and kneeled down to get a direct view of him. Nobody opposed me with that as they thought I am only a slave of him grieving over this invasion on him.

I saw he was bleeding, uncontrollably. I sighed, almost feeling bad for him. But I am selfish, sorry.

"Rogue Light," I uttered. Wondering if its right for me to be this brutal.

My hearts began to ache, as I was there. I was about to kill a person, perhaps not a human but, an elf isn't big of a difference.

"My Master!" I again let out a scream just as I followed it up with a silent, "Sorry, Elfiano."

It began, I looked at his skull and it began to burn out. He screamed, asserting he was still conscious.

"AhhHHH?!!!!?!!" he screamed out of the pain, groaning and moving yet again. After at most three seconds, when his skin was already penetrated, he talked with his final bit of energy left, "YOU! SILVER AREN'T YO- I WILL RELEASE YOU, DON' KILL ME."

Please... He was making me feel bad. So bad...

I apologised again. In fact, this was my most sincere apology in my entire life.

"Devaste," I said. "Oh my master... What lowered you?" I uttered the latter sentence loudly for the crowd to listen.

My eyes began to hurt, I needed to close them and as to turn on camera I couldn't afford the mana it would take out of me. The mana orb? I left it and all my other items back at the caravan.

Then, his body finally stopped. My eyes penetrated all through his skull and he was dead, I was sure.

And that was a bold assumption, of course. Just so you saw something doesn't mean you are really seeing it.

I stood up without the slightest feeling of joy.

The feeling of my first murder... Unique, in a word. I was sad. It felt as if it broke down a barrier in my heart. My eyes barred up one tiny bit of tear too but I couldn't let that come out.

The crowd still there, stepping far aside as to not get inflicted by the 'invisible enemy,'.

As I was about to turn back but suddenly I felt an aura emitting from the hole. I looked at the hole I created again to understand what happened.

"Oh my..."

The hole was emitting black smokes. Too much of them, in fact a ridiculous much of them. He wasn't dead yet, I thought. The crowd looked to be as shocked as I was. Somebody commented even, "See! As if they could kill the mighty Elfiano."

For one last time, I peered down the hole to see what happened. And then what I saw there.... Nearly dropped my jaws.

Elfiano Vitrus. With his corpse, had simply vanished.

"I have to tell this to him! He can save him only!" said I, loudly enough for the crowd to listen. I couldn't afford to let them understand what happened to Elfiano yet.

Who was this he I mentioned? I don't know. I just needed an excuse to start my sprint. As the people looked at me running and luckily nobody stopped me for any interrogation, I was on my way, to the stable. 

Things went too smooth. That wasn't supposed to happen. I sighed, still disappointed on myself. Elfiano had escaped.

"I am so pathetically weak..." 

I was on my way, running yet to meet up with Flamey. I could see her from here, as she were leaning on the tree. Some people even tried to pick on her as I was running. Almost as if, being an elf is so... I don't know... that even some of the people looked surprised to see her. Or maybe it was because nobody saw her Master? Whatever.

The point was, we can't escape now. Because Elfiano wasn't dead and like a stupid narrow minded dumb idiot I only put fuel in the fire. It could also happen that Hushvil hunged a bounty poster on my name tomorrow. Or maybe the attacker elf will again appear out of nowhere and take revenge.

Not to mention, I couldn't even see Elfiano's power yet, except of course, he could get invisible like the attacker elf.

However, I learnt something too. Whatever seal Elfiano supposedly put on me, that can't really harm me until I according to him, leave a hundred meter radius. That said, it was very much plausible that he was following me at the moment.

How utterly naive I was! I really thought I could just defeat such a almost legendary bandit of this country.

My arrogance paid again. I let out a long sigh, still running as fast as I could until I looked up front and discovered Flamey within a few meter distance.

"What the hell.. My speed..."